The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

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Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

DaWacko said:
What's with the people, who have music as a hobby... why they all hate sports? Seriously. I still haven't met one person who has some music thingie as hobby (and I don't mean listening, I mean like...singing or...playing an instrument) and they all hate sports.

i know a lot of people who were in my highschool band did both ;) and i dont hate sports, im just no good at them! :lol:

to my roommate:

this is my house, you dont need to tell me to do things, they will get done. stop walking out of the house and telling me to fill the humidifier, i can see for myself the light is on and i will fill it. and i know you have left the house with the empty humidifier hoping i will do it.
also, who do you think you are telling me to do my cleaning? telling me to vaccuum the rat shavings that they kick out of the cage, as if im going to leave them lying there :rolleyes:
and i know ive been gone for a month for break and you were here and you might have needed to move my stuff. but its my stuff so put it back! you had company, thats great, and they needed towels, thats fine. we have extra towels, you didnt have to use mine. for whatever crazy reason you have an aversion to the dryer, so dont go using my towels and washing them without putting them in the dryer. you may enjoy how hard and still they are without going in the dryer but i dont!
oh, and the rats, stop making snide comments about my rats! theyre here to stay, they cant hurt you and you should probably talk to someone about the irrational fear you have against them. they have no interest in you whatsoever and they cant do anything to you, so stop whining about them!

whew, been holding that in for awhile :lol:
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

MMForbiddenDonut said:
Your rant reminded me of all the teachers I had in high school. When I had algebra 2, one day my teacher spent the entire 43 minutes complaining why yacht is not spelled the way it is pronounced. And then screamed all over us at the end of the semester, demanding to know why 15 out of 23 students had a C and the rest had lower. Gee, genius, I don't know. Maybe because you never taught anything?

I've had my share of bad professors but this one's the worse. Geez. They expect you to do good in their class when they don't actually give you anything to do.

DaWacko said:
What's with the people, who have music as a hobby... why they all hate sports? Seriously. I still haven't met one person who has some music thingie as hobby (and I don't mean listening, I mean like...singing or...playing an instrument) and they all hate sports.

Well I'm a musician, but I love sports (actually my entire band is into sports). I'm not as active as I want to be because of a knee injury. I was kind of surprised with your rant since I haven't really encountered a musician hating sports, but yeah, it does suck when someone talks about your interests like it's so wrong. If your teacher's allergic to sports, I bet he can't run three steps.

And now for my rant:

I am so tired. I never realized being the "student by day, musician by night" stint was so darn tiring. But hey, it's all for the music. :D
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

why does my head teacher talk about the majority and the minority in 99.9% of speeches, hes never satisfied. And he thinks he has so many brilliant ideas, like only having 1 door open instead of two so people get crushed to death in the stampede that is the science corridor
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

I am so angry at the moment i had to come in here and rant about it. I have just found out the Ronan Keating has covered Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls on his new album. Now i wouldn't consider myself a Ronan Keating fan, but i never minded listening to his music before. The best word i can use to describe this discovery is Sacrilege. Not that is an awful cover, but the fact that it Has been covered proves the point that my Dad made earlier today. No song is safe. Plenty of classics have been covered, remixed, given a trance beat and resold. Some singers don't seem to understand that there are certain songs you just don't touch. It was bad enough when Behind Blue Eyes by The Who was covered by Limp Bizkit, and now this. They should stick to writing their own music and leave other peoples alone.

OK i feel better now.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

Yeah, I need to vent a little. Ever get the feeling that you are just constanly surrounded by bad people? I feel like every relationship of any kind I have is a one-way street. All these people just seem to take from me, without ever giving anything back. Seriously, what do I get out of this? And it's not just material things, man, they all take away from me emotionally. I'm not trying to sound like a martyr, but I've been through a lot recently, and I really don't need any of this in my life. My 'family', you are especially guilty. I haven't got much to give at the moment, I'm at the end of my tether, so stop taking what I've got without giving anything in return because, quite frankly, I don't owe you anything.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

to my sweet little sister:

Why do you always push me away when it comes to things that are importent for me to know. It hurts me to read on your space that there is something wrong with you. It hurts me that i have to hear that there is something with your Heart, i mean its something serious and im your sister! I do care about you & i love you. When you are ill why cant you just give me a phone call, are you afraid that i cant handle it. Yes its a shock to hear somethings is wrong with your body but it hurts even more when i have to read it. Instead of hearing it from you. I'm crying my eyes out and want to hold you and be there for you. But you are not giving me a change to do it. Why? What did i do so wrong.
I LOVE YOU so much dont want to lose you yet. Your to young and to sweet for that. Please let me in. :(

To myself:

get yourself togehter, i know its a hard time now. But you are the one who have to do it. You can make it. Show them that you are strong and have feelings and do care about it.
Your better than you think, sweeter & even beautiful. But you have to see it. Its starts with yourself. Keep it up.

To my best friend:

I dont know i've your are still my best friend your never there when i call. You dont call me back or let anything hear. I need you now even more than before. I miss you. Come back and let me be there for you to and be cozy and fun like always. It doesnt have to be bad or negative all the time it can be nice to and you know it. Love you to.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

I need to rant!

To a customer at work.

I have no goddamn control over how our system accepts information, and to call me incompetent is way out of line! How dare you tell me that I'm unable to my job and that I'm slap dash - who the hell are YOU!

Well, you know what you can do don't you? You can take your certificate and shove it up your f**king a***!

Oh my god, I actually feel a whole lot better for that rant, although I'm still as angry as hell!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

Oh der Tinkerbell

Im gonna rant now!!!

Im having a house party on the 20th for my birthday so ive been giving out invitations out to friends and these two boys come up to me and say "give me and (insert name here) a invitaion to your party"

No way im inviting friends and people i like. I thought that was really rude of them grrrrrrr :mad:
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

to my friggin fridge:
why are ya always empty??? :confused: my money doesn't grow on trees, so stop being empty all the time!!! (note to myself: stop having those cravings!)

to the state government in Germany:
why do i have to pay those outrageously high university fees??? 700 Euros each semester! ya kiddin' me?! and this is just the beginning. i've got 4 more years of uni left. that'll be almost 6000 Euros i'll have to pay!!!!! and for what? gettin' some friggin' scripts for free? gettin' some nice chairs and a nice cafeteria? grrrrrr
i'm a student, dangit. where should all this money come from? sellin' my body to science? :mad:

and one last rant:
dear can kiss my bloody $*#!!!! does anybody ever work in that dang office???? apperantly not. :mad: :mad: :mad:

i got one more:
to german television:
what are you doing with my beloved CSIs??? get it straight, man! you can't start the new Miami season and then cut it off mid-season and start showing some old episodes! why is the 2nd NY season almost over? *starts bawling* we'll have to wait forever to see season 3. :(
and where are the new House M.D. episodes? there's gotta be a big black hole somewhere in that TV channel... i feel better. (naaaw, not really. but maybe when i close my eyes, put on the ruby slippers and wish reaaaally hard, then, maybe, money starts growing on trees and i'll be able to pay the university fees by myself)
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

It's a relief that I finished my 200 hours computer course today.
I decided to do it because I wanted to learn excel and access but I didn't expect that my classmates knew nothing about computers,I don't know much myself but being there for 6 hours per day "learning" how to search with google or things of this sort was too much for me,it was like Sesame Street,some of my classmates even asked me what was a cd-rom,how much it cost and where to buy it,no kidding. :rolleyes:

At least it was free and I learned a very basic excel,a very basic access and a couple of word things.

*feeling much better*
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

^:lol: I remember folks who took 1st course of computerstuff in Upper Secondary school...first 2h they didn't even turn computer on and next 2h they spent learning where's the "on" button and what happens then :lol:
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

^ I think my Mum needs to do that course, when I taught her to e-mail I had to leave detailed instructions like - double-click on the big blue 'e' :lol:

I can not stand the other 'admin' people at my work! They are so obsessed with status.. like they refuse to be called secretaries (seriously that is pretty much what we are man!) and they think that they are better than other people cos they are admin people for the seniour managers of the company, like they glare at me everytime I use the kitchen at their end of the building - the people I work for are clearly not important enough for me to use the closest kitchen - bloody get over yourselves people you are bloody secretaries!!! You are not solving any of the worlds problems! :mad:
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To a supposed friend: I cannot believe you just told me my thoughts are dumb! Maybe they are, but it is how I feel and I am not going to change. I feel bad about what happened to him; what is wrong with that? I know it happened 15 years ago, but still. It's heart breaking.

It's called compassion! I suggest you try it some time!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my pupils:
Can't you just for this once shut up and work with me!? Okay, so I know you all like me, there's no denying that, but when I want peace and quiet during class I seriously mean it. I told you I feel horrible because every single thingy in and on my body hurts like hell (getting ill). You now think I'm a strict teacher with some of you having to rewrite a page of French.. that's the price to pay :rolleyes:
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To stupid idiotic child: Do you not get it? I can't handle you anymore, friends don't want to make other friends freak out and die. You seriously won't let it go, I told you like almost 7 months ago, but you're still hanging onto it! Get it through your thick head...It's old news!

And to stupid idiotic childs friend: This has nothing to do with you. Thanks for telling me stupid things that I already knew! I don't even know why you had to even get involved, I don't like you, you don't like me. And that's that, you didn't need to get involved, you jsut did!
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