The Secrets Thread

BlueCurl said:
it is funny to see that most people around here take their disorders just for who they are... It should be like that. Usually that means that you can live with it, have adjusted yourself to it so it doesn't make live in something negative!

Yeah, that is a very positive thing. :) To tell you the truth, I didn't know most of your disorders, how people act in them, all that stuff. Well, I read some of the things in the sites you indicated, but actually I can't imagine it well. Someone mentioned Aspergers (?) and I read a bit, it said there that people around interpretate their way of acting in the wrong way most of the times, but I just didn't understand how exactly those people act. I guess it's not the same for everybody, anyway.

And Lilly, it's so good that your birth mother cared enough to give you a place and a good family to live with. Yeah, though getting pregnant wasn't probably what should have happened to her, she was smart enough to understand you would be better with other people who could give you a better life, and well, now I am so glad you are here with us :)
'bout the mirror thing: the others. no I have not seen that. nor a lot of the x-files. I just dislike mirrors in the dark :lol:

I have a close friend how has Aspergers and he became more open to me as I got to know him! The thought at first that I had Aspergers but I knew that wasn't true...

I just had those heavily moodswings and it took everybody quit long to figure that out. When I got labbeled I was like. yeah d'oh! At first I hated to be labelled with bipolar. now.. I really don;t care and just use the label to the outside world when they ask what's goin on with me.. why I can act so different by time to time. I usually use the words heavily moodswings over bipolar because people tend to scare from a word like bipolar... Moodswings they do understand since they now what I mean because everybody has those just in e very very mild form and I don't. And I can't control those moodswings.

I remember having a very active ADD like period for just under 6 months. only 2 hours of sleep a day for so long and my mind kept going and going. I rlly hated that! It was for so long and I couldn't concentrate at all. friends started to leave and all. I drove them nuts. But times are diferent and I have more grown up friends now! :lol:
Most peoples fears are irrational
thats very true. if they were rational people wouldn't be trying to get over them. and cotton wool isn't such a weird thing to be scared of. anything can happen! its good to always be prepared. or at least thats what i tell my paranoid self. :lol: i happen to always be prepared if zombies suddenly attack. i have an escape plan and i never have less than half a tank of gas in my car in case i need to drive pretty far fast...because you just never know!

racing thoughts are probably the worst part of being bipolar for me. its like my mind won't stop, won't let me sleep, won't let me focus on one thing for more than a few moments. someone once asked me what it felt like and i told them it was like standing on the side of the autobahn and trying to read the liscense plate numbers.

i lost my gf of 3 years b/c of my moodswings. she didn't understand that i couldn't control it and told me she didn't want to, that she wasn't a doctor and it wasn't her problem. i blamed myself for a long time and then realized it was her loss. i'm a whole lot of fun when i'm manic :D lol
I don't know if these are actual secrets but I'm scared to death of clowns, I see the miniature doll in our neighbors window when the light is on.
I want to hold Eric Szmanda's hand, and I want a huge hug from Carmine Giovinazzo......... :lol:
ilh214 said:
i lost my gf of 3 years b/c of my moodswings. she didn't understand that i couldn't control it and told me she didn't want to, that she wasn't a doctor and it wasn't her problem. i blamed myself for a long time and then realized it was her loss. i'm a whole lot of fun when i'm manic :D lol

sorry to hear that! I've lost a boyfriend too bacuase of this. I was really badly upset about it and now more like. well if he didn't want to deal with who I am for real then I'll find someone one day that will.

Most people know me as happy. I've learned to control most of my depressive moods and deal with it in a positive way. I do get triggered fast when I am depressed.. So I usually don;t start to help othe rpeople at school and such because when they come back at me with another question I tend to explode a bit.

Me being manic... haha when I am not TO manic I tend to be a whole lot of fun for the people around me too. Tend to joke around a bit... When I am TO manic I tend to be real careful as much as possible since I drive 3 other people (age 10, 16 and 20) to Kung Fu 3 times a week and I rlly fel responsible over them so I learned myself to drive the excact limit when being manic and only drive to fast when I am just "normal". I tend to get a lil of a impulsive kinda girl ith not to many borders... But lately I am being more grownup like since I have developed a responsibility skill :lol:
I go through huge mood swings when I have not been dignosed for anything. People really can't stand it, because one minute I'll be furious and the next minute I'll be acting like nothing happened.

I hate people being in my room. Even if I know them, if they're in my room when I'm not it freaks me out. The reason why it freaks me out is because I'm scared that they'll kill me when I come back downstairs to my room.

I cannot be in a room without the door closed. I freak right out and have to close it. I can be looking at the ground or totally not paying attention to the door and when people walk in and don't close it without looking up I'll be like "can you close the door please?" freaks them out sometimes.
I suffer from moodswings too. I have never been really diagnosed. When I was 15, my shrink thought I was developing a Borderline Personality Disorder. That was 7 years ago. At some point, my latests shrink says I have some of the symptoms but not all. I don't mind. I like who I am today :)

Not many people know that because of my psychiatric history and being mentally unstable for a long time, I saw 5 different shrinks. The one I am seeing now is number 6 and she is the first one I actually like and who's helping me.
My family doesn't know about her. Like to keep it that way. My mom will start calling me crazy again. She don't have to. I already know I am not entirely normal. But that's me and that's who I am.
I'm claustrophobic, after getting locked in a toilet when I was around 12 or 13. I don't go into elevators if I don't have to, for example. It's not really something to be ashamed of, I guess, but I'm always afraid people are gonna laugh at me when they find out.
Sarahstar said: I'm claustrophobic, after getting locked in a toilet when I was around 12 or 13. I don't go into elevators if I don't have to, for example. It's not really something to be ashamed of, I guess, but I'm always afraid people are gonna laugh at me when they find out.

^^ I know how it is like, because my mother has it to. She cant even sit in a room with her back against the door. You must not think people will laugh about it because its serious thing. It doesnt matter how you get it, its hard to deal with. So I will not laugh about it, its good to say it to people. *huggles* ;)
^ Well, I don't have it that bad as your mother. I just don't really like being in small rooms, such as elevators. I read this article about a girl who got claustrophobic when there were a lot of people around her; I don't have that at all for example.

But still it sucks.
I cant sleep with my back to a mirror because i have a strange fear that something is in my mirror watching me, yes i am very paranoid.
I don't like elevators either. I'm not claustrophobic, though. I'm just scared it's going to get stuck. My best friend is the same way. We freak out about going on ones at old places. One time I took one by myself and it wasn't moving. I was on the verge of crying and freaking out but then I pressed the open door button and it opened. :p
im scared of escalatprs (thats probably spelt wrong) because i come to the top and freak out and think "what if my jeans get stuck and it ripps my foot/leg off!!" call me crazy but it freaks me out.
I don't like escalators either. I'm kind of like you I keep thinking my pants or shoes will get stuck and I can't get them out and then I am stuck there and probably have to take my pants off! :lol: I'm not gonna get all sweaty and scared when I get on one, I just can't get on one without looking stupid. :rolleyes: