The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread #2

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To Gerard Way-Oh my gosh you have no idea how much i love you. Your concert last night was f*cking amazing!

To my maths teacher- I'm gonna miss you alot! Your so nice :(

To Grace- Hahaha skating was funi, tonight is gonna be funi telling my coach i can't really walk hehehe
To our class president:
You are really not as great as you think you are. Yes, you're smart, no one is denying that, but do you have to act all holier than thou? Why didn't any of Laura rub off on you last year? She knew how to talk to a crowd. You could have learned something from her. Whenever you talk to people you sound so condescending. Just because we don't get all 90s and live in a big house and have great parents doesn't mean we deserve to be talked to like that! Smarten up! I hate that I can't actually say this to you, but you're untouchable. I hate it!

To my dad:
Nice of you to tell me that this job is temporary. I knew something was off, it took you a year to find a job last time, it didn't make sense that it happened so fast now, but you could have at least been honest with me. Instead I had to hear it from mom. Do you know what that felt like? And now I'm angry because you were walking around shouting it at her, the fact that you're working, ever since you found out, but it's not what it appeared to be. And I was just starting to get the hope back, thinking that we might get some of our little luxuries back, like the morning paper, so I can find out what the hell's going on in the stupid world and not feel lost in conversations, but no. You had to go and ruin it.
To Christmas Shopping: Can you just do it yourself? I'm sick of going out, attempting to pick things for friends that I barley know anymore, and having to spend money on it and hope they like it. To be honest, I just really want to buy a bunch of stuff for my girlfriend, something for the parents, and for the sister. That's about it...but no, you have to buy for every person you know! Like...what?

To my girlfriend: I really do think you're going to make such a huge difference in the world, you amaze me, and you're going to seriously have your name in a textbook, I really do bet you money that you will!

To my computer: Uhh...maybe I should delete some things from you. Fore you cannot keep up with how fast I am typing, which cannot be a good sign. Yeahh...I think I will go do that soon. I will delete music I do not listen to anymore or something.

To this girl whom I hate: I hate you. They say hate is a strong word, which is a good thing, cause I really do hate you. I really wish you no good. I do not like you, and I have no clue what anyone really sees in you. I'm not going to lie, I think you're a bitch.
To studying- I am really not in the mood to do you now I need my sleep *yawn*

To Mr R= Cant believe your leaving us this christmas!
To the meterologist: Stop predicting snow....I'm tired of shoveling this stuff. Not to mention that the city can't plow properly and leaves lines down the middle of the road that freeze and really suck to drive on. Just stop with it till next year we have enough!

To my best male friend: Stop being so bipolar! One minute you don't want to discuss anything and the next you want to talk about everything. I'm not in the mood to figure out how you're feeling when I'm trying to tell you the awesome news about my raise. Yes I know you wanted to ask me to the movie for Sunday but you could have waited...I was the one who called you after all!
To- my doctor- seriously I wait two hours just for you to take one look at my throat and prescribe me antibiotics that I am allergic to, can't you read! A-L-L-E-R-G-Y T-O
P-E-N-I-C-I-L-L-I-N. Now I have to go back and get another appointment because YOU wouldn't change the prescription :( You suck and I'm on the verge of losing my place in the show because it hurts to sing. Thanks a lot.

To-chores- Being home alone is fun until you realise that all the stuff your mum usually does, you have to do :( washing machine- i can;t work the washing machine :(

To-weather- make up your mind please. I hate going out in a big coat only for the weather to warm up in the afternoon. It's winter- surprise me and make it snow.
To friend whose name starts with a W: Stop making plans, asking me to movies, activites, etc and then brekaing the plans with lame excuses. Just because the begnning of the day didn't go the way you want it to doesn't mean we still couldn't have gone to the movie. You really need to get your priorities in order!!
To everyone who goes to a show, gets barricade or close up, then complains about pushing: DUH! C'mon, don't be stupid.

To sidekick: You know I love you but don't start acting funny,. Why was't the e working right yesterday, did you do it just to freak me out?
To- Exams- You are the most depressing thing in my life ever! 59% on a mock is NOT good when the real one is only a month away. Ahhh, why did I take biology- so much sciency stuff to learn :(

To- my sore throat- Seriously, get better now. I neeeeeed to sing my part next week. Please, please, please.
To youknowImeanyou ( :) ):

3 month. Monday you will leave for three month. You will come back for a year afterwards.

three damn month.
We know we like each other. But we also know it´s diffictult, "the thing" with/among us.

So I wanted to let things go. To see what comes up. Remembering that for three month. Gonna be more than hard.

Anyways - you know I´m a sustainer. :( Yet proofing that this way really sucks. :rolleyes:
To Pain:God I hate you why stay just leave I don't need you to bug me when I need to get work done.All I ask if for you to leave.

To California:Make up your mind please,I mean come on one minute your hot then the next cold and raining.I don't get it,oh and we can't forget the earth quakes only days apart.Gah I hate you too.Why do we live here it was better not being here

To The back stabber:Heck yea you hurt me but I got over you and your BS ways.No we won't be friends a few days from the moment I realized and confronted you and no I'm never forgiving you or anyone else like you.I sat through your problems and you repay me like this? Cool I can deal one more strike on the wood wall for me.

To my family:Leave me alone I'm a good kid.All the hurt and pain and well other things,It's hurting me deep down but it's also making me stronger you push me down remember,I got back up.I always well you say I'm nothing but guess what to you I'm not but to this world we call home I'm everything and I'm someone.One Day when I get my badge I get to laugh in your face and stand proud with pride for helping a stranger.Just remember I got back up.
To- Radiocarbon dating- why are you so complicated? I do geology not chemistry :( grr Uranium 235 and carbon 14 you suck.

To-Jennifer- please stop laughing when we are learning about dykes. They are igneous intrusion so get over yourself and stop being so immature.

To- Lauren- you are THE most amazing understudy ever, you've done so much for me this week you probably deserve the role more than I do, yet you continue to let me take the credit for it. You are an amazing person and I LOVE you and YOU will get a main part next year- I promise you that :)
To Sickness:Dude go away your driving me crazy.I want my singing voice back and not this funny sounding one.I want to sleep without aches and fever.I hate the heat f fever and the watery eyes.So to you I say....get lost,go away,do something just leave me alone...por favor. :(
To a certain relative: I am doing the best I can. You had no right to say that to my LITTLE BROTHER. Don't involve him in your petty gossip. When are YOU going to get a life? At least I'm making something of my life, instead of sitting around getting drunk.

And here's a lighter rant-
Ryan: I love you so much, and this is why we have to work together on this. A lot of people aren't going to approve, but I don't care. It'll work out. So don't worry.
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