The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

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Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To the annoying, loud people who live upstairs: Shut the Hell Up, people are trying to sleep! Oh and I really love hearing you do the nasty thru the ceiling, it makes going to sleep SO much better!

To the Instructor at the gym: I think your really cute, smart and sexy

To my boyfriend: I'm not sure we should be together anymore. It's been 6 years and I think it's time to move on. what do we really have in common, nothing. it's just so hard to let go.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

I HATE my Communication Research 101 professor!

Why? I have incurred a grade of 4.0 this semester on that friggin subject thus forcing me OUT of my course program. But hey, I'M MORE THAN HAPPY TO SHIFT OUT -- I'm NOT HAPPY WITH ALL THAT CRAP THEY DO AND 'IMPLEMENT'.

At the first place, IT'S HER FAULT that a LOT of us have incurred a failing grade. IF ONLY SHE'S GIVEN FEEDBACK TO OUR PAPERS, then we wouldn't be f*cked up like this. She/They ruined my LIFE, my plans... BUT NOT MY DREAMS. No siree, you've won this match -- I gave up on you. But I'll have the last laugh.


Goodbye, COmmRes. Hello, Anthropology!


Wish me luck in my shifting!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

to my friends up here: ok, so i like the guy... why should i dislike him because everyone else does? nobody can give me a good reason why i should. and no, i don't fancy him... yes, i was talking to him inspite of being quiet, but you forget the fact i was drunk and would talk to (ok, ramble at...) 'old nick' if i was drunk...

to my friend down south: why don't you ever reply? you email/text our mutual friends, but all i get is general mass mails and spam/chain mails...

to my bosses: give me a decent wage! please... i do two jobs for you, soon three. i come home mid week and fall randomly asleep in bizarre places. and i still can't afford to move out... even more, i'd like some blooming job security... is that too much to ask?

(i needed that...)
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To PJ:

This is really hard for me but are you really that oblivious? I mean do you seriously not know that your wife is screwing around behind your back?
I wish I could tell you, because it hurts me to see what she's doing while you are doing your best to make her happy all the time. But I can't for obvious reasons, so I'm just sitting back hoping that someone else will point it out to you cause honestly, you are so blind you will never get it.
While were at it, I think that whole marriage was a mistake in the first place, but well, you seemed happy that first few month...

To AJ:

Get your act together and tell him the truth! He deserves it. And don't tell me you are being considerate of his feelings. If you cared you wouldn't be sleeping around.
I really don't think I like you much anymore, not just because of that.

And just for the sake of rambling some more:

I'm so excited about tonight. Going out with a friend I haven't seen in a while and I know that a bunch of other people will be there that I haven't seen for ages. We are so going to rock that party, baby! I'm just hoping that none of us ends up dancing on the tables least not topless ;)
I'm off now to buy some drinks :p
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my dad: Jeeze, calm down. Enjoy the thought of your new house. I know it's a lot of money and you haven't sold our other house yet, but don't stress. The real astate agent said we would sell this house in no time, just trust a little in him and don't stress. You are driving everyone crazy with your worries.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my Dad:

Look I'm not going to go to your house every night of the week. I have a life you know. I will come when I want to. So please just stop always asking and using Calligh as an excuse to get me over there.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To Dad:
Sorry I disappointed you. You didn't say you were disappointed in me, but I can feel it. You asked, and I said no. That has been the pattern lately hasn't it? You ask me something and I'll come up with that same answer. It's not that I don't care - I do, but I doubt that they will, so I figure...what's the point? They won't notice it, but I know you will. I'm sorry dad. I can't promise that I'll be better, but you did ask me to try. I can't try now, maybe in the future. Nothing is worse than to have someone you love be disappointed in you. So please don't be.

To W:
I have the biggest crush on you. Never mind that you're my professor. There's something about you...something so intriguing that I can't put my finger on. At the exam hall you walked around and asked random students if everything's alright. (You must've seen the horror looks on our faces!) You walked up to me and all I could do was give you a big goofy smile. What a fool. I wanted to kick myself. That black stripped shirt you wore, it looked amazing on you. I couldn't stop staring. You've probably had students crushing on you all the time, I wonder if you notice any of them? But this thing, it's just a crush right?..that's what I'm telling myself anyway. But don't worry, I won't do anything that could jeopardize your career, personal life and my own future. I'm not that stupid. Thank god I won't be seeing you till next semester. Out of sight, out of mind. I hope.

To my brother:
You're one of the smartest person I know, though I won't admit it. Why do you keep saying that you can't do it and that it'd be better if you just give up trying? Why on earth would you say that and how could you even THINK that? Good god, you're a freaking genious! Why would you doubt yourself, you've gotten this far and now you want to throw it all away because you can't cope? You're not alone. I've been there, and so have a billion other people. You're stressed and you feel like you can't do it no matter how hard you try, so why not just give up right? That's the easy way out. Well Ken, only losers give up. You're my brother and no brother of mine is a loser. The problem with you is that you don't just want to be the best, you want to be better. If you keep up with that mentality and you push yourself too hard, you'll suffer a break down. I've seen it happen. Just give it your best shot, and knowing you you'll get perfect grades like you always do. You're on the dean's list, have always been from the start, so please stop worrying that you'll fall off it. You won't, and you know that. You'll do great, I believe in you. But why would you listen to me? I'm just your little sister right?

To this thread:
You swallowed my post and I had to re-type this thing again! PS: Sorry it's so long. I just had to get it out.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To me:
Stupid girl, you dont have to spend so much momey in one time, start thinking before you do things you always regred it later and than you have to eat to make yourself feel better.. How will you come to yourself and your goals..
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my bro: You are 26. Why the hell you cannot get the friggin milk...bucketorwhatever and get the milk from the tank! You drink it the most and it's not that hard to grab it, walk 25metres, take the milk and then come back. You could do it like once in a month. Not always wait that me or mom do that because we are female. You lazy son of a bitch! And if I tell you to do it, there's no reason to whine. You have no reason NOT to do it. You fucking bastard.
And I can't believe you dare to tell my parents they should get new car right now and not after New Year because you need to get some frigging dogshow/competition with your dog. Hello? You have your own car. I know you haven't kept dogs there but it's about friggin time if you think you cannot drive long distance with our old car that has been used as "as dogcar".

Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To someone: Somedays, I wish I could tell to f*** off. Because somedays, you need to be told it.

To another someone: You need to learn when to drop it. And by the way, my life isn't a picnic in the park. You just piss me off soo much. I mean you're my friend, and it would suck if you weren't, but god, you're constnatly pushing me to do things 24-7! I can't handle it!!!!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To a so called friend: dont even talk to me if all you are gonna do is say rude things. You made more than one promise and you didnt keep either of them. And now im worried that another friend will hate me just because you seem to hate me. Thanks alot, now i cant stop crying. I mean i thought we were best friends, but i guess not.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

SOOOOOO very big rant that may or may not be long, i doubt it will make any sense but it does in my head. And away we go...

So me and my friend Jessica and my friend Karleigh all liked this guy Jason who was obsessed with his ex girlfriend Marissa. Oh and my other friend Tami had told my friend Karleigh that she liked her and Karleigh had told Tami that she liked her to but for some reason the two of them didn't hook up and the whole thing was at a standstill. Thats the background, now the drama.

So on Thursday I was hanging out with Karleigh and Jessica and Marissa was there for a short while but had to leave. Jessica and Karleigh were looking for people to drink/smoke with ({I don't mess with that stuff). After a while I had to leave also for a stupid event (boringest thing ever by the way). Karleigh and Jessica were hanging around until midnight. So on Monday I walk towards the group at break and I se Jason is there and I am like "sweet" then it becomes obvious that he had started going out with Karleigh over the weekend (it became obvious when they started making out in the hall). That really doesn't bother me that much (I have a lot of trouble seeing myself with anyone but this one chick and that is never going to happen *lesigh*) but I was really upset about whether or not Karleigh was going to break the news to Tami (who is young a freshman to begin with) nicely or by making out with Jason infront of her. Anyways so I ask "what happened on Thrusday after I left?" because I wanted to know and they are all like "you don't want to know because you will get mad". Like that is a good way to get me to stop asking. So I knew they were going to tell me eventually but I wanted to know then so I decide it will be easiest to get it out of Jessica so I ask her when we were walking to class and apparently Karleigh and Jason had gotten together on Thrusday and that same day had made out under a blanket (with a few articles of clothing remaining on their bodies) with Jessica still right there. Oh and at lunch Tami found out when she walked up the stairs to see Karleigh in Jason's lap making out with him.

After school today me and Jessica and Karleigh and Jason were haning out (once again the three of them were all stoned and after a while we went down to the rec. teen center and Karleigh and Jason curled up in a chair and proceeded to make out until Karleigh got picked up (no surprises there) and me and Jess were bored out of our minds because we couldn't just leave them there. I guess we could have but we just couldn't (it's hard to explain...). Oh and Karleigh kept asking us if it really bothered us that much we said no because what are we supposed to say?

It is really annoying because both Karleigh and Jason are fun to hang out with when they aren't together. Oh and I am pissed at Karleigh for being so insensitive towards Tami but Karleigh is one of those people who really worries about whether or not people are mad at her so it is kind of hard to be because it makes you feel bad to be mad.

wow, yeah that was a loooong rant, not as much a rant as much as I really needed to type that all out because it was in my head, it was sort of a rant. That felt really good.

Hah I took so long the form is no longer valid, i must now copy and paste.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

Mini rant to start my day:

What is the point of a mini supermarket that doesn't have any milk? I mean, if you open at 7.30 you should expect people to come in to buy milk, it's not my problem that your delivery isn't until 11am! Am I meant to drink black tea until then? This isn't the first time it's happened either!! I can't start the day without tea, so get your act together and stock enough milk, surely it can't be that difficult! I'm having caffeine withdrawl....I may not make it until 11am. :rolleyes:
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

My rant: what is the purpose of having speed limit signs if the speed limit is never enforced. Why do the police give tickets to people for improper turn signal usage yet driving 60 mph in a 30 mph zone is okay.

Apparently people driving SUV's and full size trucks are only able to drive 50 mph or more as they try to run over everyone else.
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