The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread #2

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To best friend whose name starts with W, thanks for acutally showing up last night. But did you really have to stare at me the entire time? If you had something to say then you should have said it. I can't read your mind and definetly wouldn't want to.

To guy who likes me and his name starts with N please stop throwing snowballs at me, tackling me on the couch, and being nice one second then mean the next. If you asked nicely I might hang out with you outside of school. But for not I'm just going to kick you back, and stop complaining about that as well!!
To Universities- I applied to you ages ago, the least you could do is send me an offer, so I know what I'm aiming for! (and if I'm really lucky, I might get an uncondtional offer)

To the cast and stage crew of Grease- Ahhh opening night tomorrow!!!!!- can you all believe it! Those 6 months of work all coming down to this. I'm so excited and so scared and OMG- freaking out. *I need to remember how to breathe* I really should be in bed, but there's no way I can sleep ^_^
To my uncle's wife:
It was not your place to say those things. We've never been close, the only reason we came to see you is because mom is convinced she's never gonna get a chance to see you again, but you being sick doesn't make what you said right. My family is my family. Not yours. If we were closer, then maybe it would be different. But we're not, so it's not.

To my mom:
You didn't have to air our dirty laundry in front of said aunt and uncle. It's our business, not theirs. They're strangers to us. Technically they're family, but not in any other sense of the word. We don't know them, they don't know us. You should have just left well enough alone. And while we're on the subject of leaving well enough alone, what the hell was that on the train ride back? You just asked me that question, out of the blue, and didn't expect a response? You SHOULD feel guilty, I shouldn't have to "guilt trip" you. You should have known better. What you told me on the train, if you'd said that ten years ago it would have changed EVERYTHING with me and Shannon.
To my playlist: Seriously...if a 10 year old was to listen to almost every song on my playlist, they would probably die from the contents of all the songs...ohh well.

To my girlfriend: You should come tonight! Pleasee try! As much as I love little 8 year olds screaming and yelling, it would be wayy better with you there :) Cause everything is better when youre around. Ha, we ended up in a closet today again :p

To ex friend: I cannot beleive I let myself cry tears over the pain you caused me. I can't believe I was upset over losing the end, it was what needed to happen. No one needs a back stabber as a friend. Oh, tell my secrets, cause I've got plenty on you.
OMG I'm soooooooo hyper lolz. Opening night on Friday was amazing (except when I threw up in between my scenes- but I spose it's good that it WAS in between my scenes and not during :S) The audience was even more full tonight and I have this immense adrenaline rush and I don't want it to end :D :D :D

Lauren- you are my little star <3

--Johnathon- I really dislike you right now, there's no point in you getting all jealous over something so stupid. it's called ACTING. If you had bothered to turn up to rehearsals in the beginning you would still be Danny and I would be your Sandy. but as it is, I'm not, so please just be happy for me and stop acting like a @*&%!!

Exams- i really can't think about you now, I'm far too busy, please go bug someone else :p
To sunblock: SPF 70 my a$$, You cost heaps and I covered myself in you. My face and back are like a blinking tomato, argh. Yes I was swimming for ages but your meant to water resistant :( Ouch

My knees: Why are you purple and sore? Okay i did fall over a few times but...

To Heather: You have the funniest tan lines ever! Tan tan tan PALE! haha sorry but they are sooo funny

To anyone: Yay my opti is back! I can sail now! Only methinks i'm to tall...maybe i should get a starling...

To sunburn: Now turn brown...and I'm good!
To idiots at work: Do I need to draw a diagram of where dishes and such need to to? Seriously you think that we won't notice dirty, missing, or oddly placed dishes? You guys are not going to like when I go to's not going to be pretty on how I give you a lesson in common sense and a verbal tounge lashing!
To a cookie I just ate: You were quite a tasty cookie. I quite liked you. Except you had nasty bits of candy cane in it...whcih is gross. Ew.

To my roommate: Stop buying cheap vodka. Whats the point in you having cheap vodka if I won't drink it. Okay, the fact I won't steal it...but it tastes like nail polish remover. Ew.

To my girlfriend: I'm lonley. I wish you were here :(

To Garrett: Try to kiss me and Imma punch your face out.

To the world: I am seriously not drunk! So a gazillion people can stop saying I am! I am not dizzy, therefore, I am not drunk.
To a certain girl whose name starts with a "M":You know what I hate you,why are you doing this to me.I never did anything to you.The fact that you would lie to people to make them hate me,thats whats killing me.I have to say no one likes you at all,can't you like I dunno just go away and stop trying to ruin my life.Take a second and look at what you got nothing.Even If I lost a few friends along this stupid fight that keep coming up it's okay because I have so much more behind me then your ugly a$$ will ever have.Come on don't hate Appreciate.

Well here goes, I am proud of who I am... Although i dont always know who I am. Somtimes I get lost in my thoughts and not actions...

I appear together but I am not always the same....

I am who I am, the world can see me as one thing and people as another..... I am who I am hate me or love me thats lfe...

I wish that i Could get out of debt, make more money, leave England and start living my life before its over....
To a certain guy: I was bit surprised, but kinda knew. Tho telling me in person and not online was a good thing. Even I am not good at saying things face to face.
So yes, we'll have that date next week :D
To work: AAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH I hate you stupid place, stupid customers, but you pay me my measly wage that supports my wonderful student loan...
To Christmas: You're approaching too fast, there's so much left to do and no time.

To holidays: Why do you start on the 24th? Can't you start a week before Christmas so that people have enough time for christmas shopping, organizing etc. And, more importantly, enough time to get in a chilly mood without Uni stress and such.

To life: Don't be so annoying, I just want a job a house and a child, why does it require so much effort?

To people: Don't be so dense, it's tiring.

To cookies: Please don't be empty again so quickly, you're so tasty and awesome I'll have to cry when I have none of you left.
To myself:
You suck. You really really suck. If you don't find a way to nip this procrastinating thing in the bud you're going to have serious problems down the road. And mom will be proved right. Those horrible things she said will be true. This, right here, is why you're doubting whether or not you'll get into college.

To a certain show and person:
Why did you let me get obsessed with you? Now I can't focus. It's like I open up Word and try to type, but then my mind drifts and the next thing I know I've lost all will to do whatever the assignment is. Why did you have to be so inticing?

To mom:
I am so sick of this double standard you've got with me and Shan. You're so hot and cold. One second it's "Shannon can do anything", and the next it's "She's not capable of cleaning up her messes. We have to do it!". :rolleyes: Has it ever occurred to you that maybe you're holding her back? Funny, whenever I tell her to do something, she does it. Granted, she may be slightly afraid of me, but she knows that I don't baby her. That I expect her to do what I know she's capable of. That includes cleaning up her own damn messes. And while I've got you here, could you please stop contradicting yourself?! You ask me to do something, I do it, and you yell at me for it, saying you didn't want me to do it. Well, you did twenty seconds ago! Make up your stinking mind.
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