The Secrets Thread

i looked up a picture of a chinchilla. i didn't like it. it didn't look cuddly at all. but then again i don't like most animals. thats probably because i grew up on a farm...rebellion and all that jazz. i hate the fact that i was raised out in the sticks. well...actually i still live out in the sticks but oh well. i get especially upset when called a hick or a redneck which is what most people assume. when i'm out of town i have to answer to people "yes, in fact, i do wear shoes." and "no, my dad is not my cousin"

i'm trying desperately to lose my southern accent. thats my big secret. i used to be a country bumpkin. but then i grew up...took that country girl out behind the shed and shot her, execution style.

i hardly ever tell people about where i grew up or how i did. people make assumptions and for some reason my background and my accent automatically takes 15 points off my IQ.

i've told more about myself on this board than i have to anyone i've met in the past year. thats odd and possibly disturbing...
lol. I mean chatspeak as in shortening every word into three or four letters... "lol" is more of an acronym, not so much chatspeak... it gets really bad in places like Neopets, not so much here...
I am a total hypocrit. I'll be like dont do that even though i had like just done it.

I feel bad about like everything i do. I told my dog she was a bad girl, and then i cryed because i though i made her sad.

This one actualy came up today, i am terrified of child birth ( my best friend had her baby today,,,its a ggirl) and she was like explaining it and i was like "oh god, thats discisting.

I am severly empathetic and i actually hate it, i often end up very sad for stupid reasons.

im afraid of birds and bald men (no offence to any bald people, only the creepy ones scare me)
I am severely empathetic and i actually hate it, i often end up very sad for stupid reasons.

I do that too, I get sad and guilty about things that aren't even my fault, and I had nothing to do with...
Hmmmm....I Have this horrible fear of bees and wasps. if I am outside and I see or hear one anywhere near me, I freak out take off running somewhere...depending on where I am. I am the same toward earwigs....yet spiders and other insects, I can tolerate.
I told my dog she was a bad girl, and then i cryed because i though i made her sad
I've done that too! Horrible feeling. They are so defenseless. I have a St Bernard, and he kind of looks sad most of the time, just because that is what he looks like, if you catch my drift? :rolleyes:
I am severely empathetic and i actually hate it, i often end up very sad for stupid reasons.
Me too. If someone is embarrassing themselves, say a bad actor, I cna't bear it, makes me cringe so badly, I blush and everything. :eek: Not good. I can't watch soaps, or some presenting sorts of programmes. Not sure if I'm missing too much though. :lol:

i've told more about myself on this board than i have to anyone i've met in the past year. thats odd and possibly disturbing...
Me too. People on the internet know me better than anyone IRL. I'm good at avoiding conversations about myself, plus the fact that I can't make eye contact with people, it causes people to think that I don't want to speak to them, so I don't have many friends any way. :(
I am severely empathetic and i actually hate it, i often end up very sad for stupid reasons.

^^I know how that feels. I have it to.
Also I cry by watching TV, and always cry with a movie. So stupid. I am a ashamed of it because i never cry about my own things or when I am hurt.

I am a totaly strange woman, i've have to smell everything around me or what is new or what I hold in my hands. Its a terrible thing. I have to touch everything that is new, in the stores or at home, work etc... I hate it and cant stop it :eek:. I have so many weird secrets its getting even funny :p
Also I cry by watching TV, and always cry with a movie.

I do that all the time. I cry in the weirdest movies, I cried in Monsters Inc. and Finding Nemo. The Other night I was watching Cold Case and at the end I cried for 5 minutes because I was so sad.

Another thing I do is try so hard to be the best. I know I'm not, and it just stresses me out, but for some weird reason I try anyways.

When I'm sad I like to listen to really sad music, not happy music to make me "feel better" because half the time I don't feel like getting over it right away.
speed_cochrane said:
I'm also very afraid of ants. (Okay some people know about this) but sometimes it keeps me up at night, wondering if there are any in my bed. :eek: *is strange*
Oh,girl,better don't look to my username then... :lol:
Not a very big secret around here but I'm gonna spit it out anyway..

I have a major crsush on one of my teachers. She's 27 years older than I am and in a serious relationship with one of my other teachers. But I just love her and that kinda sucks.
i had a crush on my high school history teacher...for about 2 years. it was really bad. she was 24 years older than me and i was slightly (okay, REALLY) obsessed with her. she's married and has kids that are older than me and actually go to the same college as i do...its kind of awkward when i see them around campus b/c they so know i wanted to crack their mom. :lol:
When i get nervous, i dont get the usual stomache ache, sweaty hands, head ache. I get to the point where if people even say anything about it, i scream. When i get nervous i become terrified.

On a happy/funny/possibly disturbimg note...secrets from my childhood!!

1- When i was nine mymom walked in my room and i had bouncy balls in my shirt (im sure you can figure out what i was doing) and i was like wow i think that looks cool. And my mom has never let me live that down.
2- When i was like 6/7 i would sit in my room and have tea parties, i know sounds normal but wait.. i would wear a diaper (over my pants) and i would wear my winnie the pooh underwaer on my head :) Pretty cool eh?
3- I played with barbies until i was 12.
No one on here knows this, but I'm a little Autistic. :rolleyes: And a bit hyperactive at the same time. There are some times where my mind just blanks out (esp. in maths) and I'm the only person that has nothing written down on her page or has done nothing n the work sheet... :( But that happens very rarely, so I'm not that concerned about it. My mother... (oh, what a lovely woman she is :p) put me in the SEU at school with kids that have mental disorders etc... heh. I dunno why. I mean, I got a C+ in chemistry and I did absolutely zippo on the research... :devil:

I'm also OCD. I have to do everything in even numbers. Wash my hands, take photos, reading pages in a book.... the list goes on and on... :lol:

I feel alot better about sharing my secrets...I think this is a great thread and is definantly worth saving to my favorites :D
CSI_Dani said:
eggbe4thechicken said:

Shopping...Don't remember the last time I went shopping, lol, I online shop. I hate going into a shop and seeing all the perfect people, I always think everyone is looking at me wondering why I am there. Anyone else get that?

*raises hand* Me, sometimes. It's horrible, and you are probably the first people to know that I feel this way. People just know that I don't like shopping, I don't point a reason. But shopping for clothes is probably the worse. I get the idea that people are looking at me all the time, I just don't feel confortable with it. Oh, I feel strange sometimes :rolleyes:
OMG! Finally *someone* understands. I always feel like the odd ball in a store. And I hate trying on clothes because I'm always scared when I walk out of the change room people think it looks horrible on me or something. And, for some reason, whenever I go shopping I get this horrible feeling in my stomach when I need to sit down. But it's only when I shop. I can walk all over the place, just not in a mall. :rolleyes:

Also, I hate answering the phone or calling people. Especially calling for a pizza. :lol:
YES! I hate phoning for pizza, and for calling anyone at all. I get really nervous and sound like a dork. One time I ordered a pizza and they asked how I want to pay.. I got nervous and said coins. They were like, uh, you mean cash? :rolleyes: So now I always rehearse what I'm going to say a bit. :p