Yeah, we have a lot on Mac in particular, then Danny, Stella, and a few crumbs on Flack, Hawkes, Sid, then quite a bit on Lindsay. Does anyone want to start a thread where we compile it all? I'll contribute, but I'm kinda chickeny when it comes to starting threads.
I'd definately like to hear more about Stella's background or lack thereof.It's obviously whats made her the strong and determined woman she is.Does her growing up in an orphanage mean both her parents passed away?I'd be really curious to know if she tried to track down a relative or find out more about her past,or if she just decided to continue making her own life for herself.I wish they'd gone with that in season2 instead of the Frankie storyline(sheesh has the poor girl ever had a positive,stable source of love?!?)but maybe it was too soon or the writers are saving it up as a future storline.What would you think about her past comin a knockin-interesting or too cliche?
I think we should start a collection of information on one character at first, then move on to others. It would be too confusing if we did it all at once. Or we could do it like this.
And so on and so on. I also think that if there are spoilers coming up that pertain to a character's past or backstory then we should include those but also with a disclaimer, because I know that some people on here haven't seen S2 yet or the start of S3.