The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

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Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To myself: Why do you always have to pick yourself apart? I mean why cant you just be happy for once. All you do is cry and complain about the way you look. You feel like everything you do is wrong, and you are constantly sad, get better.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To myself:

Why does pain make you feel better? Now you have family worried about you and your stuck going to a therapist because you need to talk about your emotions and to learn a better way to deal.

But I don't see what the big deal is. So what if I stabbed myself with a needle continuously. It's not like it was a knife!

To Mom:

You are taking things to a whole other level. It was only a needle and a pencil. I didn't puncture a vein and I haven't bled to death. Relax. I'm fine. I don't need help.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To me:

I know you keep wishing you could've done college over and gotten that 4.0 instead of that lame GPA. I know you wish you could've gone to another school in general. But you can't live in the past. I also know it sucks that the college diploma has now become the new HS diploma. You will get a job. Just keep thinking positive. I know you've gone on over a million interviews and have applied to even more than a million jobs. Keep being proactive. You went to an amazing school with an amazing reputation. You are intelligent, were in a million activities and worked full time while in college. How many people can say that? Tomorrow's yet another interview - you can nail it.

Before you know it, you'll have worked and have gone on to law school and this will be nothing more than a distant memory. You won't become a bum living on the corner on 5th and Broadway.

I promise.

me :)
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my mother:

Quit asking me whether I've lost weight. I haven't gained or lost more than a friggin' kg in the last 4 years! Why would you suggest that?
Do you think it flatters me? Well, it doesn't! It won't make me like you and it certainly won't make me be nice to you so shut the hell up about it. If you feel like making conversation why don't you go call up your's what normal people do when they want to talk.
Don't bother me! Not about my weight, not about my friends and not about my love life. It's none of your business. How many times do I have to tell you that?
You really want me to talk to you? Ok, how about asking about my job? Because that's a thing I don't ever tire talking about, not even to you. But that's nothing you care about, right?
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

Im sorry if this is depressing, but its how I feel, and I need to let it out.

Have you ever felt so alone, so ineffective, so small that you've just, given up? Haven't you ever just wanted to be left alone? Haven't you just wanted to give up? Have you not tired off seeing the evil in this world?

Im not saying in the emo-wanting-to-die-slit-the-wrist way, Im talking in the, Im-tired-I-wanna-give-up way.

The way that leaves you wanting to be left alone.
The way that makes you feel antisocial.
The way that leaves you feeling frustrated and tired.

Well, Im tired, and angry, and all I want to do is give up. And you know what?
Its the worst feeling in the world.

All I have to say is:
Aren't you tired yet?
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

CSIVegasMiamiNY, I already felt like that...
You can't give up!

If you want, you can PM me.

Hang in there. ;)
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

I know what you mean CSIVegasMiamiNY.
I sometime feel really tired too. I get tired of wearing this mask. I feel like, even though the people in my life know different things about me, no one really gets me. Don't get me wrong. I love my family and i love my friends, but sometimes i have to pull away. Be on my own for a while, to get a grip on life again. Like you i'm not talking about sliting my wrists depression, but sometimes people just need a little space.

On a different rant: i hate it when you guys fight. You yell at each other like i can't hear. I was sitting in the same room today, when you started arguing, at it wasn't like i could get up and quietly move away. I just had to sit there. please don't start yelling again.

Random question: Do you think it is possible to miss a place you hardly even know? I went on holiday about a month ago, and even though i only spent a week there i really miss it. Sometimes it hits me like a wave. A sudden pain in my chest. Sometimes i just want to go back.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

Fool4love said:
Random question: Do you think it is possible to miss a place you hardly even know? I went on holiday about a month ago, and even though i only spent a week there i really miss it. Sometimes it hits me like a wave. A sudden pain in my chest. Sometimes i just want to go back.

I think it's possible. I went to Cancun Mexico for a week and I missed it so much. I got that pain in my chest to go back too. I'd do anything to be there right now. *sighs*

Someone: Okay, well I hope your happy. Who am I kidding. You are happy. Thanks alot.

Someone else: I miss you. I miss the way it was before. :(

CSIVegasMiamiNY, I feel exactly like you right now.

Mom: I know you love me but please, SHUT UP. I dont f*cking care if you want me to wear my hair differently. I'm sorry I like wearing my hair in a ponytail, but seriously. Do you have to tell me to wear it down every single day? I don't think I look nicer with it down. Only after I have a shower and defuse it. Not anytime after so get over it!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To a "friend": What is your problem? Are you trying to ruin every single friendship I have? Why did you go tell our friend that I said all the stupid mean stuff when you said it? Like WTF!!!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

sandersidle said:
Mom: I know you love me but please, SHUT UP. I dont f*cking care if you want me to wear my hair differently. I'm sorry I like wearing my hair in a ponytail, but seriously. Do you have to tell me to wear it down every single day? I don't think I look nicer with it down. Only after I have a shower and defuse it. Not anytime after so get over it!

My mom is the same way! Why do parents feel the need to control every aspect of their children's lives? :rolleyes: :lol:

To myself: Okay, you need to eat more. If your doctor finds out how much weight you've lost (unintentionally), he's going to freak out. Oh, and don't screw up and get in trouble. You're getting a cell tomorrow and that's something that had taken a long time to earn. Be on your best behaviour; and if you can, no sarcasm. :lol: :lol: :lol:

To my girlfriend: I really miss you. Please, please be online tomorrow.

To my little sister: Don't wake me up in the morning, okay? I realize that you like to hang out with me and love my room, but hearing the Hannah Montana theme song at 5 AM is not the way I want to start my day.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To the person who yelled at me for smiling: What the heck! What did i do! i was just sitting there with my friend, i leaned over so that i could see you and i smiled and then you freak out!!
You: "What do you not want to be here, why dont you just get out!"
Me: What the F*** did i do!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To F.
What the hell do you expect me to write now? I have no idea what you want, one day you say this the next day that, now you tell me to pick one myself. Great, pick from what? I'd appreaciate clearer assignments in the future, I have other things to do than spend my days thinking up articles you can use as fill-ins. That's your job.
And one more thing, it would be nice of you to actually answer my mails or pick up the phone when I'm trying to reach you. Don't tell me "whatever you give me is fine", I would like at least approval before I write something you will never use anyway.
If you haven't answered me by 9pm tonight I'm really donna write "whatever I want" and trust me, you won't like that!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To the person who sound a horn at me: where did you took you driving license??? In the cereal box???
Go home study! :p
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To roommates: can you be considerate of me once in a while? i mean one of you always has your boyfriend over and all you guys do is watch football, can't you go to his house, i have a lot of homework to do if you don't mind. and my other roommate, yes watching two CSI episodes is part of my homework so could you let me watch them. i wanted it in today but noooo. Now it's miss the school showing of work thing and i have to have it in for tomorrow. when you do let me watch some you are so loud. even with the volume full blast i missed the name 4 times and had to rewind, which is a pian with the DVD remote. Just please be more considerate of me.

i am done, thanks for listening.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

just to say:
I dont know why i cry, at every movie, music or story i hear. I dont know why i feel so empty inside. I dont know why i dont wanna do anything any more, i dont hate the world but i dont feel worth living in it. I hate myself and i feeling afraid, afraid for the new thing thats is coming, i dont know if i can handle it, can i let my mom go and start my own life, can i talk about the things that hurt me and do i have a nice change to see the future bright. Why is everything so dark around me and im drowing in it. Why am i scared for life and everything in it. I dont want to. I do want to cry but needs some arms around me. I want to be there for the ones who need me, but i dont know how. It hurts so much inside and i cant stop the pain.. Im so lonely and empty inside... I cant see the beauty in front of me. What do i do?
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