The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread #2

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To self: Why did you leave that memory stick in that computer- you are such an idiot!! If you don't find it tomorrow or some one nicks it it's your fault! Theres one and half years of work on that thing!!!! You are an idiot for not copying those files but you are lazy as well!!I am so annoyed! [Note toself: first sign of madness is talking to yourself!]
Seems like USB-sticks are getting a lot of heat lately :p

To my German-teacher: I know the task is due tomorrow but I think I lost my muze :( I wrote 20 lines like you asked but it just sucks. I don't like the vocabulary I used, I don't like the construction of my sentences, I'm not even sure I picked the right author to write about. Let's face it, Thomas Mann's life and work in 20 lines is pretty much close to impossible. The dude survived 2 World Wars AND an exile to the US. That's enough to write a whole book about! Ooh yes, a book! I could write a book! Please ask me to write a book and not just 20 lines.

Uhm, scratch that last part. I don't want to write a book either...
Argh, muze, where art thou? Ich brauche Sie :(
So the thing I said to you in previous thread also goes here, so I hope I don't have to repeat myself. And yes, I hope you see there was a warning issued, when you posted similar stuff last time.
So I hope you stop doing it.

I'm sorry, I really honestly did miss the other post :(. I won't do it again, and I've edited my post.
Dear Drivers: You should all have your licenses taken away, young people on their cell phones old people who can't see over the steering wheels and even the middle aged guy who is just so bored he can't be bothered to drive correctly.

And I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to turn there even though it doesn't say so because none of you pay attention to the cars coming in from the other lane. I stop to give room to people trying to get out of that road so they can go while I wait for the light to turn green. Not for you to get hit and cause my day to become immeasurably longer. All it takes for you to get hit is one moron not slowing down in that lane.

Dear dream land: Stop giving me nightmares about phones. IT's not nice of you.
To my favourite teacher:
Can you PLEASE tell the rest of the class about your pregnancy now? I don't know how much longer I can keep my mouth shut, especially when Jessica won't stop trash talking you when you're away so much. It's a good thing, everybody will be happy for you. And me, well, I'll be relieved.

To my least favourite teacher:
You know, you think this is all my fault, but you deserve some blame here too. You have NO IDEA how intimidating you are, THAT'S why it's hard for me to speak up in class. And you constantly displaying who your favourites are (PLEASE make Sasha stay at her own desk. She's going to be sitting in your lap soon) and insulting everyone else behind their backs isn't helping. Have you even READ an ethical guideline?!

To Winter: Go away. I hate you. I do not have time to fall and get hurt right now. It's like a Catch 22: I don't WANT you to make me slip, but the longer I go on WITHOUT it happening the more apprehensive I get that it's going to happen and it's going to be bad.

To my best friend:
Just because I don't like all of the same things you do DOES NOT mean you should treat me like an alien for it. And what was that, grabbing onto Lee like she was a life raft? I've known her for longer than you have. I know she's her own person. You basically just acted for the two of you.

To Lee:
I am getting SO SICK of asking you for that stupid song list! Christmas is coming and this was what YOU wanted me to get you, but you're making it impossible. Stop fooling around.

To Dad:
Okay, you're finally working, that's great. But I'm not holding my breath this time either. And it doesn't even feel like you got a job because you get home SO EARLY. The afternoons were my only peaceful time. I got to recover from school and just focus on me. But I hardly get an hour before you're here! It's creeping me out!
To my mom: Don't just randomly call the house, ask me a question and just hang up. I'd be glad to go look for the paper you wanted if you gave me a chance to get to the dining room before you freaked out. So you can look for it when you get home from work and if you don't like it...tough.

To work: The old general manager better not be coming back or you're going to lose a lot of employess, including me. No one could stand her to begin with, what makes you think that any onf this has changed?
To exam revision- why are yo so boring. Even the interactive learning thing has lost it's novelty. how are we supposed to remeber stuff when it's all so boring? Rias and Fjords and meanders and rivers (go away)

To-myself- stop being an idiot and learn to do things right. that way, you might actually pass this year, instead of having to re-take things again!
To Sean;
I don't effing care that you're my boyfriend, and that you were being sarcastic, I've had the longest, must stressful day of my life I DO NOT NEED you to be texting me every minute of my life to check on me and whine about how we never see each other anymore. Guess what I'M IN HIGH SCHOOL, you're not, we aren't going to see each other very much, and I'm so sick and tired of hearing how sad you are that you never get to see me and that we never get to spend time together, and for the love of all things decent if you tell me one more time that I should go to MRC with you instead of UBC like I want I'm going to scream! We've been dating for two months, not two years, not twenty years nothing! You don't own me and you can't tell me how to live my life. I seriously question why I ever got myself involved with a guy like you, I should've stayed single and then none of this would be happening! LEAVE ME ALONE!
To exams: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


To myself:Sssssssssssssssttttttttttttttttuu
uuuuuuuuuuudddddddddddddddddyyyyyyyyyy! What
is wrong with you?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?! You are going
to flunk out in your first year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To Kitty and Myself: OMFG!!! This time tomorrow I will be at the MCR concert *dies in happiness*

To random guy who got my number wrong: Yes I do answer my home phone with hello (my last name) mental institute. So why did you laugh like a hyena
Dear Van thing: You almost hit me last night, how hard is it to check behind you before pulling it out. I know my car, compared to yours, is small but it's not that small.

Dear Headache: Two days, two days I've had you. I don't want you to be here tomorrow, understand.

Dear Texas: Why must you be so big? I have to be up at 5 tomorrow just to get to San Antonio, you suck. And then come back that night... only to head to Austin on Friday/Saturday. If you were smaller it wouldn't be such a long drive.

Dear Allergies: I don't have you. Do not make me get all sneezled.

Also I would like to cuss out my step family. Because of you stalking my journal I can't write what I want to write because you'll print it off and try to use it against my mom which is complete baloney but I don't want to do anything that could farther hurt her and why should I bother typing anything up when it can't even be read. You're all losers and you know what, I hope you try to use that against mom in January. God do I hope so, because how are you going to prove that she's been harrasing you, when you won't get out of OUR lives. When you're searching for ways to hurt her?

Also, Dear little old town in the middle of nowhere: How come you're the only place in the united states that A) arrests someone B) acctually charges someone with phone harrasment? You know why no one else does? Because it's too hard to prove who actually called. And I'm going to be laughing so hard when our lawyer brings up the recording of the cheating woman living a voice mail of her threating mom. After any phone calls were made just to see who my step was calling.
To-my sister- we have to share a room, so why can't you be just a little considerate and not put up the xmas decorations already- i'm not a scrooge, i just don;t want to be blinded with pink tinsel and fairy lights every time i walk in!

To-rainy weather- you make walking to college suck, so i have to spend money on the bus- not fair :(
CalleighD, love your avatar!

To supernanny: You're hot, can you be my nanny? I'm glad to see you with a sidepart for a change, the middle part didn't do your face any good. Love the new look! Now I only need a misbehaving kid, then I can call you. :D

To little kitty on TV: I'm so sorry you have to live with that messed up family, I wish I could adopt you.
To Sister: Leanne, im having the same problem. Me and my sister luckely don't share the same room but she keeps moaning about getting those xmas decorations out! She already done hers! I wouldn't mind but she keeps moaning at me to do mine- im too busy with studies to think about that!
MiaCharlize- Thanks :D
Natty- I completely sympathise with you.

To-a certain old, boring, British singer- You are everywhere right now! Just because it's Christmas soon, everyone gets out their Cliff albums :S

To-T- Please stop being mean to me because I don't watch English TV-seriously eastenders and coronation street are so boring, i'd rather cut a field of grass with nail scissors than sit through half an hour of that!
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