The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

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yeah i mean its a huge thing to have to incorporate into someones character...its a lot to add to someone, and probably a lot of work for the writers to have to think "well, given what hes been through, what would he do about this NOW?" which is why i LOVED gum drops

Seems to me that George is doing some of this himself in how he plays each line and the looks he gives. I wish he was submitting some writing for the show. We'd likely then get better reactions from the other characters to Nick.
You made me laugh out loud myfuturecsi , I just picture Nick leading Grissom to that cliff whistling kind of like Daryl Hanna in "Kill Bill".... :lol: But I would also love for Nick to finally break down so he can build himself back up...and that bar fight would not be a bad idea at all. :devil:
Re myfuturecsi: There's still hope they will address it this season... Jumping ahead a little here: I was thinking during "Killers", as I said in the ep discussion thread, that Nick hasn't really processed crime scenes at night this season, has he?

Yes and no. So far he hasn't processed a scene outside at night. At least not without lots of people around him. The was the trailer park, but other that he has processed scenes inside.

I was wondering about his absence 30 minutes into the episode, and then realized that both crime scenes were being processed in the dark, in typical CSI lighting, and it kinda made sense Nick wasn't there. And then we had a scene in broad daylight, and sure enough, there he was. It just all seemed very deliberate to me, and made me wonder if the writers have something else for Nick up their sleeves.

It has more noticeable in recent episodes. For example, we didn't see him at Jesse's house in Still Life. In DLG, Nick was working in a garage where it was impossible to tell what time it was. I think they are going somewhere with this. I think the debacle of DLG was more to get rid of the whole accomplist thing and focus more on the effect that Grave Danger has had on Nick.

Personally I think that is a good way to go. It speaks more the lingering effect that a crime has on it's victim if said victim is still scared even after the danger is over. If there was another kidnapper out there, then Nick would have very good - and ongoing reasons to be uneasy. There is still a danger out there. If however after everyone connected to the crime - Walter, Kelly, Syliva - is dead and can longer harm Nick, and therefore the danger is pretty much over, and Nick is still uneasy - when then that speaks the scars that a crime leaves on its victims. As Nick said in Homebodies in a nice - if unplanned - bit of foreshadowing the differince between burglury and home invasion was the infliction of terror. The bad guys are there for a very short period of time...the fear howerver stays for a very, very long time. I wonder if that is where they are going with this.
ABRTI part two: After they realized who shot Bell, Nick's little sympathetic facial wince as he said "he stood up" really struck me, because I was surprised GE could emote that effectively through the 'stache. :lol:

I think that was one of my favorite Nick moments in the two episodes. I think up until that very second Nick had been treating the whole thing as a more intellectual exercise. I also think he really didn't think that it had been Brass. He may have felt one of the reasons they were there was to prove it HADN'T been either Brass or Sophia. But the second that his laser light went through the Bell dummy all that changed. It was a wonderful bit of acting on George's part.

How about we move on to Dog Eat Dog?
Unless anyone has anything else they want to add to ABRTI2?
Sounds good to me. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to take another look at that one before I comment...

On another note, since after tonight we have two weeks of repeats thanks to the Olympics, we may actually catch up to the current episode! WooHoo.

That;s gonna be my goal, anyway. :)
Sounds good to me. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to take another look at that one before I comment...

On another note, since after tonight we have two weeks of repeats thanks to the Olympics, we may actually catch up to the current episode! WooHoo.

That;s gonna be my goal, anyway. :)

You'll notice I didn't write anything either. :D

I'm having a senior moment and can only recall the vaguest details. I know that Nick and Sara worked the case of the woman mauled by the dog but that's about it.
And that Nick was very popular in those particular jeans... which surprisingly I can't remember either! :lol:
Ah yes, the jeans and their...contents were very memorable. :devil:

Ahem. Let's see, character stuff... well, I remember Nick letting Sara look at the scope first when they were getting results from Hodges. What a gentleman! :)
Loved the snarl as he called Animal Control. And whoa! that close up of his lower torso in the jeans was a show stopper.

It also was the last appearance of the stache.

Now, the cute moment was when he and Sara figured out the missing albums simultaneously. Shows what a well-matched investigation team they are when working together.

I'm not sure there was true character advancement for Nick. He just worked the case with Sara. It was an episode more on the humorous side for Thanksgiving -- something light.

Even when they missed that the husband had been shot and they should have looked for a gun, there was no penalty for either Nick or Sara. She just went back and got the gun.
I hardly ever visit this forum, I'm more a picture kind of gal but someone mentioned jeans so I had to see since we made a reference in the pic. thread. Yes, he wears high quality jeans, (not going to go down "that" road) they fit him well, oh and besides the jeans I think there may have been a plot in that episode. Hot diggity dog, I loved those jeans in Dog Eat Dog.
Now, the cute moment was when he and Sara figured out the missing albums simultaneously. Shows what a well-matched investigation team they are when working together.
That was so cute! Especially with the little pause before they both said "the Beatles". :)

Finally I get myself to stop thinking about the jeans, and there he goes packin' again last night... Dang!

I almost forgot, here's something that's been bothering me: was this the episode where Nick told Hodges to "drop dead" or something like that? (I know that's not what he said, but my brain's on a bathroom break.) That's not like Nick, don't you think? When he doesn't like someone because of their personality, he doesn't snark right to their faces. Like when he first met Hodges, all he ever did was call him "kiss-ass" behind his back, and give him dirty looks here and there. So what's going on here? Are they now such good buddies, Nick has no problem teasing Hodges like that? That's kinda how I took it. What do you think?
There was a lot I liked about this episode that was good. I did like how both he and Sara figured out which albums were missing.

Ahem. Let's see, character stuff... well, I remember Nick letting Sara look at the scope first when they were getting results from Hodges. What a gentleman! :)

Oh yeah, that was a great moment...the looks Nick and Sara exchanged when Hodges was talking about how his hamsters ran away was priceless... They were both thinking the same thing, but niether wanted to one to tell Hodges the truth.

I also liked Nick's expression when he figured out the wife cheated to get the dog to go to her.
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