The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

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And as he goes down the stairs, the breathing starts. Which if it weren't for the context, I'd think it was pretty darn HOT!!!! Man no one can do heavy breathing like GE. Anyways, I felt so bad for the guy. By the time he reaches Catherine and Grissom, he's all sweaty and anxious.
And as he goes down the stairs, the breathing starts. Which if it weren't for the context, I'd think it was pretty darn HOT!!!! Man no one can do heavy breathing like GE. Anyways, I felt so bad for the guy. By the time he reaches Catherine and Grissom, he's all sweaty and anxious.

And his voice wavers a little when he volunteers to start processing the water bottles.
I liked the look Catherine gives him right at that moment. She knows not all is well, checks him out, but doesn't say a word. I think that's kind of a recurring theme for season 6, Nick dealing with everything alone. The team knows something is off, but not one really has a heart to heart with him( except Sara briefly in gumdrops).
I just loved Nick in Shooting Stars. Of course I love Nick in just about every episode, but I thought this episode was a particularly good episode for Nick and the Grave Danger aftereffects.

The reason I think this was just how different Nick was when he was when he was approaching the bunker – complete with the two cops in background talking about the conditions down there – and then later when he was in the lab and when he was working with Sophia in the vet’s office.

When approaching the bunker Nick was slightly apprehensive – and it only got worse when he over heard to two cops talking about conditions in the underground bunker… I loved the way you could almost see the thoughts going through his head, that maybe he could have Greg come over and go down there and he could process the car, and then deciding that he is going to go down there and do his job. Through out the scene GE did a wonderful job showing us that Nick was very uncomfortable there and wanted nothing more then to get out… but that he wasn’t going to be ruled by his fears.

Now contrast this with how comfortable and confident he was in lab talking to Catherine over the phone. And then later when he was talking Sophia in the vet’s office. He was comfortable with her and I really liked their interaction. I particularly liked his smile when he saw that Sophia had alphabetize the list of former employees and the fact that she was willing to help dust for prints.

I think this was intentional. I think they were trying to show us that for the most part Nick has come to terms with what happen – or at least as buried it so deep they are all but gone – and it is only when he is in particular situations that it becomes a problem. To what extent they will continue with this I don’t know, but I hope they do.
^^ Great observations as usual, abharding.

I was thinking about how we can see an interesting contrast between CSI's again... Compare Nick's reaction to Sofia slapping on the gloves and preparing to help him process in this episode to Sara's reaction in Werewolves when she meets up with Sofia at that phone booth and finds that's Sofia's already dusted for prints. Again, I think Nick is more of the "it's all good" variety, and I think that's definitely one of his strong points as a co-worker.

I don't have to much else to say about him in this episode. If nobody has anything else, maybe we can move on to another fantastic episode: Gum Drops

(And I'm getting psyched- we're getting closer to being caught up to the actual airings of new episodes! :eek: )
Gum Drops...God, what a fantastic Nick episode. And to think that it would have been Grissom if BP hadn't had a death in the family. It's a sad and unfortunate reason that we got Nick instead but I can't imagine this eppy any other way than what we ultimately got.

It's twisted how the universe works sometimes. *sigh*

There's just so much great Nick stuff in this eppy. I'm overwhelmed at the thought of trying to write it all out so I'll leave that to more articulate folks than myself. :D
My brother, who has never seen CSI was absolutely floored by this episode(he watched GD beforehand, too). He was almost in tears when Nick was in the hospital with Cassie and he thanked Cassie for her card (I couldn't even see the screen I was crying so hard).At the end of the epsiode my brother turns to me and says "you know, the guy who plays Nick is an amazing actor". And this episode highlights just how amazing GE is as an actor. I think it also higlights everything that Nick is as a character as well. His empathy, the humanity he brings into his profession, his need to be the "white knight" and save those in trouble, his good heart which he hasn't lost in spite of everything that has happened to him, his optimism even id everything tells him otherwise. I just wish there were more episodes like this that really stick in our minds and hearts like Gum Drops. Plus the "you're radiating a crazy feminine energy" line that Sagte throws at him was an absolute classic!!!!
Strap yourselves in people, this is a [surprisingly] long post :)

"Gum Drops" is definately one of my favourite episodes.
The circumstances to which GE took over were terrible but I think he stepped up wonderfully and knocked this ep outta the park. The one thing I didn't like was the voiceover, I know it was necessary and essential but it was kinda scary :lol:

I loved the opening shot of Nick standing in Cassie's room was so beautifully done and kinda symbolic - it makes it seem like this is Nick's case and he's alone on it [even though he as help] and it's up to him to find out what happened, IMO anyways. It was kind of weird when Nick was first talking to the Sheriff because I heard the promo a few days before with WP's voiceover and it had me thinking - you're not Grissom, silly. Am I the only one that is kind of bothered by the "begin at the beginnning" line. I just think it should be "start at the beginning" .. it just sounds weird to me.

I loved seeing the "Young Turks" come together and bounce ideas off each other then divide and conquer the seperate areas of the house. [side note: Greg was so cute, loved his hair :)]

When Nick is processing Cassie's room and hears her giggle, the look in his face was my exact expression too - I was like, you heard that too right.. At first I thought he might be hearing things or that it was part of the voiceover but it turned out to be Warrick playing with a keyboard and I was so relieved :lol:

The whole "gold star" and "Mary Jane" scenes were too cute. But I'm thinking, will all the MJ in the basement shouldn't someone have smelt it sooner..

I really loved Nick's conversation with Sage. I like the idea of past lives & energy & auras and things like that, so I was really interested in that scene. Again we see Nick alone, on the porch, when Sage comes by .. When she mentions his feminine energy, I'm inclined to think it was Cassie, I don't know why though, maybe because he was focused on finding her or that he has a connection with her because they're both survivors..

I think he took to heart when Sage commented that he was doing really well with his present life, she sounded really sincere and I think he really need to hear something like that from an outsider and not one of his friends or family member, to him it might seem more credible and not the person just saying it to make him feel better.

Okay, the interrogation scene - that was something else .. we don't see angry Nick that often and I have to agree with Sara, that he might not have reacted that way prior to his abduction. I think he would've tried to outsmart the kid [Brian] but I think he was frustrated with where the case was and that none of the kids were talking and he wholeheartedly believed Cassie was still alive and he could save her. [Side note: I like angry Nick, it's a nice change to the sweet, charasmatic Nick we're used to - but I still prefer the latter :)]

I liked how Sara handled Nick at the lake after he lost it. She didn't push him or scold him for his behaviour. I think she was right to back off too, after he apologized, seeing as he was trying to drop the subject and move on, it would've been a bad idea for her to continue knowing he didn't want to talk about it.

The (night) boat scene was pretty intense .. I was thinking to myself, man those must be some heavy duty batteries Nick's got in his flashlight, it looked like it lit the ground for miles. I know I shouldn't but I giggled at him when he took his hat off, he had hat hair ..hee, moving on.. I felt for him when he was running/wading through the water to get to Cassie, you could see how hard he was trying to get to her but he couldn't go any faster. I honestly thought she was dead, but then I remembered she was narrating :rolleyes:

The end scene, man was that intense. Teary eyed Nick + hoodie = me losing it. I don't know what it is with me and guys in hoodies but I love it :D Hee, I don't know who noticed this - I missed it the first two times I watched it - when Nick takes the card notice his hands - they're Billy's :lol:

Cassie really got me in this scene, she wrote something like "I'm ten not a baby" .. she's surpringly strong after all she's been through and I can see how Nick can relate to her. And Nick trying to keep from crying really pulled at me..And then there's that "begin at the beginning" line again .. It didn't bother me the first time but it bothers me everytime I watch it now.

Side Note: [not trying to cross the no-ship talk line] But I just wanted to say how happy I was that they cut that whole hotel scene, I think having that in the episode would've ruined the entire pace and feel of the episode and would've been very un-CSI...IMO.

Whoa, I'm tired now... I didn't realize how long that was going to be.
Beautiful summary, allstar.

I would lke to add a comment about the second interogation. The low key one that Sara handles with the other kid.

I thought it was interesting that Nick waited in the truck.

He knew that he had gone too far earlier. And he knew he might not be able to restrain himself this time either because he was too close to it, too emotional.

He took the high road and voluntarily backed away, letting Sara handle it, rather than trying to soldier on and possibly compromise the case with inappropriate behavior.

The guy knows his limitations and doesn't let his pride get in the way of what's right.

PS: I also get choked up whenever I see the Nick/Cassie hospital scene. I LOVE Nick in the dark blue hoodie. I think dark blue is my favorite color on him.
Thanks :)

*smacks self*

How could I not have mentioned that .. I liked how Nick stayed in the car, because like you said, he knew he went too far in the interrogation scene and probably didn't know how he would react to questioning another suspect in the killings.

And on a superficial level, he looked really cute in the car, and the intense stare he gave the kid as he got into the car :eek: :D

I liked the interrogation with Sara and the kid, it was really intense and you could tell Sara was trying to hold back her emotions as well. Great acting on JF's part - I just didn't mention it before cause it's Nick's timeline, not her's ;)
First off, how do you know they're 'BP's hands?" well it doesn't really matter because I have to agree with most of the post.

GE did a phenomenal job with this. I don't honestly think that BP would have pulled it off quite so nicely in as much as we know he has a soft spot for children, the fact that she "Cassie" knew that her family was gone and demanded not to be treated like a baby was awesome and in a way, a turn about on how Grissom sometimes treats Nick.
I loved him in the Hoodie and when he took his hat off in the boat., I think it just made it that much more real.
As far as losing his temper, I think it showed a wonderful display of how much Nick handles vs. what pushes the final was refreshing to see empathy put aside and full fledged anger and frustration come to the surface...
I also loved how Sara handled the dock scene....wanting to let him know she realizes the changes he's been thru and that she's not going to berate him for losing his temper just bringing it up to show she understands..

I loved the episode!!!! But then again, anything with Nick in it I love!!!
First off, how do you know they're 'BP's hands?" well it doesn't really matter because I have to agree with most of the post.

Because I've seen GE's hands and the ones shown were definately not his, also the hands showed a different watch then the one Nick was wearing at the time. Trust me, look at the hands [when they're holding the card Cassie made] and then look at Nick's hands through the rest of the scene and you'll notice. :)
Okay.....I will have to do that "Another good excuse to watch George again....LOL"

Thanks for the quick I wish I had taped the episode "Dog eat Dog" so I could 'see' what else I missed...
Just go ahead and say it out loud, allstar the hands are way more wrinkly and aged looking than Nick's! ;)


Nothing against Bill, but he's an older guy and it shows. :lol:
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