The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

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Now, I don't recall the name but I recall the circumstances very well: A rebellious teenage son had to undergo a a process called "re-birthing" in which he was supposed to be reunited with his mother but was , unfortunately, smothered in the blanket which acted as the second womb.Nick had nothing but contempt for the doctor!
Now, I don't recall the name but I recall the circumstances very well: A rebellious teenage son had to undergo a a process called "re-birthing" in which he was supposed to be reunited with his mother but was , unfortunately, smothered in the blanket which acted as the second womb.Nick had nothing but contempt for the doctor!

Like myfuturecsi said above, that episode was called "Overload"
You could feel that underneath they were all concerned for Nick but trying to channel it elsewhere while they were together. Nick laughed at the Yoko Ono comment but stayed quiet. The tension was evident.
Now that I think about it that scene did seem a little bit tense, like no one was completely comfortable. When Nick first came over to the table and said that none of the blood was Cassie's, Greg gave him a look like he knew that Nick was getting too involved in the case. Sara obviously picked up on it as well, and Warrick left, so we don't know what he was thinking.
You know just off topic for a second, but I felt kind of sorry for the kid who Nick threw against the wall. Good acting on that guy's part. You knew he was terrified of Nick by the tear that came down his cheek. Although what he took part in was absolutely horrible. He wasn't as bad as the other guys though.

Still Nick scared the bejeebers out of him.

Actually, that scene gave me chills. GE certainly is good at getting his emotions across the screen like that. Grave Danger and Gum Drops certainly showed everyone that GE can make you cry, cringe, and tremble with the amount of emotion he emulates in his scenes.

Not to mention wanting jump into the tv and hug him when he looks so sad and pitiful.

Which is why I like Gum Drops and Grave Danger more then any other CSI episodes. As I said in another thread, sue me-but I like a little emotions in my CSI.
You know just off topic for a second, but I felt kind of sorry for the kid who Nick threw against the wall. Good acting on that guy's part. You knew he was terrified of Nick by the tear that came down his cheek.

Hmm, while I don't doubt that Nick scared the crap out of the kid, I took the tear on his cheek as remorse/regret for what he had done. Not from fear of Nick.
The interrogation scene was interesting, in that it was so different from how Nick usually handles things. In five years he's raised his voice, what, a couple times? It was chilling to see him losing it like that. Even though I knew he was going to, that scene still left me stunned. :eek:

On the other hand, the restrained emotion in the breakfast scene was the more typical Nicky angst we're used to. When Sara said it was like he was going to rescue a person, not recover a body, I love how Nick looked down and kinda nodded before she even finished her sentence, as if he'd seen it coming and had been bracing himself for it all along. This episode was a great example of how Nick deals with personal trauma: he just pushes it back and sorta channels the emotion into his work. He only referred to his kidnapping when he had to, and even then he spoke about it in an almost casual way. I thought Sara looked like she had been hoping he would bring it up, so she could talk to him about it, but when she did, he steered the conversation back to the case. And it was the same after the interrogation. Even though Nick held others at arm length regarding the kidnapping, he did it so subtly that it almost didn't feel like he was blowing them off, and yet firm enough to make it hard for the others to broach the subject. It's really a dangerous way of dealing. I hate to think what would've happened to him if the little girl was dead.

Like others said, Nick showed extremely admirable judgement staying behind after that and basically let Sara run with the investigation - the kind of judgement we almost never see from the others.

And I swear I literally melt into a puddle when Nick smiled at Cassie and called her "sweetie" in his sweet, sweet voice. Sigh.

Side Note: [not trying to cross the no-ship talk line] But I just wanted to say how happy I was that they cut that whole hotel scene, I think having that in the episode would've ruined the entire pace and feel of the episode and would've been very un-CSI...IMO.
I completely agree. Having read spoilers about what the hotel scene would've been like, I'm just so grateful I don't have to associated that with "Gum Drops". And I don't mean that in an anti-GSR sense; I just don't want to see two CSIs going at it on my screen, ever. *shudder*
Side Note: [not trying to cross the no-ship talk line] But I just wanted to say how happy I was that they cut that whole hotel scene, I think having that in the episode would've ruined the entire pace and feel of the episode and would've been very un-CSI...IMO.
I completely agree. Having read spoilers about what the hotel scene would've been like, I'm just so grateful I don't have to associated that with "Gum Drops". And I don't mean that in an anti-GSR sense; I just don't want to see two CSIs going at it on my screen, ever. *shudder*


Join the club!!! It would be just too weird. I joke about it, but I really am not interested in seeing any romance between the CSIs.
The interrogation scene was interesting, in that it was so different from how Nick usually handles things. In five years he's raised his voice, what, a couple times? It was chilling to see him losing it like that. Even though I knew he was going to, that scene still left me stunned. :eek:

On the other hand, the restrained emotion in the breakfast scene was the more typical Nicky angst we're used to. When Sara said it was like he was going to rescue a person, not recover a body, I love how Nick looked down and kinda nodded before she even finished her sentence, as if he'd seen it coming and had been bracing himself for it all along. This episode was a great example of how Nick deals with personal trauma: he just pushes it back and sorta channels the emotion into his work. He only referred to his kidnapping when he had to, and even then he spoke about it in an almost casual way. I thought Sara looked like she had been hoping he would bring it up, so she could talk to him about it, but when she did, he steered the conversation back to the case. And it was the same after the interrogation. Even though Nick held others at arm length regarding the kidnapping, he did it so subtly that it almost didn't feel like he was blowing them off, and yet firm enough to make it hard for the others to broach the subject. It's really a dangerous way of dealing. I hate to think what would've happened to him if the little girl was dead.

Like others said, Nick showed extremely admirable judgement staying behind after that and basically let Sara run with the investigation - the kind of judgement we almost never see from the others.

And I swear I literally melt into a puddle when Nick smiled at Cassie and called her "sweetie" in his sweet, sweet voice. Sigh.
ITA with everything you said lemon. Good stuff. :D
Wow, it's so funny you posted just now, ford. I was just going to move on to "Secrets and Flies". As always, if anyone has anything else to add on "Gum Drops", please feel free, but I'm going to move on.

OK, first Nick scene is a cute one- once again, we first see him in the morgue with Doc Robbins, and they discuss the "virgin birth" apparently given by the victim. I swear it was worth the price of admission just to hear Nick say "dry humpin'" ! :lol: Good stuff. And then he calls the doc, "Dr. Ruth". :)

I guess this may be setting the stage for a less serious Nick again... seems like they alternate between "what's going on with Nick/where's his head at?" and "good old regular Nick" which I guess makes sense. I'm sure whatever he's going through, sometimes things are fine and sometimes they're not.

Anyway, that's as far as I've gotten in the episode. I'll go watch the rest and then come on back! :)

Edited to add: Ah, well... looks like that was Nick's only scene. I forget, but I think this may be around the time when he and the girlfriend hit Paris and he started growing THE STACHE OF WONDERS! :eek:


So then, should we just get going and start up on "A Bullet Runs Through It" Part 1?
I think that his loneliness started in Gum drops - he was the only one believing that Cassie was alive. And from this episode onwards I feel Nick isolating hiself more and more. ThaT was a turningpoint for Nicky. That at least IS how I read his current mood.

And this ep being written For WP boggles my mind too - why would it be when it so clearly was linced with Nick? Damn tptb for not seeing what they have in GE
I think that his loneliness started in Gum drops - he was the only one believing that Cassie was alive. And from this episode onwards I feel Nick isolating hiself more and more. ThaT was a turningpoint for Nicky. That at least IS how I read his current mood.

I agree. I've been getting frustrated at the episodes he has little or no interaction with Warrick, Sara and Greg since then. I know it will get discussed further as we hit those episodes, but...

Still Life -- only regular he talked to was Hodges

Werewolves -- worked pretty much with Catherine with one scene with Grissom

Daddy's Little Girl -- again, worked with Catherine, talked to Archie and Grissom and ended the show with Sophia.

Kiss Kiss Bye Bye -- One really short scene with Warrick but it was all business, nothing like the old days. A little interaction with Grissom and Archie. Then MIA for the last 30 minutes and definitely missed in the break room when Sara, Warrick and Greg were discussing the case.

So it looks like you're right. The writers are isolating Nick. I'm hoping that changes soon. I think we're really missing a lot when Warrick, Sara and Greg aren't working with him and giving us the opportunity to see how they think he's doing since his abduction, the Gum Drops case and now Kelly's suicide.
The first look at the 'stache .. I giggled as soon as I saw it, when there was the really cool camera paning on all the CSIs in a circle. The 'stache paired with Greg's purple sunglasses made me lose it :lol:

Another scene that made me laugh - when Nick was processing the machine(?) gun, the yellow safety glasses, the brushed down hair and the stache, hee.

I'm really immature :lol:
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