The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

Discussion in 'CSI: Crime Scene Investigation' started by Destiny, Oct 21, 2005.

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  1. Destiny

    Destiny Still Sanity Challenged! Premium Member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    Part one can be found Here
    Okay you all left off on the "No More Bets." Episode.
  2. allstar12

    allstar12 CSI Level Three

    Sep 17, 2005
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    Cool, new thread - yay for the new thread. I already voiced my opinion on the episode on the last page of the previous thread so, Im going to sit back and wait for others to post :p
  3. ford_prefect

    ford_prefect CSI Level Two

    May 14, 2005
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    So I'm guessing that Nick would have been above Warrick and Sara then. That could have been interesting, but I'm glad that they didn't do it. I like those characters as equals.

    I don't think they ever had any intention of implementing a promotion anyway. All it really did was cause a lot of tension between Sara and Nick, that I did not enjoy at all. Having them at odds for one or two episodes is fine, but dragging it out over an entire season just didn't work for me. I like Sara, and I want to like Sara, but this whole storyline made me dislike her a lot of the time.
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    ok what you guys said about nick wasn't really being insensitive, just honest to Sara - I guess thats true. He wasn't intentionally hurting Sara.

    But that one line as he's leaving the locker room "Oh well, I guess it's an honour to be nominated right?" (or something like that) - now, to me, that it REALLY insensitive. Its like he's rubbing it in - that HE got nominated and not HER. He probably didn't intentionally say it but he was being a bit stupid there wasn't he?
  5. BabaOReilly

    BabaOReilly Head of the Swing Shift Premium Member

    Mar 24, 2003
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    Heh... Sorry, but it just ocurred to me how everyone's clearly thinking like a woman here. Heh heh. As in, "If I was Sara..." :lol: Clearly men just don't get it! :D
  6. lemon_grass

    lemon_grass CSI Level Two

    Jun 5, 2005
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    I agree that Nick is just being honest with Sara by telling her he got the non-promotion. In his mind it wouldn't have mattered by then anyhow. And Nick's always been upfront with Sara: remember when he told her to get out more? He's not trying to hurt her feelings or anything, just looking out for her as a friend and telling her what he thinks she needs to hear.

    Is that really what he said? :eek: For some reason I never caught that last line and it never crossed my mind to check it out. Hm. I was probably distracted by the little swaggering he's got going on. :D And him sitting there in his vest checking the gun, looking mighty fine...*mentally jumps vest-clad, gun-wielding Nicky* But anyway, that line is really insensitive, especially for him. Either he's *gasp!* not the saint that he is in my head, or the writers got sloppy and didn't realize how OOC that line is. I'm sticking with the latter. :D

    I swear that's not what I was thinking at all. ;) No really, if it was, then I would have said something like, who cares what he's saying, I'm so jumping him! Oh wait, I did kinda say that...never mind then. :D
  7. ford_prefect

    ford_prefect CSI Level Two

    May 14, 2005
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    When I was scrolling through the transcript to remember what happened in this episode, I could have sworn that Sara congratulated Nick at the end, but then I discovered that that didn't happen until the end of "Bloodlines." Assuming that the dates on CSI are approximately the same as in reality, that means it took her about a week before she congratulated him. It was a sweet moment though, and you could tell that she really did mean it. Nick's teasing her about how hard it was for her to do, was cute too. That actually makes me think that while he may have been a little insensitive when he told her, it wasn't like he didn't deserve the promotion, so there was no reason for him to be apologetic about it.
  8. allstar12

    allstar12 CSI Level Three

    Sep 17, 2005
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    Technically, she did congratulate him when he told her he recieved the promotion - but it seemed kind of forced to me. I liked that she gave him a sincere congratulations in Bloodlines (albeit, she had had a few drinks ;)) - but I don't like how TPTB made it like what a week after he first told her about it. Maybe they just didn't know how to incorporate into any other scenes...
  9. ford_prefect

    ford_prefect CSI Level Two

    May 14, 2005
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    Did she? Oops. :) It makes a little more sense to me then.
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Still Sanity Challenged! Premium Member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    No More Bets, Lines between Sara and Nick reguarding the promotion.

    (SARA turns the corner and walks into the locker room. She finds NICK sitting on the bench reading a letter.)
    SARA: Hey.
    (NICK looks up at her.)
    NICK: Hey.
    (SARA opens her locker as NICK goes back to looking at his letter. He puts the letter down, thinking about it. SARA notices that he's troubled about something.)
    SARA: Everything okay?
    (NICK raises the letter.)
    NICK: This is about the key CSI position. Grissom recommended me.
    (The look on her face freezes. It takes a beat, then she smiles.)
    SARA: Congratulations.
    (NICK tucks the letter back into its envelope and stands up to get ready for his shift.)
    NICK: It's not necessary. Position was cut. Budget had room for the new promotion or a new qiagen, bio robot ez-1. Greg will be thrilled.
    (As he talks, SARA'S lost in her thoughts. NICK checks his weapon and tucks it in his side.)
    SARA: (less than enthusiastic) Yeah.
    (NICK shuts his locker door, turns and glances at SARA before heading for the door.)
    NICK: Oh, well, it's just an honor to be nominated, right?
    (NICK leaves the room.)

    Later Sara and Grissom try to discuss the promotion (using only the lines pertaining to the promotion).

    SARA: Nick said the budget for the promotion was cut.
    SARA: He also said you recommended him.
    (He looks at her.)
    GRISSOM: I did.
    SARA: You said you didn't have a problem with me.
    GRISSOM: I don't.
    GRISSOM: I thought that Nick was the best candidate for the position.
    SARA: Why?
    GRISSOM: Because he didn't care whether he got the job or not.
    SARA: That's a stupid reason.

    I added the last part in as they were also discussing "Nick" as well. Hope this helps. ;)
  11. allstar12

    allstar12 CSI Level Three

    Sep 17, 2005
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    Damn Destiny, way to be on top of things :D
  12. Destiny

    Destiny Still Sanity Challenged! Premium Member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    :lol: there are times i might not be able to remember some quotes, but scenes i sometimes remember part of the words from it.

    Considering i am a bit scattered right now, i have to admit reading that, i surprised me. Thanks. ;)
  13. myfuturecsi

    myfuturecsi Corpse

    May 27, 2005
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    qiagen, bio robot ez-1.

    I'm confused..what the hell is that..why does Nick have to use such big ne c'est pa what you vous plait

    I don't think Nick swaggered, he just walked like he normally walked. He's always swaggered. He's cowboy..

    Anyways..I thought Sara behaved like such a suck..sorry I love her, but I didn't like her behaviour.

    I like how Nick handled her kudos in the end, like yeah whatever Sara, save your sincerity for someone who believes it. I was like you go' Nicky.

    Not to go off topic, but I'm glad Sara's seems to have gotten beyond that bitter angst she had for two seasons. I think what happened to Nick at the end of season five changed her perspective on things. That a big promotion wasn't worth treating a colleague like crap for.

    back on topic
  14. Nickyboom

    Nickyboom Prime Suspect

    Aug 5, 2005
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    These maybe explain Nick's "leadership" in "gum drops" (sorry it's far away of these case... ).

    About Nick's comment to Sara, I haven't even noticed it...
    i don't think it was mocking or something else..

    But about Sara's comment to Grissom.. I've just found this really childish.. you know, you don't come to your boss and complaining about his decision who is good for one of your team member!! It's like going to your teacher and telling him to lower the results of another student only because your are "jealous"..!! :eek:
  15. abharding

    abharding Rookie

    Sep 22, 2004
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    It could also be that the writers wanted to show how far Nick had come from season one... That he no longer needed Grissom's approval... and that even when he NEEDED Grissom to write him a recomendation to get a promotion he was willing to go againist him and to prove that Grissom had made a mistake...

    I am not sure who said it, but while Nick was looking into the Rita Westanson disappearence/murder one of the people at the lab tells Nick that proving your boss is/was wrong is not exactly the best road to career advancement - but Nick did not care if Grissom is annoyed, his concern was on the case... which is what Grissom has always wanted. I think he was even more impressed that Nick said that now he would have fought Grissom on his decison to close the case... that he would have been thinking about the case and not just agreeing with Grissom because Gris was the boss. Grissom wants people who will think for themselves...and who's concern is always the case...
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