To Joana Solnado:
Your last performance,just the other day was awesome. I loved that minute. It seemed like one of the best minutes of my life. You shined. Again. And my eyes shined too when I saw you on Tv.
Apart from that, and what i already knew:you are fanatastic: a great actress, a beautiful, caring, loving, nice girl. I will never forget that evening I saw you there, as I will never forget how stupid I was. I will never stop blaming myself for not having done what I really wanted, just because shiness didn't let me do it.
Can't I just be stronger than this?(this one was directly to myself)
I admire you even more since that day, I loved the way you acted even though I couldn't do it. I love the way you just seemed to understand me, the way you looked and smiled. I love all your way of being, everything you do, and I will never forget what you did and still do. I will always remember that you make me smile when I think about you and your work.
I know that you will never know what I feel about you, but I don't really care. That doesn't matter. A fan is just that, I guess...
You must just feel good for what you do and for who you are. You should never change. Don't let "star complex" afect you. I know that you will not. Don't let anything stop you from doing what you do best. I hope that you will not. Do what you want to, be happy, because you deserve everything good to happen in your life.