The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

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I didn't like Room Service the first time I watched it, but I really liked it the second time. I loved the Nick/Archie, Nick/Warrick, Nick/Sofia and Nick/Hodges.

In fact, that was what made Room Service really good. All the Nick scenes..we see Nick getting back into his 'game' in this episode and trying to move on from the near-tragedy he experienced. So it was a good episode for that.

Sorry to do this, but something just occurred to me. It's a bit out of order -- going back into Grave Danger briefly -- but I think it's something to think about, especially since GD will be on Spike this Tuesday night and then Daddy's Little Girl is on this Thursday.

It struck me that when Nick's dad sees the video feed of him in the coffin, he doesn't say "What have they done to my son!" , he says:
"Pancho ... What the hell you got yourself into?"

Basically, he's blaming Nick for getting himself abducted and buried. Now, this little reveal into Nick's relationship with his real dad is certainly reflected in some of the interchanges he's had with Grissom over the years.

It's certainly pertinant to the whole timeline discussion of this thread.

I know it's not a factor in Room Service, which we're currently discussing, but I think it does come up in how Grissom is handling the tape and in the assignments he's given Nick since his abduction.

As I said, something to think about as we discuss more Season 6 episodes and as we see Grissom's and Nick's relationship get tested when Nick finds out about the tape.

Now -- back to Room Service.
*giggles hysterically all the way through baba's post* I usually don't do this outside the syndrome thread, but you reminded me of everything there is to love about this episode. I really need to watch it again. Nick, Warrick, Greg and Archie in the same room...Siiiiigh. (Yes, clearly it's been a while! :lol:)

I've been trying to write about "Grave Danger" since the holidays, but couldn't get my thoughts together to form a coherent paragraph. I think you raise a good point SKYLAR, and I guess I'll wait and see what others have to say.

I also noticed the change in Nick's demeanor from "Bodies in Motion" to "Room Service". In "Bodies" I thought he was acting a bit off, and not just in the bug scene. He seemed uptight and a bit preoccupied, perhaps mainly because the ready smile that's so characteristic of him was not there. Take the locker room conversation with Warrick at the end for example, and compare it to the one in "Grave Danger": he seemed so much more at ease back then. I know that after four months of anticipation I was reading into a lot of stuff that I shouldn't have, but the difference here is so striking that I think it's likely GE played out at least some of it on purpose.

And then we have "Room Service" where he's laughing and joking around and being his old self. I wonder if in "Bodies" Nick was just getting back to work, which would explain his general uneasiness and slightly-heavier-than-usual accent and the cops and co-workers being extra courteous with him; and now that a couple weeks have passed he's had time to get back into his groove. I definitely agree about certain locations and/or circumstances triggering his freak-outs. I remember wondering during the summer whether he'll be uncomfortable being surrounded by all that glass when he comes back to the lab, but apparently that's not the case. He probably sees the lab as his one familiar territory that hasn't been tainted by what happened, where he feels safe and comfortable to be himself, which should make for some interesting discussions when we get to Kelly Gordon and "Still Life".
Yeah, I wonder if Bodies In Motion was actually supposed to be Nick's first day back at work? I never thought about that before... I know that cop asked him how he was doing, but I just assumed it was because that particular cop hadn't seen him in a while. Maybe he hadn't been back to work yet? That would also explain Sara's extra consideration during the ep.

And as for the "Pancho, what the hell you got yourself into" line- that's actually a quote from the old TV series where the names Pancho and Cisco come from (The Cisco Kid, I think). Cisco used to say something like that in just about every episode, although something tells me he might not have used the word "hell", since it was back in the old days on TV.

So I think actually, Nick's dad was thinking back to how they used to be as father and son. And the look of anguish on his face seems to indicate he's anything but unconcerned about his son.

Ironically, I had a similar theory to you, SKYLAR at first, but then someone else enlightened me about that line being straight out of the Cisco kid. :lol:
Yeah, I wonder if Bodies In Motion was actually supposed to be Nick's first day back at work? I never thought about that before... I know that cop asked him how he was doing, but I just assumed it was because that particular cop hadn't seen him in a while. Maybe he hadn't been back to work yet? That would also explain Sara's extra consideration during the ep.

I tend to think it was his first day back in the field. He might have working in the lab for a little while, depending on how long he had been gone and if he had to recertify in firearms or something like that. And given that he was taken from a crime scene, returning to field work would most likely have made him extermely nervous.

But I also think a small part of it was he was working indoors as opposed to outdoors. I mean, think about it... since then have we seen Nick process an outdoor scene at night? I think there have been times when he as had to work outdoor scenes, but for the most part they have been during the day. Most scene at night, Nick has worked inside.

And as for the "Pancho, what the hell you got yourself into" line- that's actually a quote from the old TV series where the names Pancho and Cisco come from (The Cisco Kid, I think). Cisco used to say something like that in just about every episode, although something tells me he might not have used the word "hell", since it was back in the old days on TV.

So I think actually, Nick's dad was thinking back to how they used to be as father and son. And the look of anguish on his face seems to indicate he's anything but unconcerned about his son.

Ironically, I had a similar theory to you, SKYLAR at first, but then someone else enlightened me about that line being straight out of the Cisco kid. :lol:

I did not know that...thank you for informing us of that. I never really saw it as the Judge blaming Nick for what happened - I saw it more as man who was scared that his child was in danger and he couldn't do anything to help him. And given that Nick's father is a Judge, I think he is use to being in control.
Anyone feel like starting off "Bite Me"? There are some pretty fun moments in this episode.

Since I monopolized the last episode, I'll let someone else take the first shot at it! :lol:
Anyone feel like starting off "Bite Me"? There are some pretty fun moments in this episode.

Since I monopolized the last episode, I'll let someone else take the first shot at it! :lol:

I've only seen this eppy once and the only thing I remember is the scene where Nick interviews the girl who likes to bite. Loved the expression on his face. And if I remember correctly, it's the woman who played Calisto on Xena Warrior Princess.
Another funny scene from this ep is the one with Nick and Archie in the AV lab going over the video they found on the husband's computer. Nick was practically cringing. I loved his reaction when Archie told him that the woman that liked to bite was a dentist. He was so uncomfortable in that interview with her. It felt like he was squirming in his seat a little bit to me.
Bite Me was a very enjoyable episode, even if there wasn't a whole lot of Nick in it.

I particularly liked the scene with him and Archie watching the tape...I think he did feel a little uncomforatable, but I don't think he was a freaked by it as he have once been. This was just yet another kink...

I did love the scene with him, Brass and "Buffy". Buffy was really getting to him, to the point Brass had to remind of the husbands name.

Not sure of the exact quotes but -

N: Would you mind biting down for me.
B: You know I wouldn't....

GE does a wonder slightly embaressed look.
I did love the scene with him, Brass and "Buffy". Buffy was really getting to him, to the point Brass had to remind of the husbands name.

This was great scene! Nick's body language (IMO) was telling a story as well. It almost looked like he was ready for Buffy to jump at him. When he forgot the husbands name, I was laughing. Guess Nick can still be shocked by certain things, but not be freaked out. (Great observation abharding) Brass played it cool and Nick continued on without any pause.
I also liked the bit where the guy first takes off his shirt and Nick sees all the bite marks and says, "Whoh. Those don't look like mosquito bites."

Then when the guy says, "My wife likes to bite and I don't mind, OK?" and Nick just says "OK" likes it's no big deal. :lol: The fact that he didn't seem at all surprised by the guy's admission just goes to show how many weird things he's already heard about (and seen) in his job.

Once more the producers play their strengths- as always, nice scene with Nick processing the teeth moulds and comparing to the bite marks. He always looks like he really knows what he's doing and adds the necessary touch of realism to the show. Oh yeah, and he just looks hot when he's concentrating. Then again, when doesn't he look hot? ;)

That scene with Archie always cracks me up. Nick grimacing and clenching his teeth as he watches that guy get bitten by "Buffy"... classic! Also, once more we get to see the ease with which these two work around each other. The feeling of the "boy's club" atmosphere always seems to come out, and it always makes me laugh. Archie may not have commented "She's hot" with just anyone around listening as it is a little unprofessional. (But that doesn't stop most of us from making the comments on the sly while we're at work! :lol: )

I also love when they first start the "interviewing Buffy" scene, she's saying that if both parties are consentual, biting can be orgasmic, and Nick gives Brass a little head tilt and has this look on his face like he's saying "sure, why not?" Too funny. And as you guys have mentioned, everything else about that scene is hilarious. The expression on his face as it ends is just too freakin' funny. The three of them played that scene brilliantly, I must say. :)
That scene with Archie always cracks me up. Nick grimacing and clenching his teeth as he watches that guy get bitten by "Buffy"... classic! Also, once more we get to see the ease with which these two work around each other. The feeling of the "boy's club" atmosphere always seems to come out, and it always makes me laugh. Archie may not have commented "She's hot" with just anyone around listening as it is a little unprofessional. (But that doesn't stop most of us from making the comments on the sly while we're at work! :lol: )

Nick and Archie are always a fun pair to watch. GE and AK seem to have a nice easy chemistry that comes across on the screen. I was thinking of the scene in "Let the Seller Beware" when they are watching the new wife pointing out the all the furtures of the house, and then it became more personal... it seemed that both Nick's and Archie's eyes were popping out of their heads... You really got the feeling these were just two guys chatting. (And Catherine's reaction made it all the better)
OK< anybody feel like moving on to Shooting Stars? If someone has some more to add to Bite Me, my apologies... please feel free to add it in. :)


We first see Nick in the morgue with Doc Robbins looking at the body of the guy found in the backyard. All is normal Nicky in this scene; asking Doc questions, and just being cute in general. And then comes the next scene... ;)
^^ The scene where he arrives at The Bunker.

Cute little wave to Greg....and then....

As Nick draws closer to the entrance to the bunker, you can see the dread on his face at having to enter and go underground. He starts looking around anxiously. I'm not sure if he's checking to see if anyone notices how unsettled he is about it or if he's hoping someone will give him a reason to not have to go down there.

Maybe it's a little bit of both.

Either way, I just wanted to give him a hug!!
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