The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

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CatherineWillows said:
To my uncle: I really miss you. I miss your funny comments you always made. I miss your smile, the drinks you made, your sarcastic comebacks. When I was putting myself down, you did it right with me, in a funny way, that made me feel better. I miss it so much, I miss you so much. I keep remembering being together, so many memories are filling my thoughts latley. Like when someone said "thank god your pretty" and I replyed with "but im not" and you said "well, i guess your screwed". It was so funny, made me feel so happy, made me laugh so hard. Or when Allie told us that fasting made you hungry, you laughed so hard. And that one time I like, couldn't get your satellite to work and you were like "you're an idiot, all you had to do was press the on button" I just miss you so much. I wish you were here, you always were able to make me happy. I wish you could see how much I fixed in my life, but you can't. I just want you back. I love you.
I'm sure he is watching over you and he knows. ;)

Nathalie, you hang in there. You can do it girl, it's all gonna be alright. If you ever need to talk, talk to me on msn, or mail me if that's easier for you. You are a wonderful person, don't you forget it.

To myself: Make up your mind already!
Guys, for the umpteenth time...please put more content to posts, i.e. MORE than one full line, and more than 2 or 3 short lines. Otherwise I start closing threads and PMing people. Thank you.
to another ex gf:

if i didn't want to stay with you 3 months ago what in the hell makes you think i want to be with you now? i am not going to drive 3 hours to see you, are you crazy? i wouldn't even do that when we were dating, let alone now. you are a pathetic excuse for an adult. you are 28 for christs sake and can't even hold a job. you're a drop out and an idiot. you are so self centered and can only talk about your own pathetic life and how its everyone's fault except your own. you will probably never amount to anything. i never plan to see you ever again. thats the beauty of moving away to college. you annoy me and i don't know why i ever dated you in the first place. i plead temporary insanity concerning that period in my life. leave me alone and stop whatever train of thought made you think i still gave a sh*t about you. because i don't.
To my used-to-be-best-friend-for-many-years:

Why don't you even answer my text messages? What have I done to you? I've changed, okay I don't deny that, but have I changed for bad? I don't think so. We've always been quite different, in our family background, our attitude towards school, in our taste of music. But we were friends all the same. I respected your life, like you respected mine. Maybe I should have been there more often when your baby was there, but don't you understand that it wasn't easy for me either? And somehow you didn't even seem to want me around... Oh and I was so angry with you last summer, I still haven't forgiven you about what happened to your pony, dammit why didn't you talk to me in first place? I was so disappointed that I heard it from others! And now it's been more than 6 months since I last saw you or heard from you, although we live in the same town! That's so crazy! But by now I don't een know what to say to you anymore. I'm afraid that if I call you we won't have anything to say to each other. You're never in icq, and you never replied to my proposals about meeting again. So I don't know what to do anymore. I'm not the kind of girl who runs after everyone, beggin her/him to come back. I never will. It's up to you now.
To N.F.: Why won't you get over it! It was just a joke and you're taking it way too seriously. Why are you making me and M.J. look like bad people telling everyone that we were mean? You need to take a look in the mirror and realize that you are looking bad right now over exaggerating and everything. I am never going to share a funny moment with you again since it seems you don't even have a sense of humor. :rolleyes:
To my roommate: I am so glad Vee forced you to go to the doctor. Like I normally don't like when people force people to do things, but seriously, you were getting out of hand. You went from yelling, to throwing pots at people, to threatening to light the house on fire. That has to tell you that you need some help. You may not think you do, but honestly, if there's nothing mentally wrong with you, then you need some serious anger management. Like, you're my friend, and I love you, but I really can't take this. The three of us were seriously thinking about telling you you need to find somewehre else to live because we couldn't handle you. I am just so glad that you're going to get some help.

To my roommate: You are such a mother. Like oh my gosh, not even to just your kid, but to all of us. Haha, Happy first mothers day :)
Why does everything have to be so stupid?!?!?! GRRRRRSH! World, next time you want me to solve your problems, please hand them to me one at a time, NOT all at once, last thing I need is another freaking ulcer.

To my friends,
I don't care anymore. I can't. I tried and I just can't, my feel-bad-o-meter is broken. I can only care about the ones that return the favor, which is three of you. THREE! Can you believe that? You all are so ridiculous I can't believe it. I have more people sending me messages on how much they hate me than the people who are supposed to care. Boy, THAT does wonders to my self esteem.

To stupid girls that want to beat me up,
WHY? What did I do to you? Seriously, I don't even KNOW half of you. Stop being drama queens and get a life. Your threats aren't working, I'm not going to stay away. Actually I plan on moving back, so find someone else to pick on.

To N,
Stop being so selfish. Not everything is about you, and no, I really don't care if you never want to talk to me again.

To B,
What are you trying to pull? You're going to ruin your kid's lives and make them hate you, I speak from experience. You're pulling the same crap my dad did. Look, it's nice that you hate your ex and all that, but can't you see how much it's hurting the kids?? You're such an idiot! Especially Ave, it's so hard on her right now, she has enough sh*t to deal with she doesn't need a drama queen father on her back all the time. I can't believe you called her those things either. I can't wait til court so you and your new underage wife can get whats coming. Speaking of, I can't BELIEVE you married someone YOUNGER than ME! And then you dare call me a stupid teenager?!?! That's just sick, sicksicksicksick. It wouldn't be so much if it wasn't for your criminal record but...

To Mom,
You're the only thing keeping me sane right now. I wish I could express how much you mean to me, I'm sorry you had a bad mother's day, I'll make it up to you. I love you so much.
To school:
You freaking idiots! Why the hell do I have to retake a test I took 3 years ago?! NOW you guys find out I failed it?! Its been 3 freaking years, damnit! :mad:
And I need to take it again in order to graduate! Why the hell do you guys find this out 5 weeks before graduation?
And the stupid part is... I scored a 5.43.! I need 0.02 points to get a 5.5 and pass! I mean, is there no freaking teacher who can just "arrange" that for me?!
You bet I am gonna make you guys make it happen. Dorette, I'll be coming for you. You are my teacher and I love you but I know you can make it happen. I am gonna stalk you sooooo hard that yoou'll make me pass.
I am gonna hunt you down at school today and I will find you. I will find you and I will make it happen. You will!

Retaking a test I made 3 years ago because I scored 0.02 points too low! You bunch of freaking idiots! :mad:
To my friends: i love you guys saturday was just brilliant. the best night of my life and i thank you for being there for me

To my friends: on a slightly different note. this thing ya keep teasing me about that you feel is just a joke... well i dunno n e more i fink it mite be real so we can please stop it

To a complete idiot who messes one of ma best mates about:
you f*****g prat what gives you the right to go and tell people about other peoples problems. he ddnt want them to know and he trusted you like he did me. y couldn't you just do that. oh im sorry you had to give your "new friends" some juicy goss coz you know thats all they really like u for. you even dare think about doing something like this again and i swear you will regret it

To my form tutor: i love you you're like the best teacher EVER! you have faith in me when no one else does and you give a damn. thanks for sorting that thing for me

To my chemistry teacher: HA! i got a B! F**K you

rant over thanks
To my roommate: HAHA! You're at the doctors right now. And you're going to come back not crazy, then I will steal half of Vee's cake and feed it to you! Baha.

To my cat: You are extremly expensive. I need cat insurance, wholly. I can only get my dad to pay for your broken leg so much. Yeeesshh, you better not attack that cast anymore Mister. By the time I come to pick you up you better not be eating your 600 dollar cast or I will not be very happy with you!
To Dad:

Dammit sometimes I really really hate you!! I come home from work and everything is fine, and then you come home and the first thing you do is rant about how my room is such a mess, that I should stop eating so much and well best thing would be if I only drank water, you know, your weight problem etc etc. Fuck it ok I know I should really not eat so much chocolate but dammit have you ever thought of the fact that it makes me happy?? Something you don't seem to be able to do. I'm 21 I don't need you to tell me what I should or should not do! Whatever I do you always seem to find something wrong, damn when will I ever be good enough for you to be satisfied?? And don't you dare come to my room again today, I don't wanna hear your damn excuses! You're my father, the only parent I got left by the way, and I love you, I do, but sometimes you just SUCK!!!!
HELP! I've become a MINI VAN MOM!
I really didn't want to get one! I guess it's the clique for me of being a mom chauffering her kids (and other's) around. I was afraid of becoming the suburban stereotype. YIKES![which really makes me cringe] I really don't want to become that.Getting a minivan adds to the clique.

Unfortunatly I HAD NO CHOICE, my car is leaking oil so I need a car...

I'm just becoming a STEREOTYPE ....YIKES

ok, I think I'll be good for awhile. :rolleyes:
To self:
Get yourself under control. You haven't cut youself for over a month and a half! Hold on..
Fight the madness in your head. survive..

I feel weak
gregslabmouse said:
^^ *hugs*

Stay strong and everything will be ok :)

I made it through, without cutting. Thanks for the hug!


To self:
What are you doing? Turn into some kind of stalker? You already traced her adress, her phone number, you asked a friend to drive by her house when she brought you home, you figured out which car is hers, you find out when she's teaching and you print her schedule..
And last night you got on your bike and drove by her house again!!!!

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