Ups and Downs for the Day

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Oh so we're all related my dear TalkCSI friends :lol: :lol:

Up: Had a lazy day today just watching tv, playing with my guinea pig, playing games, doing nothing...

Down: Been too lazy and now I feel guilty.
As the song goes, We ARE fa-mi-ly...
I wrote, read, listened to music, and went on the computer so far today. How many other pointless activities can I fit in today? :p
Oh! Here's an up ( I think ) for yesterday:
The boy I have a crush on was looking RIGHT AT ME in class *giggles+blush* :D
UP: finally quit raining, so I can mow my yard :)
DOWN: stupid lawn mower won't stay running, so I can't finish my yard, :mad: got the front done at least. :lol:
Up: Today I made a new friend at work! I was annoying my friend and wouldn't stop saying random things about CSI and then a new employee came up and started talking to me about the show and so now were friends.

Down: My friend's trying way to hard to impress me and be like me, but it's just making me unimpressed.
Up: I actually think my MA thesis is sooooo good :D Good arguments, nice formal language etc.. yay I'm feeling goooood!

Down: ^OOOOOOPS I apparently forgot to watch the Eurovision Song Contest.. was that last night?? :eek:
Up: I posted here a few weeks ago that one of my brothers friends was hit by a car and was unconcious in hospital. Well, now he's out of his coma, and talking and laughing about things, and he's definately getting a lot better :)
Up: We are having a huge party because of my dads 60 bday
Down: Sleeping problems are acting up again
Up: I'm not the oldest Dutch one around here :lol: Srry, Nat :lol:

Down: I have a presentation on Tuesday, but I only found out now that I don't have the whole article.. whooopss.. I'm calling for 'improvisation'..
carlz31 said:
Up: I posted here a few weeks ago that one of my brothers friends was hit by a car and was unconcious in hospital. Well, now he's out of his coma, and talking and laughing about things, and he's definately getting a lot better :)

I remember you saying about that. Really glad he is okay and on the mend - sounds like he is making a good recovery :)

Up: It's Sunday, I have no exams to study for anymore, haven't got to go to work either, so I can now do as I please :D

Down: It poured with rain when me and Grandad went out this morning.
UP: I would have to say Finland winning the Eurovision too :D As soon as I'd watched the performance I just said to my family "they're gonna win!" but they didn't believe me. So next year the Eurovision will be a lot more rock than pop - sounds brilliant to me :D :D :D

Another UP: I went to bed at about 2:30am this morning but didn't get up until about half an hour ago - 1pm :) That makes up for all the lost sleep over the week

DOWN: I can't think of one at the moment, bet I'll have one by the end of the day though...
Up, got a lot of work done today, am asked to help with the technical side of a performace of Mozart's the Zauberfleute

Down, my server is down, headache is killing me...
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