The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

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To my Mother:

Mom, why are you talking so negative about me? Why do you think this therapy is so wrong and why is it wrong to think of myself and learn to control my emotions. Do you think its easy to life like this. Why do you think im not good in what i do or who i am. What is so wrong with me in you eyes and why is Little sister so much better. Why can you accept her problems and therapy because she is so much sweeter and doesnt complain about things. She is your angel and im your devil. So hate me for who i am i dont care anymore.. I dont know how to feel towards you. do i love you or hate you...
To my sister: I don't think I've ever missed you this much in like, my lifetime. I want to come see you again, only I gotta find the time too. But I miss you soo much! I love you!

To Allie: Stop ignoring me for a book! Yeeeshhness. It's so quiet when you're not making bizzare comments!
Aweh Levon i looove your picture thingy its so well i'd say cute but thats not the word...but yea i love it!

To friends: Whoa i am so happy i have you guys cause like honestly i dont know where i would be without you guys. I love you so much, like sooo soo much. And i cant wait for summer cause i wanna go camping with Levon and Allie. And go to calgary to go to the stampede, like i just cant wait to see you gusy again, i miss you guys so much. This i smy i hate university, im always away from my friends.
to a M:

Where do you you think you get the right from to yell at me like that. What did we do wrong and why all that agression. I dont mind that i ennoy you our you dont like me but you can say it normaly.
And thats not every thing why did you have to say that your going to hurt me or even kill me. What did i do so wrong, you scared the hell out of me and now im totaly afraid of the hole world again. Afraid you will show up my door and kill me because you hate me, i dont know how to handle with that, i already hate myself isnt that enough.. Dont know what to do any more. Im just to tired and upset now.
To some of my friends (who just seemed to forget that it's not my fault that they have problems with eachother!): You should be capable to understand that you are not doing things right at this point. You are letting your stupid, ridiculous little fights, yelling and crying afect your relation with others, including me. You are not understanding how bad i feel assisting to this situation...It's not my fault, and neither it is a problem of mine. so please leave your problems to the moments you share with those you have problems with. don't let that afect my mood or the way i feel about you and those you have problems with. Not that you are doing it on porpose. I know that you are not. But it just seems that when you have arguments with eachother, you just forget to live your life.
Plus,please don't forget that me and some other people are there, watching to your moves, always there when you need, so you should show some care, right?
To my Coach and Team:
Girls, we are going to be close, we all know it. you girls are already becoming my best friends. i love you girls. and coach, i speak for everyone when i say thanks, you put with all of our stupid crap.
To my best friend:
So you needed this much time to get over the New Year's Eve issue? You needed like 10 arguments to behave like a friend again? Huh.
To My Best Friend:
I don't care about how well last night went, i'm still not happy with you. We have a lot we need to talk about still.
S: It's not that I'm an introvert (I am), that I'm busy (I'm not), or that I want alone time (I do) ... I just don't like you.

You're not a good person.
I haven't post any post for the longest time..I think it's about time for me to let it and now

To the world:I'm in love...totally in, sorry not Flack but Il Divo!!I'm in love with Il Divo. What is goin on with me? I dunno.

Help. :eek:
To a 'supposed' friend:

OMG. I can't believe you. We could go to Evanescence, a band we both love, on a festival in May. The festival lasts 3 days, but if I'm lucky, I get to go the one day that Evanescence performs. Your parents would drive us there and pick us up. All I needed was permission from my parents.

Now my parents kind of agreed :)eek: because my parents are very strict about these things, as I've never been to a concert/festival before) but they just want to know some more details. You come on msn and ask you and...


I mean WTF? You were gonna go with me, that's the only reason my parents thought about letting me go there! Now you're going with other people, camping there, having fun, so your parents are not gonna drive me there. My parents might be willing to drive me there, IF I have someone to go with me, cause they won't let me go there alone. BUT I don't know anyone else who'd want to go there except you!

I'm so pissed at you right now. You ruined my chance on seeing Evanescence and going to a festival for the first time in my life. Thanks a lot. I feel really appreciated now. I hope you have fun at the festival with your 2 other friends. Don't expect me to be nice to you anymore.

ETA: My parents don't like you anymore either. And thanks for making me cry.
Oh Nikki, I am so sorry for you...I really am. It must be hard.
To my mother: stop asking me all the time if I am OK, what is going on, etc. I need my own space, I don't want to talk, can't you understand?!Thank you!
Yes i know i might stress too much about certain things but don't have a go at me about it let me deal with it by myself.

you say things and i don't know what you really mean. What's with all the double meanings just say it!

Why can't i just admit it I like YOU

also the same as CSI DANI i need my own space stop with the stupid questions
to my roommate:
um, would you mind not sharing the shower with your boyfried while im home? honestly, thats just creepy. either go to his house to screw each other or wait til im not here. its not that hard.
To my Dad, wow when mom called me to say thgat you were going to the hpspital it was the scariest thing i have veer been through. I have always thought of you as invincable, and now that you are so sick it really hard to deal with. But i promim gonna keep coming too see you, everyday. I miss you so much, i love you daddy.
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