The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

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I know that Maverick played in Burked from season 2 but did he play in dog eat dog? Anybody know?

(sorry for my poor english)
Well it wasn't said with malignance. Nick said something like "Hodges heel" and then added "No better still - play dead" they were both joshing around about the dog-theme.
Ahh yes, the dog-theme...It was a very funny little scene. Still, I thought the writers were making a point to show that these two get on a lot better than they used to. I wonder if Nick knows how Hodges helped rescue him in "Grave Danger"? Or how far everyone else went to get him out, for that matter? He must have a general idea, but maybe his teammates held back some details. Grissom didn't tell him about lip-reading the goodbye messages, that's for sure. :rolleyes: I just can't help but wonder how much he knows about everything that went down. Oh what I wouldn't give to see how he learned about the webcam feed...There are just so many loose ends that were never addressed.

Sigh. I'm feeling some of that frustration after viewing "DLG" again.

Sorry for babbling, but seeing as the next episode up is "Still Life", the "GD" stuff is at least marginally relevant.

(If anyone wants to add to "DED", be my guest. :))

"Still Life": First of all, the 'stache is NO MORE! :D

And Kelly Gordon returns. I'm too tired to tackle this one right now, so I'll leave that to you guys. Discuss. :)
This is my favourite thread on the Board. I've loved reading all your comments over the past months. Decided I should join in before all the fun was over.

The bit that sticks in my mind from DED is that Nick should take his own advice and get a pet. I think he is visibly more relaxed when he is in the lab with the dog when talking to the tech person. I think he almost smiles.
I think that's true, easter but with the crazy shifts and overtime they all work, I imagine it would be hard for them to have pets. Or at least dogs, since they need a lot of attention.
Yeah. Maybe he could get some fish. Ooh, or a bird!

No one has anything to say about "Still Life"? Really? *insert raised-eyebrow smiley* All right, I'll type up my thoughts a little later to keep us going. Maybe.
Actually, I noticed that to, Nick always does stuff in the day.
But if you ambushed and put in to a coffin at night I think i'd probably steer clear of the dark too.
Well the only time I remember him processing at night alone was at the beginning of "Gum Drops" but then there were dozens of cops around before Sarah arrived - so I guess he felt safe enough.

The first episode of the season - all the CSIs arrived at night - but then they were all together.
Hey -- I forgot this thread existed! I didn't use to participate because I didn't see most of Season 5 and was unable to really participate in the discussions... but you're far into Season 6 now!! Doh. :) I'm a bit late. ;)

So I'll start lurking a bit until I get a feel for what you guys do here.
OK, "Still Life"... took me a minute to remember what this one was about! Heh heh.

Well anyway, not a whole lot of Nick in this one, but what there is of him is pretty interesting.

First, we see him catching a glimpse of Kelly Gordon at the crime scene, and when she quickly leaves the crowd, he looks over his shoulder as if he wants to say to someone, "Did I just see who I think I saw, or am I truly losing it now?" It's a nice teaser for the Nick fans, for sure. :D

OK, next up, Nick looking hot as he processes the car and he finds some evidence (no surprise there cuz he's DA MAN! :D ) and then he hears he's got a visitor on the P.A. (and for some reason, his ears-perked-and-looking-up-while-listening-to-the-announcement look is so cute! :) ). So, drops some evidence with Hodges, who also manages to elicit more super-cuteness out of our favourite CSI: "You're coming around Hodges." And then KA BLAM ! She's back!

He seems slightly surprised to see her, but not freaked out really. But then they seemed to edit in a weird shot of a surprised expression all of a sudden, in the middle of these extra-calm demeanor shots, and I thought it was sort of odd, if only because his expression didn't match those on either side of that shot? I don't know if I'm making sense here or not; anyway, it was right after she admits she was at the crime scene. He looks calms, flash back he looks surprised, flash back and he's back to the original calm again. I guess it was just weird editing.

So, obviously he's not really sure what to make of her visit in the end, and the fact that it is kind of weird for her to be there, when he asks "Are you alright?" To which she tantalizes the Nick fans a little more by uttering the infamous word from his kidnapping tape: "Perfect".

And that's all I got. What'd I miss? Who's got some more insights? Hook us up! :D

I'd also like to mention that it was a nice Warrick episode and I really liked watching the focus on him for a change. They need to do that more often- he's my second fave after Nick!
Hello. I'm a frequent reader, love all your insights, and an infrequent poster. Just wanted to add my thoughts on GE's first scene in Still Life... it's when he's walking with his case past the playground and ends up at the empty swimming pool. There's no dialogue, but I thought it was an interesting and subtle scene, because I kind of figured that the viewer was supposed to make the connection between the emtpy pool and Nick being buried under ground. There's a moment where Nick stops and looks at the pool and sort of flinches-- it's really understated but well done. And GE is hot. That is all.
Hmmm ^^^ Interesting observation. I may have fast forwarded too far to get to the first Nick scene and missed that bit. I need to go back and check it out. :)

And on a side note, I liked your intro comment- aort of reminded me of a caller on a radio talk show: "Hi, I'm a full-time listener but first-time caller..." :lol:
He seems slightly surprised to see her, but not freaked out really. But then they seemed to edit in a weird shot of a surprised expression all of a sudden, in the middle of these extra-calm demeanor shots, and I thought it was sort of odd, if only because his expression didn't match those on either side of that shot?
Oh, I completely agree. I didn't catch that the first time around (Well, I didn't catch anything cuz I was too busy squeeeing into my pillow after waiting for that scene all night :D), but after you guys pointed it out, it's really noticeable.

Just wanted to add my thoughts on GE's first scene in Still Life... it's when he's walking with his case past the playground and ends up at the empty swimming pool. There's no dialogue, but I thought it was an interesting and subtle scene, because I kind of figured that the viewer was supposed to make the connection between the emtpy pool and Nick being buried under ground. There's a moment where Nick stops and looks at the pool and sort of flinches-- it's really understated but well done.
I didn't notice that either, will have to check it out. But here's a random thought: you know how CSI episodes come with a narration for the visually impaired people, where if you enable the function on your tv, a voice describes everything that's going on in excruciating detail? I watched a season 5 episode with narration once at a friend's house, and they mentioned tons of little details that I never would have noticed. Nick flinching beside the pool sounds just like one of those. My point is, tptb could be a lot better at continuity than we give them credit for; it's just that a lot of things were probably so subtle, most of us never picked up on them. Wish I could figure out how to work that narration thingy on my tv so I can re-watch all the Nick scenes to see if we missed anything else. (And I've sunk to a new low with my obssession. :rolleyes:)

Btw: welcome canshetype ! :D

Back to Kelly's visit: despite the weird editing, I thought GE really nailed that scene. His didn't say much, but his whole body language screamed how uncomfortable he was: from his hands in his pockets, to the way he sort of froze and then fidgeted a bit when he saw her, everything was just dead-on. He also kept his distance, which was very uncharacteristic of him. I was almost expecting him to shrink back when Kelly started walking towards him. And of course, being the nice guy that he was, he asked her if she was all right, even though his own voice was faltering a little. :( All in all, I thought Kelly was very dominant in this scene, and Nick was caught off guard and just trying his best to keep up with her.

Nick has been dealing with his trauma by being in control (of himself and circumstances around him), and most of the time he's successful, but there's been a few slip-ups that expose just how vulnerable he is, and after his ordeal Nick must have hated feeling that way. In Kelly's interrogation scene in "DLG", I always thought there was something subtle but unusually assertive about Nick's demeanor, so maybe he was trying to make up for feeling off-guard and vulnerable in "Still Life" and regain the upper hand? But still Kelly was one step ahead of him. When Nick looked up from Kelly's body after her overdose, the look on his face sent shivers down my neck. So vulnerable it was heartbreaking. You just know what happened was going to haunt him for a long time to come. And hopefully the writers know it too!
OK, I went back and looked at Nick at the pool, but I didn't really see anything unusual. That doesn't mean it wasn't there, though. ;)

Oh, and I was glad to see Nick's still got the gum-chewing habit. :) I wonder if that was a character thing that George always tried to play with, or whether he's just a gum chewer anyway, and it worked its way into the episodes?

OK, since the contributions seem a little sparse these days, I'm going to move on to "Werewolves". Overall, this was one of my least favourite episodes so far this season. Just seemed a little too unbelievable to me. I mean, I don't have a problem with the condition the brother and sister had, but the storyline of the sister just seemed a little unrealistic to me. But anyhoo...
Not much new with Nick this episode. Another nice moment with him interrogating a suspect though. I LOVE watching Nick interrogate; he's really come into his own in that room over the years. :)

I liked his little chat with Grissom about werewolves too. A nice colleague to colleague moment, and one you don't often see with Nick and Grissom (read: step-father/bastard stepchild relationship).

Other than that, and the fact that a) I liked Catherine's boots at the beginning of the episode; and b) this may be the last time where I really didn't mind Nick's hair, I didn't see much new in this episode, in terms of the NS Timeline.
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