The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

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^^^ Nah, I was right there with you. In fact, I even gasped out loud after I saw it. Good thing I was watching it alone! :lol:
Warrick: Hey, Moustache Boy!
==> the only reference ever made by one of the characters to the dreaded facial hair. I thought at least ONE of the others would have said something too. Cath? Greg? Sara?

Seriously, what I remember about this is that Nick didn't have a major role in the investigation. To get a good look at the 'stache, I fast-forwarded through some lengthy stretches of the show.

Nick just seemed to be helping out where he was needed. Catherine had him look for the key box "since he was already dirty" and Grissom surprised him by showing up with the missing hubcap from the car. Not a lot of opportunity for Nick to shine.
Ah, the 'stache of wonders...not going there.

When Nick and Sara processed the cop car for bullet holes, Nick said something about it being Officer Bell's time to die. In the episode discussion thread, some people interpreted it as Nick being angry with what Sara said to him in "Gum Drops", and was throwing it in her face, but I'm not sure. Nick has never been one to harbor a grudge. I haven't watched the episode in a while; did Sara give him a look after he said that?

People also said that Nick seemed kind of glib about the whole Bell shooting in that scene, and I think I agree. Maybe he realized after his blow-up in "Gum Drops" that it was dangerous dealing with what happened by getting overly attached to the victims, so now he's purposefully making himself apathetic, with the help of Sara's philosophy. Bell's dead, fine; it was just his time. So I don't think he was so much throwing it back in her face; rather he was perhaps trying to convince himself out loud that there was nothing he needed to get worked up about.

And his glee when firing the machine gun: brace yourselves for the Day of Rage! :eek: :lol:
it does kinda get to me how the writers have these huge gaps in nicks flips out about the kid in "gum drops" but when faced with the person who is the REASON he spent twelve hours underground, hes pretty chill. when he talked to grissom about the hidden evidence in his case, he just says, "thats it". its strange, the way these things go. it happens in miami, too...ryan will be so nice and naive and innocent one episode then steal delkos evidence the next...its weird...
I think ABRTI was the next phase in Nick's attempt to deal with things. He tried to wear his heart on his sleeve and help a fellow victim in Gum Drops and I guess the whole Mcbride case was the last straw for him and was just oo painful. Voila Nick completely alters his look and tries to be mr. macho and tough with the 'stache from hell. All of the sudden he relishes firing automatic weapons, a little too much if you ask me. I remember sitting on the couch after this episode thinking "who is the guy and what has he done with Nick Stokes".And that feeling hasn't really changed. It seemed he is runnig and hiding ever since gumdrops trying to put on a very feeble tough front.
And I think it will catch up with him and that The Day of Rage is indeed coming, Lemongrass.:lol:
When Nick and Sara processed the cop car for bullet holes, Nick said something about it being Officer Bell's time to die. In the episode discussion thread, some people interpreted it as Nick being angry with what Sara said to him in "Gum Drops", and was throwing it in her face, but I'm not sure. Nick has never been one to harbor a grudge. I haven't watched the episode in a while; did Sara give him a look after he said that?

People also said that Nick seemed kind of glib about the whole Bell shooting in that scene, and I think I agree. Maybe he realized after his blow-up in "Gum Drops" that it was dangerous dealing with what happened by getting overly attached to the victims, so now he's purposefully making himself apathetic, with the help of Sara's philosophy. Bell's dead, fine; it was just his time. So I don't think he was so much throwing it back in her face; rather he was perhaps trying to convince himself out loud that there was nothing he needed to get worked up about.

I don't think it was a grudge. I tend to think it was more Nick trying to a bit philophical. I mean, all those bullets flying around and only ONE cop goes down? I think he was also trying to figure out why it was Bell who died. Saying it was just his time was a way of saying that Bell didn't do anything wrong, almost that it was a higher power that deemed that Bell would die at that time. It could also be one of the reasons he thinks he is still alive...That he owes his life to a higher power and not his co-workers and friends or his stubborn will to hang on.

And his glee when firing the machine gun: brace yourselves for the Day of Rage! :eek: :lol:

I don't know if they are going to go that far...but I could a see more then a few fan-fics about Nick "going postal" as they say.
^^^He he he..I've certainly enjoyed it in my Blog, I've even added a few helpers into his Day of Rage including a cat, Sara, Cassie..

Anways..onward to ABRTI Part Two
I don't know... I'm undecided on what he meant by quoting Sara's words back to her. And it was hard to judge how she took it as well. I'm leaning towards Nick not meaning it in a philosophical way, but somehow with a slight bitterness. It's a tough call and I guess only time will tell. (Hopefully, if the writers don't blow off Nick's inner turmoil after the 'resolution' in DLG).

I'm also undecided as to what Warrick was thinking of Nick with that gun scene. Warrick says he gave that up a long time ago, but I'm trying to decide if he was looking a Nick with a bit of surprise or not. Did he too find this out of character for Nick?

Enquiring minds want to know! :lol:
I'm not sure I remember that part too well.

If I don't tape an episode of CSI, I have a hard time remembering certain reactions because they seem to mask it well.

Personally, I don't think Nick's emotional turmoil will be addressed this season, but probably towards the end of the series..I hope..

And I hope I'm wrong about them not addressing Nick's emotional turmoil this season. This is one theory I really want to be wrong about.
yeah it would be really weird if the WHOLE ordeal just got...written off...

i mean, thats a HUGE thing to go through...and somehow everyone seems to forget...and even when faced with kelly, he was being totally calm. i was actually thinking somehow they would have nick and kelly hook would be SO WEIRD but kinda neat i think. it would say a lot about nicks character. not even just that he likes crazy chicks.

which, if he does, im in.
Re myfuturecsi: There's still hope they will address it this season... Jumping ahead a little here: I was thinking during "Killers", as I said in the ep discussion thread, that Nick hasn't really processed crime scenes at night this season, has he? I was wondering about his absence 30 minutes into the episode, and then realized that both crime scenes were being processed in the dark, in typical CSI lighting, and it kinda made sense Nick wasn't there. And then we had a scene in broad daylight, and sure enough, there he was. It just all seemed very deliberate to me, and made me wonder if the writers have something else for Nick up their sleeves.

I must be crazy keeping my faith in the writers after the debacle that was "Grave Danger" resolution. Sigh. I do hope if they're going to address Nick's emotional state at all, they do it sooner rather than later, because if they drag it out for too long, it'll be unrealistic, imo.
I can't help but wonder that the writers were simply taken off guard by the impact Grave Danger had and more specifically GE's outstanding performance.

So they are stuck in this mode they've been in for the past five seasons and weren't sure what to do about Nick's turmoil...
yeah i mean its a huge thing to have to incorporate into someones character...its a lot to add to someone, and probably a lot of work for the writers to have to think "well, given what hes been through, what would he do about this NOW?" which is why i LOVED gum drops (coincidence that it has the same initials as "grave danger"???)
Well, like they say, I guess we'll just have to expect the worst, and hope for the best...Actually it's best not to hope for anything at all. I've decided to go spoiler-free from now on, because that stuff is too damn frustrating to deal with. :rolleyes:

ABRTI part two: After they realized who shot Bell, Nick's little sympathetic facial wince as he said "he stood up" really struck me, because I was surprised GE could emote that effectively through the 'stache. :lol:

And remember how his arm muscles flexed when he gestured to someone during the scene reconstruction? Snapped me right out of my cold meds-induced grogginess. Woo, talk about arm p0rn! :D (Okay, that was more syndrome than timeline, but there really wasn't much else going on with him in this eppy.)

And I thought it was so cute how he closed or squinted one eye while pretending to shoot from behind the car. That was when I started to warm up a little to the 'stache, actually. I just needed to know that our boy can still be cute in spite of it. :)

If anyone wants to add to ABRTI part one, please feel free to do so. These two are really one big episode, anyway.

ETA: Ahh! Love the avvie, mfcsi! Is that Nick the rabbit? :D
^ Thanks lemon-grass..that's actually the Killer Rabbit from the 1974 Monty Python movie, The Holy Grail. I just get a kick out of that scene because the knights think they are dealing with this cute, sweet bunny and they all wind up nearly be torn to shreds by the thing. It's hard to see but there's actually a skull beside the rabbit.

He's kind of like Nick Stokes--cute and sweet, but with a dark, scarey side that has yet to be seen. We've had glimpses of Scarey Nick in Gum Drops, but I'm still harbouring the hope that we get to see a full fledge Rage Nicky..I hope George gets that bar scene he talked about. That would be so cool to see some arm porn in action! And Nick needs to get all that rage out of him..or we'll see Nicky in a Pyscho Ward in a straight jacket-actually that would be cool long as he can come back and be a CSI!

Then Grissom will really be avoiding the guy..

Grissom:'s too risky to work with Nick..

Nicky smiles evily: Let's go Gil!! Let's go to the nice crime scene by the cliff! Hehehehehe!
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