The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

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SaraSidle_girl said:
I am just afraid never to be loved again.
*hugs* Don't Be.

To *******:
Wow, I appriciate the phone call yesterday. I mean, I call you, say happy birthday, ask you to hang out. Why didn't you just say no? I can't believe everything that's gone on between us and how much it's screwed up our friendship. Gosh! This whole friends with benifits thing is much too complicated.

To ****:
Well, we were best friends, and we haven't talked in a really long time, I guess I just kind of miss you.

To my Dad:
AGH! I'm so unbelievably mad at you. Your never home and you don't even have a job. You don't call, you don't pick up the phone, It's not that hard.
To my roommate: Sorry, sorry, sorry! Yeesh, not my fault, I was being stupid for reasons. I'm sorry, but this isn't your life, stop controlling me. Nothing happened, I told you I was sorry, yeesh.

To my little sister: Can I hit you? Haha, just kidding, but seriously, I think I might poke you. You're supposed to remind me to get money, you promised you would. Now I have two weeks to get 100 dollars, I need 75 more dollars! I hate you somedays, but ohh well. Kinda my fault.

To a friend: Aghh! You make me so mad. You're all like "Haha, I'm so cool, I do drugs, yay, look at me, I can smoke, yeah, I'm so cool" You're soo annyoing. I hate you somedays. You're not cool, yay, I love dying. I think I should do drugs and die with you. That sounds like such a good friend. Gawd, you make me mad. And you arguing with Allie over nothing. Like you're calling her a fag and all this stuff, and you don't even know why. AGH!
CW Doing drugs is definitly not cool.

To my ex
You'd better behave today. If I find out you're talking about my feelings for Dorette, I'll rip your head off..
I know I shouldn't let it get to me but I just really didn't want you to know how I feel about Dorette
*huggles Sarasidle girl*

I hate my migraines the suck and makes me so mad!!!

To my boss:

I've I call you that i cant work because I am ill, then f***ing believe me. I dont lie about it, I feel really terible. I have this mega headache & I have to throw up. So dont ask me to come or make me feel guilty that I am not coming to work. I have i felt okay I didnt call you and I would be there. It makes me so angry!! I hate it when you dont believe me. I am REALLY SICK I dont lie about that. YOu can come to my house and find it out yourself. I have to go to see the doctor for it so dont jugde me for what you dont know. B*tch..
To my brother:
ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!? You and Mo were supposed to be in a monogamous (sp?) relationship. Yet you defend you never cheated, and Mo isn't that kind of girl. Than how did she get an STD?! God, I'm never gonna look at you the same way again.

To ******, again:
You're so lame, goddd! You don't have baseball practice, everyday, and night. You have no time to hang out with me, but you have time to get stoned with your friends? God, you make me so mad.

To ******:
What happened to my best friend who used to yell at me if I was at a party where there was alcohol? and if I had a sip, would chew my head off? God, now all you do is get wasted. And than brag about it in my face! I wanna smack you upside the head!
To a someone: Uhhh...not me to go talking behind everybodys back. I'm not going to just go jumping in like I don't trust that person, thanks but no thanks.

To a friend: Type english! God, I can't understand omg sum1 jst wnted me 2 he the bag n i ws lik ne no. Like what? I cannot read that, yeesh! I've asked you so many times to like, type proper words but you just wont! Agh, it bothers me!!!!

To my roommate: I'm glad your not mad at me and cooking food for me again, because the food I make myself is sad and pathetic, and always burnt. I managed to burn my pasta yesterday cause you didn't make me food :(. Yes I am pathetic. Oh, and not to mention you're like one of my best friends, so I'm glad everything is okay :)
To my ex:
Miracles do happen sometimes. Can we still be friends? Or become friends once again? At least you're talking to me again and you're not hating me anymore. You even smiled at me. Maybe, we're both finally growing up. Cause I still would like you as a friend. We've been through a lot together and I just don't want to loose my buddy :)
To my entire class:
How dare you guys email me, accuse me of things I didn't do and say things that aren't true? How dare you tell lies about me and say I did stuff I didn't do..
I told the truth to all of you when I replied to that email. And I told you guys to basically go f*ck yourself! And as far am I'm concerned, we'll meet at graduation. Getting together and have diner as a class? Without me. Having drinks somewhere? Without me. Cause I no longer wish to be part of a group of morons who have no brain!

And by the way.. when you email someone, its standard procedure to sign it with your name. Not with "some of your classmates".. Seems to me you're just afraid to reveal yourself. How pathetic. But don't worry. I already know who you are. I know. I just do. Its the group that couldn't stand me from the beginning, who always believed to be better than anyone else. Well, let me tell you something. Anything you can do.. I can do better
Its just pathetic, go around sending anonymous emails.. I already emailed our mentor (without you guys knowing ofcourse....) and I told her the same thing I told you. My.Class.Is.Dead.To.Me.
I'll see you at graduation. If I feel like it. ...
^Graduation brings out the worst in people. :(

To *******:
I'm not just a booty call. So stop calling me just to get some, It's not happening, get over it and go find another girl.

To my softball teammate:
Well, Your a girl, I'm a girl. Your out, I'm not. But you know I'm gay. We should definatly hang out more as long as it doesn't screw up the team, I'm totally down.

To My Coach:
I hate you. So much. Sooo Glad, I didn't spring the $10 to get you a coach's gift.
to my bff: wtf is wrong with you? you dont have to say sorry to him you did nothing to him he's the one being the asshole and youre just trying to help out and if he cant accept that then f**k him! you deserve better then that and how dare he compare you to his ex?!?!?!?!

to my other bff: how can you do that to me? ok you cant go to the movies with me and cristina but you can go with your bf? wtf that is so wrong and he asked you after we asked you! you are so f**ked up!:mad:

to my dad: i dont care what you think about what i do on the computer. first of all you do retarted things on the computer and second, who still makes cd's? ok at least im getting an education unlike some people that drop out freshman year! wtf leave me the f**k alone!!!! let me live my life and lenny isnt a baby anymore! he is a grown young man that can do things for himself but you and my motehr dontlet him because youre scared that hes gonna get hurt m*****f****rs!
To my mentor:
What the hell is your problem? The class is pulling stupid stunts and I am the one who you want to talk to? Why do I have to report to your office next week?! Call them in, instead of me!
But you wanna know what's going on? I'll tell you. Every grusome detail about how I used to cut myself, how f*cked the break up with my ex was, how I cut myself even more. I'll show you every f*cking scar and than we'll see if I am still the one you want to see in your office!
To myself:

Your little cat will be fine in a couple of days she is not angry on you. Yes you didnt had a choose to do this. And yes its not great for her and she will be in pain but after this its all over. Dont be so angry on yourself. She is just not longer a little girl.
Next to that STOP EATING b*tch you are all ready so FAT!!
Stop eating all that candy and start to move again, go skate or ride around but dont hide yourself into your bed and be afraid i've people say or think that you are fat. Its the trued and do something about it. Something else instead of eating more and more. Love yourself hun. You are worth it.
To Mr ******:

Why do you do this to me? youre the only one who ever had any confidence in me and now you decide you want to leave! i know this is really selfish but there is no way in hell i can pass this course without you
please even if you go will you still help me???
To C: I... like you. I do. I don't know why because I don't really talk to you that much but I really, really like you. I wish I could get to know you better but I'm way too shy to say anything. I wish I still sat next to you because then I would actually try and talk to you.
To my Dad:
Stop being a bum. Get a real f*cking job. A baseball coach in which you get $100 a week cannot support a family of 4.

To my brother:
You sent my letter back?! WTF? like really. I'm the only one in this entire damn house who will talk to you and you have the balls to do that? that is so f*cked up.

To *****:
I don't understand why you went downtown with everyone when you knew we had plans. Your such a brat.
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