The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

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Well said, you guys :D

Ah, “Gum Drops”… It’s one of my – if not the – all-time favourite episodes. Everything about it is beautiful: the setting, the dialogue, the music, the voice-over, the interaction among the Young Turks. Oh, and the fact that it features that guy that I kinda like. :p

Going into it, I wasn’t expecting too much given the last-minute changes the script went through, and what we got was absolutely breathtaking. (“Daddy’s Little Gril” was the exact opposite – funny how things turn out, eh? :rolleyes:) The writers pulled off such a seamless rewrite, it’s hard to imagine anyone else in Nick’s role. I’m sorry for WP, but at the same time I’m glad George got to take over. It seems to me that tptb would never give Nick so much screen time if they could help it, which is sad. I loved being able to see our guy in pretty much every scene for 45 minutes– it was almost too good to be true. :D

I liked the offhanded “whatever happened to just flippin’ burgers?” line, because of how it reflected his more old-fashioned values. Very true to character. And the “If they didn’t care before, I bet they do now” - it’s interesting that he used present tense, as if he automatically assumed the parents were alive. It’s the little things that tell the story. :)

The Sage scene: It really got to me how he said he’s just trying to make it through this life. This had to be one of the lines that were written specifically for Nick, and the writers just blew me away with their rare burst of insight, because I did not see this kind of continuity coming at all when Sage asked if Nick believed in past lives. You think the “feminine energy” comment could be why Nick grew a moustache? ;)

I love how they used the same kind of gum as the one Nick had in “Grave Danger”, whether intentional or not.

Love the breakfast scene and the Young Turks joking and bouncing ideas off each other. Nick was quiet in this scene; “all right” and “thank you” was pretty much all he said. Even though he was laughing along with the others, you could tell there was something else weighing him down. And his conversation right afterwards with Sara was truly the heart and soul of the episode, imo. The thing I love about this episode is that although the case related to Nick’s history, most of the time the connection was implicit.

Well, I have more to say about this scene and the rest of the episode, but don’t have time to finish typing it up right now, so…*to be continued*, I guess. :)
I’m glad George got to take over. It seems to me that tptb would never give Nick so much screen time if they could help it, which is sad. I loved being able to see our guy in pretty much every scene for 45 minutes– it was almost too good to be true.

Sad thing was, this was Grissom's episode and it unforunately took a major tragedy for someone to make this episode for GE.

And you know anyone I've talked to who isn't a regular CSI viewer loved this episode. It was George's moment to shine and like his smile it was a 1000 watt moment!

I have to say that since this episode, the others have paled in comparison. That could be my GE bias coming through, but sue me I like a little emotion in my CSI!
I have to say that since this episode, the others have paled in comparison. That could be my GE bias coming through, but sue me I like a little emotion in my CSI

Very true, I've liked most of the episodes so far but none of them did it for me like Gum Drops did. I might be speaking too soon, but I don't think future eps could hit the mark like Gum Drops did.
Lots of good points, guys. I also liked the moments where he was going through Cassie's room, with her stacks of Nancy Drew books (I was more of a Hardy Boys reader myself, but I was a bit of a TomBoy. ;) ) and his small grin while he considered the life of this little girl layed out before him. It was sort of sweet in a melancholy way. ;)
Everyone has pretty much covered everything, so that makes it easy for me. ;) I loved "Gum Drops." Definitely one of my favorite eps. I just have to wonder why oh why did they not write this episode for Nick when it was so obviously a Nick story? The mind, she boggles. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I've been having a hard time getting a handle on Nick's state of mind this season. I don't know if anybody else is having this problem, but I keep changing my mind about how I want to interpret certain scenes and episodes. I think that something definitely changed for Nick in this episode, but I haven't been able to figure out exactly what and how. I think I might have a better grip on it now.

He obviously had a connection with Cassie, they both went through very similar experiences and were both saved, but not before a great deal of emotional damage was done. By being able to save Cassie, especially after believing so deeply that she was alive, and seeing how strong she was, I think that helped Nick really begin to move on. However, while I believe that he is moving on, I don't think that he is doing it in a healthy manner, and that is what could lead to problems down the road. If Cassie had died in this episode, I think that that would have absolutely devastated him and he would have gone into a downward spiral from there. Is it horribly horrible that part of me wishes Cassie had died just to see what would have happened to Nick? I don't always like a happy ending, not that the end of this episode was terribly happy, but you know what I mean.

On a superficial note, I actually thought he looked really good when he took his hat off, hat hair and all. There was just something about that moment that was :D

Also, why does everybody keep saying that the gum in this episode was the same as the gum Nick had in "Grave Danger?" I'm pretty sure they were different brands. In "Gum Drops" I know for sure that it was Bubblicious. In "Grave Danger" I've never been able to figure out exactly what the wrapper says, but I'm almost completely positive it wasn't Bubblicious. I don't think QT likes to use namebrand stuff in his movies so I imagine it was some made up brand they used for that episode. Sorry, not really important, but it bugs me.
I just have to wonder why oh why did they not write this episode for Nick when it was so obviously a Nick story? The mind, she boggles

That's a great point, I've been askng myself that .. I can't see anyone else playing Nick's role. I understand that we were supposed to learn more about Grissom and what makes him "tick" but this episode just screams for Nick to be the lead.

Is it horribly horrible that part of me wishes Cassie had died just to see what would have happened to Nick? I don't always like a happy ending, not that the end of this episode was terribly happy, but you know what I mean

Since Cassie is a fictional character I wouldn't say it's horrible, I'm kind of interested to find out as well what Nick's reaction might've been, to be honest.

On a superficial note, I actually thought he looked really good when he took his hat off, hat hair and all. There was just something about that moment that was

Psh, why's it always about looks with you ford, you gotta look deeper than that :p :D

Re: The Gum. I don't know about other people but I figured it was the same brand because the pieces looked the same - pink cubed chunks - but there are many different brand that look like that so... And I, being my obsessive self, checked some caps sites and found none that showed the kind of gum Nick chewed in GD, so I'm inclined to think it wasn't the same brand because what you said about QT ford makes sense.
Psh, why's it always about looks with you ford, you gotta look deeper than that :p :D
:p :p

Re: The Gum. I don't know about other people but I figured it was the same brand because the pieces looked the same - pink cubed chunks - but there are many different brand that look like that so... And I, being my obsessive self, checked some caps sites and found none that showed the kind of gum Nick chewed in GD, so I'm inclined to think it wasn't the same brand because what you said about QT ford makes sense.
Oh, it's so not important, I've just noticed a lot of people say that and finally had to comment. :lol:
I think it's just that it's bubble gum, as opposed to sticks or little square-like wintergreen stuff; adult gum basically. He was chewing a sort of kid gum, really!

Although, I'm sure in GD, they had his gum turn out to be bubblegum b/c he'll need to stick it in his ears later. ;)
Hee, I don't know who noticed this - I missed it the first two times I watched it - when Nick takes the card notice his hands - they're Billy's

I noticed Nick's/George's huge ring disappear for a shot or two when he got the card. That must have been it.
This episode was wonderful for several reasons, the most important being the reincorporation of story threads out of Grave Danger. I felt we got to see how Nick's near death is affecting the whole team.

One development for Nick/George was to let him have the opening segment and significant statement leading to the opening credits. Up to that episode had anyone other than Grissom, Brass or Catherine gotten to open the show?

The episode then had Sara, Warrick and Greg joining Nick because Grissom felt he needed backup. Yes it could have been the logistics of there being three major blood incidents, but I also feel it was a continuation of Grissom looking out especially for Nick's well-being. He didn't want him alone at the crime scene. And Nick welcomes the help and companionship as he does earlier with Sophia in Shooting Stars. He's not concerned with the chance to advance his career on this case nor with trying to impress his boss/mentor. He just wants to find out what happened to this family and locate any survivors.

My favourite scene was the four CSI's sitting at the picnic table having breakfast. It was wonderfully revealing that they are more than a group of coworkers, they are a set of siblings. The ribbing Greg and Sara were giving Warrick showed how much they care for at each other while trying to put a light spin on Nick's intense involvement in the case. You could feel that underneath they were all concerned for Nick but trying to channel it elsewhere while they were together. Nick laughed at the Yoko Ono comment but stayed quiet. The tension was evident.

Only Sara took the initiative to address him directly.

I'm curious what role Nick had in the original script -- would he even have been on the investigation? What would his attitude about Cassie's fate have been in that episode? I just can't see that episode working as well as what we got.
I'm not sure about the original script. But I did read somewhere that Nick is supposed to be sulking in a chair eating Cheetohs and complaining about having to share a hotel room.

So while I'm sorry about Billy's loss, I'm glad that TPTB re-wrote the story to be focus around Nick and his intense involvement in the case.
I'm not sure about the original script. But I did read somewhere that Nick is supposed to be sulking in a chair eating Cheetohs and complaining about having to share a hotel room.

Hmm, I vaguely remember that too .. he was complaining about sharing with Warrick because was talking all lovey-dovey to Tina for hours..
allstar12 , Do you remember Nick telling Cath (in another episode) about what happened to him when he was a child? That was a foreshadow of things to come!!!
^That was an episode called, 'Overload' in which Nick reveals to Catherine that he was molested by a last-minute baby sitter at 9.

That's probably why he freaked when he saw that one of the kids who killed her family was her swim coach. At least, that's my perspective.

Hope you don't mind me answering allstar.
Nope, I don't mind at all. To be honest, I wasn't sure what the above post was implying and you cleared it up for me :)
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