The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

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He seems slightly surprised to see her, but not freaked out really. But then they seemed to edit in a weird shot of a surprised expression all of a sudden, in the middle of these extra-calm demeanor shots, and I thought it was sort of odd, if only because his expression didn't match those on either side of that shot?

Something looked odd to me too. I'm wondering if George's scenes in Still Life were shot separately from the rest of the cast's scenes and if it may have originally been shot when he had the moustache and then redone when he shaved. I really noticed that he had no scenes with any regular other than Hodges.
BabaOReilly said:

Oh, and I was glad to see Nick's still got the gum-chewing habit. :) I wonder if that was a character thing that George always tried to play with, or whether he's just a gum chewer anyway, and it worked its way into the episodes?

Considering that there are plenty of red carpet shots of GE with gum in his mouth, I'm thinking the gum chewing is a George thing that carried over to Nick.

If GE was/is a smoker and was in a place where he couldn't light up, such as an awards ceremony or filming the show (since his character doesn't smoke), that gum is his cigarette substitute.
OK, I'm going for a run and when I get back (if I make it alive- it's freakin' cold out there today! :eek: ) I'm moving on to the next episode! It is my gola to have us caught up by the new episode Thursday. (YAY, new episode Thursday!)

Anybody feel like adding anything before I get ready to move on?
OK, "Daddy's Little Girl"... an episode that frustrated a great many fans.

First view of Nick is when they're checking out the body pinned behind the car in the parking garage. Nothing much new there. But then next, we have Nick listening to the victim's tape recorder, and finding Kelly's name in her apointment book. I thought it was interesting how Nick immdiately looks behind him when he sees Kelly's name- sort of like he did when he freaked out over the bug on his arm, or when he thought he saw Kelly at the crime scene. Good character continuity there, although I'm not sure what he's feeling just then... Maybe disbelief at what he sees, or a resurgence of fear?
My feeling that it was a moment of panic or fear... a knee-jerk reaction to hearing or seeing Kelly's name. By this time, Nick knew that she was out of prison... and she had been to the lab before, so maybe he panicked for a second.
Yeah, that was my first thought too, especially since he did virtually the same thing when he clawed that bug off his arm.

Seems like he got a hold over it later when he had Kelly in the interrogation room though. He as one cool customer during that scene. From "Does it look like I'm kidding you?" ( HELL no! :eek: ) to the way he said "Hold out your hands" the second time... very frosty and intense some how. I thought he was amazing during that scene.
Yes, the interrogation scene was so intense and amazing. I also loved the scene with Grissom. The acting was just brilliant, even though the script was less than stellar.

I agree the looking-over-his-shoulder was a knee-jerk reaction. It could be all in my head, but seems to me he's been doing that a lot during the non-GD aftermath scenes as well. Like he would look back when there's no reason to, or processing a scene that had nothing to do with GD. Or I'm just making it up. But in any case, it's a very good call on either George or tptb's part to show that Nick's become a little more paranoid since the abduction.

Ooh, idea: We all know Nick's always been jumpy when sneaked up on, wouldn't it be awesome if we have a scene where a co-worker taps him on the back, and he overreacts? It'd be a cool way to let people know all is not well.

Back to "DLG": I can't quite decipher what was going through Nick's mind when he found out about the voice on the tape. The eerie "GD" flashbacks were very cool, though. Am I imagining things, or was there a little bit of moisture in his eyes after the flashback? Poor baby.
Daddy's Little Girl

I was so disappointed about this episode. A huge build up and then a let down. I really felt the writers were simply trying to put the whole Grave Danger behind them.

George Eads did a wonderful job as usual with the tape scene. His facial expression was absolutely heart-breaking. Trying to stay calm and collected, but having flashbacks to the being in the coffin. Yes, I did see moisture in his eyes.

Then the scene with Grissom. Grissom saying casually, "So it's over." And Nick's surprised and hurt look.

Now Grissom might have been saying that to see what kind of reaction he would get from Nick in order to gage how is really doing and he was surprised when Nick simply nodded and waked out of the office.

Now one scene I think was really interesting was the interogation scene with Kelly Gordon. The last time these two were sitting down and facing one another, Kelly seemed to have the upper hand emotionally because it was a short time after Nick's traumatic ordeal. Nick was an absolute mess and barely holding it together. And even the visit she made before, Nick was caught off guard, so you could see he was quite nervous when she paid him the visit.

Obviously, he prepared himself before the interrogation and now was ready to show Kelly he wasn't easily intimidated and this was his safety zone and no way was she going to invade that. He was in his comfort zone here because he was doing what he knew best, his job. Kelly on the other hand was a bit unnerved probably because she knew she had killed someone and at some point, Nick was going to figure it out. It was really a good scene. Both actors emitted strong, emotions. Nick's eyes were very dark here. They always get dark when he is holding back a lot of rage. I think he would have loved to have just wailed on Kelly about her dad, but he didn't because he knew logically she is not responsible for what he did. But she is the closest thing to him.

However, I think Nick was upset at her death in the end. She killed the accountant because as we found out, she was behind the whole thing and in a sense, Kelly and her father were both victims of this woman's treachery. What they did was absolutely horrible, especially her father, but I think in some ways..maybe Nick knowing the whole story behind the kidnapping might give him some sense of closure..not a lot though.

sorry for the babble
^Want me to get Nick's kitty to start forcing folks to talk..

You know I really felt that Grissom was a bit cold here. I know they're men-least that's what we see on the outside-but I'd really like to see Grissom and Nick have a heart-to-heart about that night. That 'put your hand on my hand' moment was a very intense one for the two of them. Nick had regressed into his trauma so deeply that he almost couldn't pull it together in order for them to figure out a way to get him out of there without blowing the rest of them up.

Now here they are months later and all Grissom can say is, "It's over." Grissom with his ability to reach out to victims of crime seemed to be at a lost for words in this scene. Is that because he's never been able to connect with Nick? Or maybe Grissom knows Nick's boundaries and that this is one area he doesn't want to trespass in?

I don't know.
Well said, mfcsi. Except now whenever you say "rage", I start giggling uncontrollably. :lol: The killer kitty is awesome. (If you look at the last three posts together, it looks like the kitty is shooting at Grover, who keeps laughing and taunting him. Classic. :lol:)

Now here they are months later and all Grissom can say is, "It's over." Grissom with his ability to reach out to victims of crime seemed to be at a lost for words in this scene. Is that because he's never been able to connect with Nick? Or maybe Grissom knows Nick's boundaries and that this is one area he doesn't want to trespass in?
It could be a combination of the two. Grissom wanting to talk about it but not as the one to breach the subject. So he hopes to get Nick to bring it up, but naturally has no idea how to get through to him. Especially since Nick's being deliberately difficult.

I did feel a lot of underlying hostility coming from Nick in this scene. More than usual, anyway. For one thing he was a little defiant, especially when he leaned back in his chair and said "it's not a problem", in a tone that was almost daring Grissom to disagree. I also loved the way he looked up at Grissom and paused, before responding to his "it's over". There was so much subtext in that look. Like mfcsi said, for a second he seemed surprised and hurt by Grissom's tactlessness. Then resignation seemed to take over. When he smiled before leaving, I got the impression that part of it was him laughing at himself for ever thinking Grissom could get over his emotional constipation. The rest was him laughing at the irony of that statement, because it was no where near over for him. The look on his face after Kelly OD'ed - that's years of therapy right there.
Considering she died right in front of him. Staring right AT HIM!!!! Poor guy...he needs a good therapist right now. Dr. Phi is a good choice.

Dr. Phil: Now son you gotta stop moping around, letting yer hair grow in yer face, growing these big things on your's that working for ya!

Nick: Hmmm..well..considering you have a big thing over your lip..that's a little hypocritical don't you think?
This is my second attempt to add a few words. The first time I took too long to compose my thoughts and the screen timed out and my thoughts were lost!!

My initial thoughts on watching DLG were what a disappointment. However, after getting this out of my system I went back and watched the episode a couple of more times. I am glad I did. Even though the story was pretty poor and the GD link wrapped uo way too tidily, I saw some great acting by George Eads. There is so much non-verbal communication in this episode. The body language is everything and the words very little.

I read in an interview that George Eads gave at the end of season 5, that he wanted to see Nick in Season 6 become callous to the point of uncaring. Where Nick could no longer see good in anything and that this might even get him into trouble.

To me DLG indicates that George’s thoughts are coming to fruition. I’ve been thinking for a time now that Nick ‘changed’ after Gum Drops. Up to Gum Drops he is coping with his ordeal in Grave Danger by going about work much the same as always. He has convinced himself he is ok and moving on. It catches him out every so often, like with going down the bunker, but he is generally in control. He is hiding it well from his colleagues. However, the circumstances of Gum Drops tweak Nick’s fragile emotional state and he loses control big time during the interrogation of the offender. The fact that Sarah observes this weakness makes it all so much worse. We know from past experiences Nick does not open up to others and is a private person. Sarah even highlights too him that he would not have behaved in that way 6 months earlier. I think Nick was scared, and also ashamed by his loss of control and has, intentionally or otherwise, since this point regressed deeper into himself. He has buried his emotions as deep as he was buried in Grave Danger. He has become more insular from his colleagues. Warwick even notices enough to call him ‘Grissom’ in PofTR. (which of course we have not got to yet!)

In DLG there are so many reasons Nick should be emotional – he has been kept in the dark about the tape, Archie knew but not him, Kelly has come back to haunt him, he learns his kidnapping was only about money, Grissom thinks its all over just because the suspects are deceased and then Kelly commits suicide in front of him. The ‘old’ Nick would have worn his emotions on his sleeve, everyone would have known if he was angry or sad. Now he is ‘cold’. No barging into Grissom’s office – he has to be summoned. Lemon-grass has already highlighted the tensions during the meeting. But Nick never loses his cool; he unnerves Grissom with his calm tones and ‘poker’ face. Nick has the upper hand when he leaves the office. There was never any chance of him showing the weakness shown in Gum Drops. Nick has made sure of that.

There are visible signs that Nick is troubled on a sub-conscious level. I agree with the comments above that the checking behind him is one of those signs. It has been happening a bit in Season 6. He was caught unawares and grabbed from behind when he was kidnapped, and now in moments of stress he subconsciously checks behind him.

That’s what I like about DLG, there is so much we learn about where Nick is now, but not so much from his words, but from his body language. He is not in a good place and it looks as if it is going to get worse for him!
^^^ Yeah, I totally agree.

If anything, I almost felt sorry for Grissom at the end of their little chat because he looks sort of surprised and possibly confused. The old Nick would have let his frustrations, anger, or whatever he was feeling show. But not this time. Again, Nick has become a super cool customer now- he's so much harder to read than he used to be. And poor Grissom- he doesn't know what to do with this Nick.
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