The Secrets Thread

Some secrets about me?

If I can't do anything, try repeatedly, and still can't, I eventually end up getting so frustrated I break down, cry a river and won't talk to anyone.

And I also blame everything "wrong" with me on people I don't feel I really can't blame for it anymore since I should have gotten over it, but I'm never getting over anything, which just frustrates me even more.

I love pokémon. Thought that's not a secret, my obsession for pokémon figurines sorta is. I've got five of them sitting on my computer monitor, and they're all looking at me cutely.

I only started going to boards to escape reality. Now I go to them to make new friends. :)
Distraction said:
Some secrets about me?

If I can't do anything, try repeatedly, and still can't, I eventually end up getting so frustrated I break down, cry a river and won't talk to anyone.

That sounds exactley like me. I've been trying to write my biology coursework for 3 weeks now and today I just got so frustrated about it I went to see my teacher and just broke down in tears. God it was embarrassing. but she was nice about it though.

Another secret- My boyfriend doesn't think I know that he's been cheating on me with another girl for 4 months, and I haven't said anything because I love him. He's bad for me but I can't let him go :(
CalleighD said:
That sounds exactley like me. I've been trying to write my biology coursework for 3 weeks now and today I just got so frustrated about it I went to see my teacher and just broke down in tears. God it was embarrassing. but she was nice about it though.

Another secret- My boyfriend doesn't think I know that he's been cheating on me with another girl for 4 months, and I haven't said anything because I love him. He's bad for me but I can't let him go :(

I've done that as well, it was awful. Both my mum and my teacher were there, so I couldn't escape from the fact when I got home either. I'm glad my teacher didn't say anything about it later, though - he was nice about it as well. I'm glad teachers are more understanding than they first seem, at least some of them.

And just for the record, I think you should let him go or at least confront him about it. It must be really scary and awful and horrible, but if you stay with him - you just said he's bad for you yourself - you just end up getting hurt. D: I hope it gets better for you. <3
That's the thing, I hate conflict, I'd rather avoid it altogether. I know if I bring it up there'll be an argument and I'm not sure I can handle it. I guess I'm a pretty weak person and I cling onto him because he's stronger than I am. And when he's nice he really nice, but right now he's being an idiot :(
Maybe I'll try and do something about it before the new year. but then again i'm really bad at keeping resolutions.

I also tell people stuff way too easily haha, here I am airing my dirty laundry on a messageboard :S
Okaaay..My secrets..

Not really major buut.

I am completely freaked by Balloons, I was in the shopping centre once and there was a balloon stall in the middle of the floor, I had to walk out of the shopping centre and around to get to the other side. I have no idea why I hate them so much, when I was little I loved them :lol:
I told my mum I'd paid my credit card bill and I haven't b/c I didn't have the money at the time. now the banks shut for Xmas and the payments gonna be 5 days late :(. So now I have to pay off the intrest as well :eek:
I'd rather talk to people I've only met online about my problems than with people in real life. I think it's easier to talk on the net when you're not face to face with the person. Anyone with me on that one?
While it's maybe not a secret, it's a fact that's true. I keep things from my real life friends and tell my netfriends about it instead.
^ I know the feeling, I do that too. I think that it's because you think that your net friends have no idea who you are so they can't tell others about the problems that you have...Until a friend pranks you, then it sucks.
^^^ I agree thrice (is that a word?)
I mean I do talk to my friends about stuff it's just sometimes easier to not actually see someones face when you tell them something you know?
^^^^ I completely agree. I am a very introverted person, i don't like sharing much but most of what i do share is to people i barely know. The thing is those people don't judge you like people you know will. I tend to keep alot of stuff to myself but at times when i tell my friends things its like they don't really understand so its easier this way if that makes sense??