The Secrets Thread

Well, I used to steal, quite a bit. In one night me and 5 friends stole over $2000 worth of stuff. Than my mom found out and I was thrown into therapy for kleptomania! But I no longer steal, I'm super excited. (I haven't told anyone outside of my family and close friends.)

I, too, love school suplies. I love the first few days of school.

One time, a boyfriend cheated on me, with an aquaintance, I mean I wasn't surprised but I went out with my best friends and egged his house. Another time I just egged this girl I hates house because I could.
HarmonyMe said:
xanessa said:
Another secret about me is that I like to pretend to be somebody else. I know who I am and it is not that I just hate myself, I just sometimes like to be someone else. I know, I have my own little make believe world. :D
I'm with ya. I'm 34 and still have my own make believe world. I believe it helps me keep a healthy level of sanity in our hectic world. That and writing in journals (I've done that since I was 6) helps.

This sounds familair. I sometimes still run and hide into my own little fantasy world. It involves CSI usually. I like it there. Its safe and sound and no one can get to me.
You know guys, when you think about it, life is pretty boring. My make believe life involves anybody I look up to or have a crush on, you know. I even make up my own people sometimes. And it really does get me through the day. It's were I can escape when everything is going wrong, too. :)
Looking around the last few posts it seems to me many people have their little make believe world. And I kept thinking I was the only one. I'm 22 and I still make things up.
Isn't that crazy how many people do? :eek: I do too. As xanessa said, it gets me through the day, I don't really talk to people, so my little Eggy world is always perfect. :rolleyes:
I'm always living in my own world. I love to tell stories, so I'm constantly making things up. When I walk down the hallways in school or down the street or sit on a bus, I like to pick out the people and kind of imagine what they are doing and where they are going and what their families are like. I also like to pick out people that look like people that I know. The other day I met a cashier who looked like Eric Szmanda, so I added him to my little collection of people who look like other people. I know it's a little odd, but it keeps me entertained through most of the day!
I always like think of what I would be like if I could be more outgoing, thinner, prettier or more fun. I also like pretend to date someone I really have a crush on or pretend to tell people everything, like things I would never tell anyone.
AshleyWillows said:
I always like think of what I would be like if I could be more outgoing, thinner, prettier or more fun. I also like pretend to date someone I really have a crush on or pretend to tell people everything, like things I would never tell anyone.

I always do that. I don't know why, all I know is that it is one of the only things keeping me sane.
I have a lot of secrets. First of all, I prefer writing with gel pens rather than pencils, which no one knows because I always write with pencil at school.
-I secretly love Coldplay. The lead singer is so hot!
-I want to be a writer or photographer (the only reason I haven't told anyone that is because my sister does those things, and I don't want to be seen as a copycat.)
-I'm not totally sure if I love my boyfriend anymore. :(
-I wish I could put a strip of duct tape over my new classmate's mouth! He's so annoying.
-I hate my best friend's lovey-dovey relationship with her bf. It is getting on my last nerve.

I think that's all for now. :lol:
Continuing on with the 'own little fantasy world' thing. I have tons of those. Most of mine involve Star Trek or CSI.

I love CSI but I haven't been this obsessed with it...well ever. It's like out of nowhere I love it and can't get enough. So consequently I don't know all the little details like you guys do like who said what in what episode etc. and I feel kinda dumb or like an intruder. I can name off Star Trek episodes for whatever it's worth.

I'm working on the CSI thing though. I'm watching re-runs to pay more attention to things and I am going to try and print off a list of the episodes at some time.

*cowers in corner*
AshleyWillows said:
I always like think of what I would be like if I could be more outgoing, thinner, prettier or more fun. I also like pretend to date someone I really have a crush on or pretend to tell people everything, like things I would never tell anyone.

I soo recognise that. In my mind I am always going over the "what if's." What if I was prettier or thinner. Than everything would be good. And I pretend to be loved by the people I want to love me and stuff.

*Sneaks through the backdoor, into my own little world*
Wow, I have gotten more sane coming in here, I thought I was borderline mental with my little fantasy world, but like people say, it gets you through the day, I would most likely be somewhat depressed w/o it.

Ok my secret, I like the sound of Ice machines in the hotels. Every time I got to a hotel i HAVE to go down(barefoot, because the hotel carpet is sooo soft and comfy) and get ice every night, and listen to the hum on the ice machine, its very comforting:lol:.This is somthing I remember doing when I was 4 years old, so it kinda has sentimental value to me.
And now I have thoroughly freaked everyone out.
I think I scared my roommates on my 8th grade Washington trip when i insisted we had to get ice.
Finally gathered enough courage to post here…

I’m introvert. I keep everything to myself, because I have this idiotic believe, that if I let people know the true me, they would turn away from me, think that I’m a freak. I think it all began, when I started going to school. I was really traumatized by my first grade teacher. I’m left-handed. My first grade teacher thought it was not normal, so I was forced to write with my right hand. She even used to wrap a scarf around my left hand and tie it to my body, so I wouldn’t use my left hand when writing. I was six, and I was so scared… and my parents went along with this, I felt betrayed by the closest persons. I never really told anyone, how much that affected the rest of my life.
Because of that I find it hard to trust other people, even my family. I had a lot of problems in my school years and later in life, and I never admitted to those to anyone, afraid I’ll be misunderstood and betrayed again. I tried to deal with problems on my own, and not very successfully I admit.

I keep my mouth shut most of the time afraid I’ll say something stupid and people will laugh at me, and when I do say something I think over every word I’m gonna say very carefully. I’m really afraid of making errors.
Wow, I've never seen that. What's wrong with left-hand writing? That is completely normal!

I'm afraid of making errors too. I barely talk at all. I think that's why I love writing.
ametista said:
Finally gathered enough courage to post here…

I’m introvert. I keep everything to myself, because I have this idiotic believe, that if I let people know the true me, they would turn away from me, think that I’m a freak. I think it all began, when I started going to school. I was really traumatized by my first grade teacher. I’m left-handed. My first grade teacher thought it was not normal, so I was forced to write with my right hand. She even used to wrap a scarf around my left hand and tie it to my body, so I wouldn’t use my left hand when writing. I was six, and I was so scared… and my parents went along with this, I felt betrayed by the closest persons. I never really told anyone, how much that affected the rest of my life.
Because of that I find it hard to trust other people, even my family. I had a lot of problems in my school years and later in life, and I never admitted to those to anyone, afraid I’ll be misunderstood and betrayed again. I tried to deal with problems on my own, and not very successfully I admit.

I keep my mouth shut most of the time afraid I’ll say something stupid and people will laugh at me, and when I do say something I think over every word I’m gonna say very carefully. I’m really afraid of making errors.

Somehow, we all are introvert, some of us more than another, but we are here not to judge anybody, just to know their opinions and share experiences, so don't be shy and share ;)

Here, when I was a child, there was that thing about left handeds not being righ. I saw some teachers tie the hands so people left handed couldn't write with the left and be forced to write with the right hand. My case is different, I write with both of them (ambidexter, I think is the term in english), and my teacher (I should be 5 at the time) yelled at me because i constantly changed the pencil from right to left and from left to right. Once I became scard of her, i stopped doing it, so she stopped yelling and telling me how stupid I was (that's one of the reason why I can't stand nuns :mad:). I'm glad things like that don't happen anymore. :)
I’m introvert. I keep everything to myself, because I have this idiotic believe, that if I let people know the true me, they would turn away from me, think that I’m a freak. I think it all began, when I started going to school. I was really traumatized by my first grade teacher. I’m left-handed. My first grade teacher thought it was not normal, so I was forced to write with my right hand. She even used to wrap a scarf around my left hand and tie it to my body, so I wouldn’t use my left hand when writing.

:eek: That is horrible!That is one messed up woman, I cant believe someone would do that just cuz they didnt like the hand they were wighting with! Us left-handed people need to ban together and take over the world!:lol: