The Secrets Thread

^^Ah! That sounds like me with anything squishy. When I go out I'll be like "it looks squishy, I will squish it, until it can no longer be squished" I do it quite often with ear plugs actually :lol:

I am still so immature that I still love to sound really interested when someone comes to the door trying to sell me stuff, then slam the door. Same with people trying to sell me things off the phone :lol:

Oh, and I pretend that something doesn't bother me, like something that someone says to me, then I'll go home and cry about it. Like one time this guy told me (this was such a long time ago) that he pantsed this girl, and I would've really liked it. I replyed with a bunch of swear words and acted like it didn't hurt me, then went home and cried really hard because it made me feel extremly sad and bad about myself.
i like to play with the toys that make noise, i'll be walkin by it, and all of a sudden i press the buttons or whatever, and my moms always yell at me for it, telling me i'm not 12 anymore, i think i do it more to make her mad then anything else. ha/
AshleyWillows said:
i don't like when I end up hanging out with people I don't really know, because I don't know what to say, or what they do when they hang out.

Same here makes you feel so awkward

i have this weird OCD type thing that whenever i go near the bathroom or into it i have to clean my ears :lol: God im weird
i also have a huge crush on my teacher. i know i know weird and cliche but there ya go!
i have this weird OCD type thing that whenever i go near the bathroom or into it i have to clean my ears
Never heard that one before, lol. Well at least you have clean ears, eh? :)
i also have a huge crush on my teacher
I think everyone has had one at some point, I know I have, at least it motivates you to go to lessons. :p
I'm quite afraid of needles...if I have to get a shot at least two people have to hold me down....still don't know how they got the IV into me when I had to have surgery...

I'm allergice to wool and pine trees, which is indeed very odd.

And thanks to genetics I don't have a toe nail on either of my pinkie toes. Makes summer a bit unbearable at time when people start to state or ask questions....
Okay this might sound so stupid but it's something that I've never told anyone: I told a guy that I barley knew (we weren't really friends, knew eachother, but weren't really friends) every single extremly embarrasing secret of mine, and really sad ones. And now I worry that he might just open his big mouth and tell someone one day.

Oh, this is so gross but: When I eat salad with a vinager type dressing (or one that isn't very thick) and there's some left at the bottom, I actually drink it :lol: I do not know why, but for some reason I always do.
this might sound really and truly weird but i actually like needles. i like having my blood drawn and getting shots. it doesn't bother me, it never has. blood fascinates me, especially my own. it doesn't hurt, theres just that pressure there and i think it feels cool.

same thing with piercings, i get a rush from that too. i have a very high threshhold for pain so it takes more than a needle to make me squirm. when i got my nose pierced i almost wanted to have them take it out and do it again. when they shoved the needle through it felt really weird, but a good weird. the day i got my nose done i was all smiles but my best friend got his ear pierced and he actually cried. oh well, everyones different. i couldn't let him live that one down though lol.
CatherineWillows said:
Oh, this is so gross but: When I eat salad with a vinager type dressing (or one that isn't very thick) and there's some left at the bottom, I actually drink it :lol: I do not know why, but for some reason I always do.

The smell of vinegar make me puke. Last month a few friends of mine and me were in a italian restaurant, and when one of the waitress passed by with a very smelly salad, I started running to the bathrom to vomit. In the way I even hit another waitress who broke a wine bottle and a few glasses. :eek: :eek:

And I'm afraid of neddles, but I'm also a blood donator. My friends keep telling me I'm very weird.
I am afraid of needles but I too am a blood donor.. So I guess that doesn´t make sense. I never look when they stick the needle in but once they are withdrawing the blood, I am looking. But when the needle is pulled out, I looked away.

Another secret is that I talk (or yell) at my tv whenever something exiting, sad or annoying happens..
SaraSidle_girl said:
Another secret is that I talk (or yell) at my tv whenever something exiting, sad or annoying happens..

OH MY GOSH! :lol: I do the same thing, like with the CSI:NY finale, My mom was getting very ticked off.

Okay here's a gross secret, I was doing my hair this morning, and I went to put it up and there was this really disgusting bump at the bottom of my hairline, I think it's a zit but it's really gross.

I like taking showers in the dark with the window open and the radio blasted, It's really weird. Like especially in the winter, it tends to make me sick.
I didn't have an issue with either of the holes in my ears...guess it's just when I see it. Aww the poor guy, altho I can't believe he cried. o_O
I don't mind piercing needles. I don't like shots though, like I'm getting the Guardasil (sp?) shot for HPV prevention and every couple months I dread going to the doctor.

I read Chicken Soup books every night and own a majority of them :lol:
I wish that I could dance and sing like black people do. I'm not being racist here. I just LOVE the way they have so much soul and attitude in how they move, sing, act...everything.
CSIdoglover54 said:
I wish that I could dance and sing like black people do. I'm not being racist here. I just LOVE the way they have so much soul and attitude in how they move, sing, act...everything.

you're damn right,i wish i could do the same
I accidently popped the tires on my brothers bike cause i rode it over glass (Yes people i finally learned how to ride a bike at the age of 19.)

I always sing when im home alone. Like sometimes its songs i hate but i always sing.