To the idiots that run my company. Times are tough, I'm aware of that. Considering I don't make the millions you do, believe me I'm aware of it.
However, now our GM's are cutting back on everything and now you're probably going to cut my staff's hours.
Yeah, times are tough so lets have us, who are struggling, pay for it. Because God knows we need two GM's (we don't), who you are paying both well over $100K a year and that's not adding in the tens of thousands of bonuses you give them each year. Oh, and you should know all the personal stuff they purchase for themselves, well they put it on their expense report as dealer gifts! You guys are truly morons if you think they actually buy anything for the dealers! They don't, they don't even go see dealers, let alone give them gifts. Maybe you should start requiring them to give you the dealer name and the person that received the gift. I bet thousands would be cut right there. And oh yeah, when they go out to dinner, it is NOT SALES RELATED. It just them and their family and/or friends. Including all parties they have too.
Oh and those gas cards they buy on the company dime? Yup, they use them and give gas cards to their kids so they don't have to buy gas.
But yeah, lets cut hours and terminate people so you can keep putting money in your pockets and paying for 2 GM's which we don't need! Gee, get rid of one of them and this company would save hundreds of thousands every year. Especially when those GM's ARE MARRIED TO EACH OTHER! Boy, it must be nice.
Yup, that makes much more sense!