The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread #2

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to me: why did you have to drink the whole 3/4 of a bottle of sherry, just because you decided you were too skint to go to London :(

why is it nearly sunday already :( I mean that means back to work monday :(

And why does nothing ever work out the way you want? ever...
To people: Am I the only person in this city who watches where I'm going? I can say that it isn't that hard to watch around yourselves a bit and not to turn just in front of someone running after a bus. Or stop without no warning when people behind you are walking and there's no space to avoid hitting you (and after all that you get mad at that person who just happened to walk behind you).

To other drivers: Where the h*** did you get your driving licenses from?! If the speed limit says 80km/h you really don't drive 40km/h :shifty: when everyone else is driving 80km/h ! I could understand 70km/h speed, but 40km/h is just dangerous.
To my school: What's with all the fire alarm malfunctions?! It's freezing and you've done your minimum 3 fire drills for this semester. We'd rather NOT stand outside in the freezing cold snow unless there's a real fire. Like my Geography teacher said "You know the alarms aren't going to go off when there really is a fire." Get them fixed already so they stop going off for no reason, messing up the bells, and making us stand in the snow.

To girl at school: No, I didn't dye my hair. I went to bed last night and when I woke up my hair had changed colour! Radical eh?

To the groups that stand in the hall after the bell rings: MOVE or I'll push you right out of my way. :)
To ___: Are you kidding me?? Who do you think believes you anymore? Hello? You're ex-girlfreind is in Australia laying in the coma ?? She doesn't even exist and you are so not going to inherit 3 million €. Hello?? Please come on and now you're making jokes of us?? Sorry but go away XO
To stupid laptop: Could you please work???
To__: Why don't you just tell us??:lol:
To the idiots I work for:

Are you freakin kidding me. :scream: Why can't you just pick one thing and make it work for all of us. Quit changing things. How are we ever supposed to work efficiently if you keep changing things on us.

Oh and the loud mouth in the back of my row: GO AWAY! :scream:
To my biology teacher: Okay, here's the thing. Normally, a person is either art smart or more math/science smart. I am more math/science smart. I am not a creative, outgoing, drama loving person. That is why I didn't take it. I'm fine with you asking us to present stuff about diseases normally. Just going up and talking. But asking us to SING about diseases or write a 2 minute poem or make up a skit is just stupid. You want costumes too. That doesn't even make any sense. One of the choices is diarrhea, so what do you want us to do? Dress up as a piece of poo? Not to mention you said you want them to be funny because you're "bored of normal biology projects". Well guess what? You're a freaking biology teacher, okay? It's your job. If you don't want to sit through "boring" presentations, then why aren't you a drama teacher? I also think it's ridiculous that you're asking them to be funny because most of them are not funny at all. You can die from 90% of the choices you gave us to research. But whatever, lets go make fun of them! Seriously, you're such a dumb teacher. I'm not even kidding. You don't even do anything half the time. You don't explain anything and then tell us we're your dumbest class you've had in 5 years. Well we aren't the problem. You are.
To myself: you finally get them to think you're half good, and you go and make hundreds of mistakes- all on the same day at that! what are you playing at? seriously girl, you know how to make it hard for yourslef...

to the weather: why are you so damn cold.
To C___ and P___: I'll try to get through this whole rant without using swearing/caps but I think that will be very hard. Let's just say that you're lucky you aren't here right now, or else I would be giving you a piece of my mind. P, you need(ed) to shut the fuck up. You aren't in our project, so stay out of it. I swear to God... words cannot describe how much you were pissing me off today. If we weren't in a library I actually would have yelled at you. C, you're so full of shit. You didn't even need to talk to him. You just led me through the whole school to find him so he'd sit with us, and you KNEW if he was there we wouldn't get any work done! Why are you so freaking dumb! If that poem isn't done by tomorrow or it's crappy and not something I'm going to say outloud... I will actually flip at you. I've been so understanding this whole semester about you not doing shit on our projects and I can't take it anymore. If you want to fail, that's fine. Go right ahead, but you bringing me down with you is just wrong. So get that poem done or I'm going off on you. I did the ENTIRE last project and you did absolutely nothing. So it's your turn now. Oh, and I'm so not bringing you cookies on your birthday. You didn't hold up your end of the deal, so. Screw that.

To self: Way to fail and swear like 6 times and use caps in the rant above.

To Reine: Thanks for listening to my dumb rants lately. :D I'm just not lovin' life at the moment, as you can tell.
To Dad:

Right, I'm officially disgusted.

You tell me to invite her over and you'll come. So I invite. You and your wife ignore my several emails sent in plenty of advance notice of my gathering. I get that it's a cookie exchange, I get that you don't need cookies, I get it, but I specifically singled you out to say hey - can you please come, because she'll be there, and you said you wanted to be there and show her that you love her. You say sure, we'll see if we can make it. So then this week I follow up with you to ask, again, are you coming, and you respond rather cavaleirly, "Nope, won't make it. Sorry!" like you had never even considered it, like it's no big deal, like you don't even remember that you specifically told me that you wanted to see her, like I didn't specifically invite you, encourage you to come so you could be there for her, which is what you said you wanted.

I understand your disinterest in my childrens' birthday parties but for Christ's sake, this is a girl who wants and needs your love and attention, you said you wanted to give it, and where the hell are you?

I think I am just going to stop inviting you to things because seriously, I'm really sick of being disappointed that you don't involve yourself in my life despite my efforts. Yesterday was Thanksgiving and why did you call me? So you could talk to my husband about a laptop. Nice.

And dammit, now I'm crying at work. Fucking bastard.
Dear C______: You ignore me for days at a time and then come up to me today... to ask for... a DOLLAR?! I'm sorry if I sounded rude when I said "NOPE no dollars." But you're the one who comes to me asking for money like that's all I'm good for. Hell, even if I had a dollar I wouldn't give it to you. Maybe I need that for a Coke, after all YOU know how much I shouldn't drink pop! Go back to your salad and other friends, thanks. I'd rather sit alone and read a book while eating greasy slimey cheese sticks with Coke! Anyways, you and I both know that your mom is not going to bring you your money at lunch when she says she's going to. She NEVER does, and stop saying it's your fault and that you "probably told her the wrong time" again, because she's done this numerous times to you. I'm pretty sure that you didn't tell her the wrong time our lunch was every single time. If she's not going to bring it, bring it before you get to school or make a lunch! Also stand up to your sister once in a while, you're the older one and no offense but she's a bitch.

Dear M___: What exactly are you trying to achieve by turning off the power to my desk when I'm not in the room? Are you trying to make it so that my laptop shuts down while I'm using it because even though it's plugged in, it's not getting power, hence the battery dies? You are aware that even if I didn't notice it wasn't plugged in (but I always do, do you realize how many times a day I look at that little plug and battery symbol in the corner to make sure it's still in?) it still tells me when the battery only has a few minutes left? Then all I have to say is "Oh, M____ turned the power button in my desk to off again." And flick! it's back on in two seconds. What is your point by doing this? Oh but hey, thanks for cleaning up your garbage today, unlike last time when you left Halloween candy wrappers all over my desk and floor. By the way, stop bragging about your laptop. The only reason it's "better" than mine is because you're a spoiled brat and whine until your mommy gets you the best there possibly is. I'm fine with my laptop and I really can't care less that yours is a bit better, so stop telling me it is. And the guitars are EXACTLY the same, yours CAN'T be better.

Dear whole Geography class: I get a headache every class because you're all so freaking loud. And to the kid that sits beside me, what is the point of slamming your textbook shut to make a loud noise? Just the fact that it makes a loud noise? Ooh that's just freaking amazing, stop doing it!

Dear Dad: I hate how you choose random days to be authoritative. Stop acting like Mr. Big Boss Man. It's annoying, and you can't seriously say you won't buy hot dogs because they're over two dollars? This is a shocker even for you. I mean I knew you were cheap but hot dogs?! And it's not my fault the orange juice you bought just because it was 10 cents less than the Minute Maid is GROSS. Maybe if you bought what we told you we like we'd eat or drink it, instead of buying the cheap gross version of it and then getting mad when we don't eat or drink it. Who's fault is that? And it's 11 o' clock at night! There's no need to play a concert DVD on full blast surround sound. There are houses CLOSE to us now, they can probably feel their houses vibrating because of you. And the excuse "Caitie gets to play her music loud all the time" is so lame because first of all you're a grown man acting like a child because I get to have loud music and you don't. Well me and you both know that it is NOT that loud, it's a dinky little iPod dock with two speakers, and I'm upstairs. Not in the living room with surround sound full blast where other people want to sit and not listen to that crap. It's a lot different.

*phew* Whoa, in the mood to rant today.
To mum...

I'm so mad, sad and relieved...
Mad cause you're gone, sad cause you're gone and relieved that you're out of pain. But I love you mum... and remember I'll keep the promise I made. :)
To B_____: Listen,look your being an idiot and to tell you the truth,no,we aren't best friends.At least not anymore,I'm so sick and tired of you lying to me and even worse canceling the plans and doing it with someone else.Halloween I let it slide because friends fight,and the past few weekends I can let slide,but you know I'm tired of your &%*$#@! We were suppose to go see Twilight together but no you went with someone else,and I'm pretty sure I know who it is.Sure it's just a movie but all the things you've been doing to me I can't handle it anymore.I give up I don't even wanna go see the movie anymore.Don't come to me with no more of your problems because I'm tired of fixing everything for you.I'm tired of almost being jumped for you,and I'm tired of sticking up for you,until you can show me that you can actually be a friend I'm through with you.Besides you only come around when you want something and I'm tired of it.

To The person who keeps texting me: Seriously person,I don't know who you are and honestly I'm beginning not to care,just stop texting me at one in the morning or these random chains letters saying "I love you dork" cause that's creepy,honestly,answer me when I ask who it is,something tells me I'll be needing to call my company.

To K____: Okay seriously it's not always about you,I got my own life to worry about and your not helping,I would tell you myself but your just to over the top sensitive,and I hate that,I can't say something without worrying it's going to hurt your feelings.It's driving me insane,but what can I honestly say?

To my Family: I quit,I give up,I'm done.I'm tired of the fighting,it's not even a family anymore.I wish I was still five and everything seemed happier,I'm tired of trying to say what I want to with my lif eonly for no one to listen,but the moment I said the word Marine's you all thought I was crazy,when I said I wanted to move out of state you all said I wouldn't do it.Stop destroying my dreams,because no matter what any of you say I'm going to leave and I'm going to be a cop.You say your afraid something bad will happen,then I say it happens,that's the point of the job,to take the risk to protect teh people around and that's what I'm going to do,with or without the support.
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To my Boss. You suck. Seriously. Stop picking on me or so help me. I cannot WAIT to give you my notice and see the look on your face. Think about how indispensable I am next time the MD asks you for something and you turn around and ask ME where it is. I don't know how I'm going to get through the next year but trust me...I gots me plans.
Do you really think this is a good idea? I mean, seriously? You know I'm the better person for the job. I've been doing it just fine for the last 2 years. But now, because she has more hours available, you're shoving me aside to do something else? And it doesn't even make sense. You don't even give me full hours, so why do you need someone who can work more? Not to mention that she doesn't want the position, and refuses to work sundays, which means that I'm going to end up doing it anyway. But hey, it's your business. Do whatever you want. Just don't be surprised when I hand in my notice after the holidays.
To Dragonfly.

Wanna start a club? I totally know how you feel!!

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