Dear C______,
Stop ditching me for the "cool" kids. It's oh so obvious you're only trying to hang out with them because you want to be "cooler" like them. It's also OH SO obvious that they do not want you there. I'm willing to hang out with you, they're not, so why? You actually get on my nerves, tons, I hate how you never close your mouth, and not because you're talking just because of the fact you let it hang open. Seriously, you're catching flies in there, close it. Also, I don't give a crap what you think about any of the things I do, watch, read, listen to, etc, especially when none of it is dangerous or illegal. You can shake your head and make that disapproving "uuggh" noise all you want. Oh and also, no, no one cares if you wear jeans, and get yourself some pants that aren't too short. Seriously.
Dear J_____,
Wow, you're so obnoxious, loud, crude, and annoying, but I think I love you.
Dear D_____,
I AM STILL HERE YOU KNOW. Just because I don't hang around with your cousin anymore doesn't mean you don't know me. Jeez, do I have to be with her in order for you to talk to me? Maybe you find it awkward, or maybe you're scared of me... I could see why. But we were friends once, if you don't remember, and I am quite happy to be that and only that. Oh also, you make me feel way too short.
Dear M___: Oh em gee, where do I start? First, I'm not obsessed with the way houses are built, and I have NO IDEA why you would be, but whatever floats your boat. Just
please, please stop telling me every single thing about it because I could not care less. Second, please stop preaching to me about the environment. Yea, sure, it's bad, but I don't care that much either. No, I'm not going to lower the heat in my house, yes I will use air conditioning in the Summer, and I'm glad you're glad we use those special lightbulbs or whatever. Third, if I say something can you at least acknowledge it? I acknowledge you when you go on and on about stuff I don't care about, but as soon as I say something
you don't care about, you ignore me and change the subject.
Dear M___'s Mom: You're not MY mom so stop acting like it. Don't
tell me what colour to dye my hair, where to get tattoos, or what to eat. My mom doesn't even do that. And stop telling my mom that my brother and I should be doing this and that around the house, and get YOUR child to do something around the house, because we all know he does nothing and he's more spoiled than my brother and I put together.
Dear C_______,
OH MY GOD YOU'RE SMOKING?! I want to cry you idiot. I know you've changed so much and we don't even know each other anymore but that's one thing I thought you'd never do.
And somehow I feel if we were still friends, you wouldn't be doing it. I don't even know what happened, we'd never had a fight, we always had fun together, you were the best friend I'd ever had, and then you were just gone. I miss everything from you to your sister to your dog. If only I was a year younger, we may still be together day and night.
That is all.