The Soundbox--Speculations and Whatnots

^ You know, that immediately brings to mind Mac's comment to Stella that she's the strongest person he knows. Perhaps that was a comment to show how much he'd relied on her strength himself over the years.
^^Yeah, Stella maybe acted as Mac's rock when Claire died. Obviously, she knew Mac before 9/11 (refer to the baseball episode) and they have this understanding that you can fee through the screen and on how they talk to each other.
I think it was Melina who mentioned the 10-year thing. I'd have to check my S1 dvds though (think it's on the last one with the special features in her interview). But I'm pretty sure there's also an MK interview out there where she says the same thing.

Also in Blood, Sweat and Tears, I remember Stella sitting on Mac's chair and looking at something in his 'puter. I think that's also proof undeniable that they've known each other for quite awhile. I've never seen anybody else who has seated her/himself in Mac's chair. Or maybe I'm overreacting :lol:
*sniff* My DVDs only have the episodes on them. *boo-hoo*

Anyway, they seem to be comfortable with each other. It's different when Mac's with Danny or Sheldon or Lindsey. He's sorta holding back. But with Stella, he relaxes and lets go.
I watched the special features on the S1 DVDs last night, and Melina did indeed say that Stella has known Mac for 10 years (or would it be 11 since it's the end of S2? :p). ;)
Oh, definitely. I don't think many members of his staff could get away with talking to him how Stella did in Officer Blue, when she came into his office with the gun... :lol: Mac pretty much took her tirade in stride, can't imagine him being that laid back if Danny had waltzed in and said the same thing.
Adding to what Faylinn posted, here's what Melina said:

"Because of what had happened to his wife, the one person who could get at him is Stella. She's been around, she's worked with him for 10 years, she knows who he is. She can get away with a lot of stuff that other people can't."

I noticed in BST and Til Death... that Mac actually checked in with the others regarding their own, separate cases. Did he do a lot of that in S2? Can't remember.
MBGrissom said:
Oh, definitely. I don't think many members of his staff could get away with talking to him how Stella did in Officer Blue, when she came into his office with the gun... :lol: Mac pretty much took her tirade in stride, can't imagine him being that laid back if Danny had waltzed in and said the same thing.

Mac would've pulled his revolver out on Danny! Hahahahahah.... after all, Danny (actually, Carmine) was in Black Hawk Down with his own machine gun lol
Okay, I know this is a question straight out of the blue and totally not related to our speculations with Mac. But since we started out on Flack, anyways, I might as well put it out: Does the police force (in this case, the NYPD) promote officers who have been injured in the line of duty? I don't know how it'll work. :confused:

Okay, back to my cave! :D
Okay, I know this is a question straight out of the blue and totally not related to our speculations with Mac. But since we started out on Flack, anyways, I might as well put it out
Heh. I didn't know we were being organized. :lol:

But that's a very interesting question...I was trying to look for some information on google, and I found where the NYPD awarded medals to various officers who were injured/killed in the line of duty, but I couldn't find any descriptions of the different types.

Here's a link to an article posted about the 2006 Medal Day ceremony. :)

This leads to some more interesting questions about Flack--how would he respond to being given a medal like that? Would he tuck it away in a closet somewhere and try not to think about it? I wonder what his father would think? Personally, I can see Flack looking at the injuries he sustained as the risks of the job and not wanting to be honored for being blown up in the building--do you know what I mean?

But that brings me to another question--would Mac's life-saving measures receive some sort of honor as well? I can't see Mac wanting a medal or anything either. He'd think he was just doing his duty. But if he did get some sort of medal, I could see him displaying it in his office alongside his Marine things (doesn't he have medals and what-not hanging in his office?). That makes me wonder how Flack would feel every time he saw the medal hanging there and remembered why Mac received it.

With this line of thought, it's pretty obvious that, if either of them received medals, then Flack would definitely find out exactly what happened in that building, one way or another.

Thoughts? :)
^ *de-lurks* you made an avvie out of it?!?!?! craaazy woman! aaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAH *runs aways*

i'm with you on the medal thing, though. i don't think mac did anything just to be decorated. i think if anything, he did it because he likes feeling like he's protecting someone and making the world a better place. "i put men in the ground on foreign soil just so punks like you can sleep at night." i think he feels like it's his duty to fight and save people. he might have a minor hero complex. the fact that he was in the marines says a lot to me about him NEEDING to save flack.

From page 2, because I was away for ages:

Danny's at least 30 as Lindsay refered in jest to his 30th birthday party in the episode Bad Beat.

I think she was just referring in jest in general to him being 30; I don't think he really is that age. At least, that's how I read the situation. The snarky dynamic between Danny and Lindsay is great (the only thing I really like about them), and they're always baiting each other.
^Er... yeah. As supposed to DnA -- bickering to the max. <== which I love. Aiden's the only person who can shut Danny up with a stare.