To my job: I HATE YOU! I even hate myself for doing what I'm doing, but I need the money so I'm just going live with the idea. To the other 20 companies I've send my CV, please respond, quickly! I resent waking up at 6 a.m., I resent the fact that I have to go to the other side of the city, a side unreachable by subway so I have to put up with the awful traffic, I resent the fact that I'm doing telemarketing. How the hell am I supposed to convince someone to buy something when i hate to do it?
To God: Please, please! Help me find another job! I won't last here more than two months!
To my coworkers: You are so full of yourselves. Yes, I am new. You all know each other for at least a year and you expect me to come after two weeks and pour my soul in front of you? I'm sorry, that is not going to happen. I resent you too. That is why I rather stay in some days and not go with you at lunch.
To my back: Stop aching! I know I've been sitting 8 hours at my job in front of a computer, and now that I'm home I'm also staying in front of the computer, I need you to be fine so I could sit some more
To sleep: please, oh please come my way! I miss you so much! We haven't spent quality time together in the last weeks. Only 2 hours a night is not enough, for I love you so much. So pretty please, can you be here for me tonight more than two hours? I feel like a zombie.
To my friend: I love you. I really do. I'd take a bullet for you any day! Thank you for standing up for me before I even realized what was going on. You did a wonderful thing as always. Thank you!
To certain people: Do I look like the kind of person who would take any interest on your lives? I barely have the time for my own. Refrain yourselves from offending me and my friends just because you've been watching us (and by the way, that is sick and creepy) for a few weeks. What the heck is up with that? Are you planning to kill us or what? Gosh. I don't need drama. Stop creating it, I don't like it, I don't want it and the next time I meet with you, you might get punched in the face.