Ups and Downs for the Day

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Up - I've been quite busy this past week, so my up was having enough time today to read a huge chunk of my book. :D

Down - Sliced my finger with a knife when I was cutting some bread for breakfast. I didn't even notice until I saw all the blood. :(
Up: My dad is leaving for 2 hrs today so he won't be bothering me about math.

Down: I still have a BILLION pounds of homework to do.
Another Up: We beated Canada 5-0 in Ice Hockey World Championships' Bronzegame :D Quite good, even losing to Czech yesterday was bit sad.
Congrats Finland to winning in Ice Hockey :D Baba's gonna be pleased... :p

Another couple of UPs for today: Making progress on tidying my room (Casp, wherever you are, I'm not crazy for liking cleaning, am I?). Also, the sun is now shining! Whoo! :D
carlz31 said:
Up: I posted here a few weeks ago that one of my brothers friends was hit by a car and was unconcious in hospital. Well, now he's out of his coma, and talking and laughing about things, and he's definately getting a lot better :)
Glad to hear that!

Up: Cleaning the house wasn't so hard.

Down: Can't remember any thing...
Up: I just got to eat a bunch of free food.

Down: My roomates and I are in this huge fight and no ones speaking to anyone. I'm mad cause they made me sleep outside on Thursday, My one roommates mad because I broke her favorite cup and my other roommates mad for the sake of being mad.
Down: Was just about to fall asleep and was awakened by the fire alarm, which happens to be 200 times louder than any fire alarm I've ever heard in my life!! and to make it worse, each apartment has it's own speaker system blaring the alarm. All because some stupid kids lit a firework in the stairwell :mad:

Up: well...none yet, seeing as it's only 3:30 in the morning.
Up: I love the riverside.. *woots* and those cute little duckies always run up to me.. aww makes me feel wanted.. although I never have anything to feed them..

Down: I still haven't started on preparing my presentation for tomorrow.
Up - Deciding to eat a very healthy lunch this morning and sticking to my decision! Which is a first for me, I've had a lot of fruit today. :D

Down - Had to park in the car park today for work (normally I park outside work, but someone snatched my space :mad:), and I got soaked walking from the car park to work. :(
Happy birthday, Keich.

Up: It's an absolutely glorious gorgeous day and I spent the morning in a hammock. :cool:

Down: I'm at work and it's an absolutely glorious gorgeous day outside and I doubt I can convince any of my group classes that they really really want to go jogging.

Also found out about 1200 people in the town where I live will be losing their jobs.
:D HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEICH :D *party poppers* :lol: hope you had/are having a nice day :)

UP: um... can't think of one.
- not getting even a minutes sleep last night
- getting stung on the foot by a nettle
- none of my friends were in school - I was a complete loner
- and so many other things have gone wrong today!
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