The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

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I'm no fan of Ecklie, but I think his scene with Archie was one of the better parts of that whole squence of "Just another night as CSI" in part because it sets up nicely for what will come later...that is pointing out Grissom hugh stack of books in his office...something that later is a key plot point.

I could have done without the whole lesson on Roy Rogers and Trigger.
Yeah, I can see why the sequence was in the episode but when I watch GD I can't help but skip it. I guess it does show that everything that night was normal it just seems a tad long.

This was all the way back on page 3.

Last call for comments on Grave Danger. If no one objects, I say we move on to Season 6 - Bodies In Motion. :D
Don't remember much about the case in this one, if I am not mistaken it was a tad convoulted....I loved the GD continuity when Nick freaks out becasue of the bug crawling on his arm (wonderful, subtle acting on GE part),which really makes me lick my chops in anticipation for what will happen next and how the whole thing will be resolved.His eyes during that scene are absolutely haunting. I also remember the tape and I wonder what will happen to Nick and Grisoom's relationship when Grissom and Archie's little secret is revealed. Above anything else Nick always trusted Grissom without question and now that trust has been violated in a major way. I also wonder why Grissom chose to keep it secret. Sure, Nick is a bit vulnerable, but if the accomplice is still out there, isn't it imperative to let Nick know for his own saftey?
I wonder what will happen to Nick and Grisoom's relationship when Grissom and Archie's little secret is revealed. Above anything else Nick always trusted Grissom without question and now that trust has been violated in a major way. I also wonder why Grissom chose to keep it secret. Sure, Nick is a bit vulnerable, but if the accomplice is still out there, isn't it imperative to let Nick know for his own saftey?

Yep..that has crossed my mind too. I don't know if Nick will understand that Archie was only doing what he was told to by Grissom. Nick's anger more or less shoud/would be dircted towards Grissom. I think Nick and Grissom's relationship will be pulled taught. I'm sure Nick is going to be ticked to say the least when he finds out. At the same time, if Nick knew, wouldn't that add that much more pressure, fear and worry that he doesn't need? Wouldn't that affect how he does his job?

I too would like to know why Grissom chose to keep it a secret. Is there not enough evidence to have an acutal suspect? There is not much to really go on, or am I missing something?
I too would like to know why Grissom chose to keep it a secret. Is there not enough evidence to have an acutal suspect? There is not much to really go on, or am I missing something?

I have no doubt that Grissom thinks he is protecting Nick... that by keeping what he knows quiet until he has more information about who the other voice he doesn't want Nick to worry. Given Nick's reaction to seeing Kelly Gordon - both at the crime scene and at the Lab - Grissom is right to be concerned how Nick would responed to learning that there might be another kidnapper out there. This is not say I agree with Grissom's choice. I don't and I think that when Nick finds out he is going to royally ticked at Grissom and maybe even Archie. But I do think that Grissom has good intentions... but then you know what they say about them.

As for the rest of the episode...there were some nice things about it and Nick. I think there are hints that this is one of the first times that Nick has been out on a scene - the one cop on the scene asking him how he was doing and then later the AC guy (the one who was working with Nick when he was grabbed) trying to call him - so some time as elapsed.

The "bug scene" was a good one, and a nice way to show us that Grave Danger still lives on and there are some changes for Nick. But I think one the best parts of the scene was when Nick looked around to make sure that no one saw his little "freak-out" The idea that Nick wants to appear like he has gotten over what happened is very in character.

I liked the scene towards the end when Grissom as finally figured out what happened. I am not sure how exactly it went but I loved Nick's "Flying car? Is that what we're going with?"

And at the very end, when Nick and Warrick are talking in the locker room Nick wants to take Warrick out for drinks... sort of belated bacholar party I guess.
I am ashamed to say that I had totally forgotten about this thread! :eek: Thank god someone else resurrected it! Yeesh.

I think they're trying to show us the direction Nick's trying to take from the beginning, when he replies to the cops question, "Still above-ground" in a sort of manly-man way. I think that's showing us that Nick's decided to tough it out and move on like he's fine and ready to move on. Or at least, that's what he wants everyone to believe. I also think it's part of the "fake it until it becomes real" school of thought.

A lot of people interpreted the bit where Sara leaves him to get a sandwich a lot differently than I did. They saw Nick as hesitating and maybe being nervous at being left alone because he looks off in the distance. But what I saw was, Sara saying she was splitting while Nick was looking at some siding from the trailer, and then he looks back towards the trailer, clearly still thinking about where the piece he's holding belongs. I honestly don't think he's giving it a second thought that she's leaving, especially since it's broad daylight and there are more than a couple cops mulling about. While he was definitely affected by his kidnapping, I don't think he's that effected, somehow.

Most importantly though, I really think his reaction to the bug on his arm totally represented everything I imagine Nick's been going through since being buried: First he tries to be strong and not freak out; then he DOES sort of freak out as he wipes it off quickly; then he looks around laughing in case someone saw him, followed by the dark look at the end. I've never really pinned down what he's thinking at the end there- there are so many possibilities. But think at least part of it is disappointment in himself for freaking out a bit when he's trying so hard to make himself believe he's alright... whether it's true or not.

At the same time, there were a lot of humourous little moments in the episode and I think this just goes to show that our guy may be down, but he's definitely not out. :)

On a side note, I thought Sara was particularly nice to Nick in this episode, and I'm not sure if that was as a result of what he'd been through, or whether it was just because they happened to be working together, but either way, I liked it. (But not in a Shipper way! :p )
^I think Nick generally believes he is okay and maybe for the most part he is. But then something minor comes up and triggers all those bad feelings and he gets set back a bit. Two steps forward, one step back..I think how it goes.
No probs.

And you are probably right about Nick getting frusterated with himself for being a little edgey about bugs. But when you're body is put under such extreme circumstances for such a long duration, it's pretty normal that on some scale the panic buttons are a little overly sensitive during recovery.

He's not conciously reacting that way, those little freak-out moments just sneak up on him when he's least expecting it.

Good acting on GE's part. Not over-doing it with some major meltdown, just bits and pieces here and there to let us know that the ordeal is still in the back of mind.
Oops, page 2 again. My bad! Guess I've been too busy "gushing" in the other threads to give this one its proper attention! Ah, what can I say? Gushing is just so much easier than interpretive analysis! :lol:

OK, next episode up: Room Service

So we don't see Nick right away, but happily his first appearance is in the hotel room when he's processing with Warrick. How many times can I say they are my favourite work pairing on the show? A few more apparently, because I'm going to say it again: I LOVE when Nick and Warrick are working together. :lol:

I think it's sort of interesting how they teased us with the little "bug" moment in the season opener, but then take Nick back into his business as usual mode, and right off show him sort of joking around with Warrick. That whole analysis of the smudge marks on the balcony doors, and Nick's comment,"You're the one who just had his honeymoon" shows that even with all that's happened, these two still share their comfortable, easy friendship no matter what. We really got to see just how close these two had actually become in Grave Danger and I really hope that, no matter what changes we see Nick going through this season(hopefully no more physical changes, except for maybe a haircut! :p ), at least that much doesn't change.

Next up, he's in the A/V lab with Archie and there's not much new there, except of course, I also love Archie and it's always cool when they're working stuff together too. Ever since the "Bam!" "You can say that again" "Bam!" moment in Let the Seller Beware, I've always noticed how easily these guys get along as well. Then again, with the exclusion of the early days with Hodges, I think Nick's the one guy that probably ALL the lab techs like. Nick strikes me as the kind of guy who says "Hi" to everyone by name whenever he sees them around. And really, I like how Nick's as comfortable bouncing ideas off Archie as Archie is of giving them back to Nick. I wonder if it's always the case that the "support staff" feel as comfortable working with the people who actually run the evidence? Either way, I think Nick is the kind of guy who's open to help from all quarters, and doesn't seem like the kind of guy who treats people differently because he might be in a position of "superiority"... Except maybe Hodges! :p But that guy asks for it! :lol: And in the old days, he did it with Greg, but I think that was just joking around because he genuinely likes the guy- again, it's the older-brother-giving-the-younger-brother-a-hard-time stuff.

But I digress... ;)

OK, then he's off to the casino to grab "Slick Willy" with Sofia. Man, I love his dialogue in that one. Cracks me up everytime. And a bit of the old Texan comes out when he says, "I'll bet yer reeeeeal lucky..." Good stuff! :)

A lot of fans seem to be down on the character of Sofia, but I for one think she's pretty good, and I don't mind seeing her in the episodes at all. I really think she adds something, albeit subtly. And in this scene, Nick doesn't appear to have any problems letting her take the lead initially. Not that he should, but it's just nice to see a few characters who don't have a problem with Sofia, and I think Nick's one of them. And then again, a lot of fans think Sofia is too controlling or whatever, but she, in turn, doesn't seem to have any problems letting Nick run with Willy's interrogation, and seems comfortable in her role as back-up. If there's anyone on the nightshift team that Sofia could work easily with (that is to say, no negativity, nor any sexual tension) I really think it would be Nick.

OK, the next Nick scene is a dream come true! It's got Nick, Archie, Warrick and then Greg shows up... I just have to say it makes my mouth water just looking at them all. Especially in the sexy dark lab lighting. Yes, a comment for the "Nick Syndrome" thread, perhaps, but I couldn't resist! :lol: And moreso, it also has so many other great little Nick things jammed into such a short scene, besides the overwhelming hotness- Archie spotting that she's not wearing pantyhose and Nick saying "Good Spot". Nick's always the first person to appreciate another colleague's good work, if you ask me; Warrick's joke about "it's been a while, Archie" gets a smile out of Nick. He probably would have said the line himself if Warrick hadn't beat him to it. Great minds (and friends) think alike; then the classic line to Greg, "you gotta stop kissin' Ecklie's ass" which makes Warrick laugh out loud, is wonderful. I love that part. :D Then they all get down to business and again, there's just something captivating watching the four (hot) guys bouncing ideas back and forth. Good stuff.
(In my head I can hear my own "Warrick" asking me if "it's been a while?" :lol: Because clearly I'm drooling a little too much here! :D )

And now, one of my all-time favourite Nic/Warrick buddy scenes: the Hodges asleep at the microscope moment! My god I HOWLED with laughter at this one. I've loved Hodges almost from day one, even when he was more of a dick, and this scnene just sealed it for me. And Nick and Warrick laughing before Nick does his loud "LEMME GUESS...The fibres are wool." So hilarious! And the look on Nick's face when he looks over at Warrick just as Hodges finishes relating his dream to them- priceless! :lol: Just a great scene all around, and damn! Have you ever in your life seen two better smiles? :eek: I'm going to have to open a window and get some air just thinking about it.

Ok, a little more processing with Warrick and then the fun comraderie emerges one last time as they take the piss out of poor Greg who is "taking one for the team" and helping Ecklie by returning to the DNA lab for a spell. Nick's "Is Greg in the lab or in the field? Lab, lab, field, field? We have a lab on wheels..." bit is hilarious, and Warrick's just nodding and agreeing, totally backing up the assault on poor Greg. Once more, the older brothers get to give the younger brother a hard time. LOVED IT! :D

OK, we finish off in the hotel room again as Warrick and Nick do their thing and of course they solve the crime... because they're smart and good at their jobs. Oh and they're hot. Did I mention that?

OK, yes- I really do need to get out more! :lol:

Overall my impression of this episode was a return to the Nick we all know and love, and a cementing of the close friendship between Warrick and Nick that has been growing over the years. Plus, I think it was nice and lighthearted in its own way, showing that, as tough as some of the cases are, and as mentally exhausting as the job can get for these people (think "Compulsion" or "4x4"), there are still many fun moments to be had. Sometimes you just have to laugh and have fun when you get the opportunity. :) And it never hurts when you get to work with your best friend. :)

Whoh. I'm more than a little verbose today, huh? :lol:
Well, I really am going to "get out more" now. I'm off for a jog! Hope I haven't overwhelmed (or bored) you too much with this long post! ;)
Wow Baba, I think that's the lingest post you've ever done or that I've ever seen :lol:
But you pretty much nailed everything, I loved Nick in this episode and I completely agree - I love Warrick & Nick working together, it's great to see them bounce ideas off each other and are comfortable with each other, and it doesn't hurt that they're hot either.

I loved the razzing of Greg - it sounds mean but it's just like siblings, the older ones (Nick & Warrick) going after the younger one (Greg). I love the "lab on wheels part" it's really funny but also the shot is really good, the camera right in front of Greg with his soft looking hair and cutie face, then Nick & Warrick walk in, it was heavenly :)

I didn't really notice any character advancement in this ep and but I also noticed that they teased us with the bug in "Bodies.." then in "Room Service" had Nick back to his "normal" self.

Whether it was done on purpose or not I dont know but I noticed Nick's comment at the beginning - "Isn't he suppose to be the next Brad Pitt.." I thought it was kind of an inside joke about how GE always comments that he's not a sex symbol, that Brad Pitt is "the man"
Wow Baba, you pretty much covered everything.

I agree that Nick and Warrick working together is one of my favorites too. I love the scene in the hotel room and the jibe about Warrick and his honeymoon. Their relationship is just so great. You can tell that they really care for each others, like real brothers. It's very easy to imagine them hanging out playing video games or watching a ball game or shooting hoops.

I also agree that Nick is one heck of a likeable guy. He seems to be the only one who works well with pretty darn near everybody. Heck, he even melted Ecklie's heart. No easy task! :D
I just scanned back through my thread and man oh man... I did write A LOT, didn't I? :lol:

What can I say, somedays I'm more inspired than others I guess. And today I guess I was pretty inspired! :lol: Flipping through the episode again was nice, I guess. I'd forgotten how many great little Nick moments there were. :)
Some very nice insights Baba.

I was thinking the same thing about some of Nick's reactions in this episdoe as opposed to some of the hints we saw in BiM, but once I thought about it, (and watched some of the later episodes) I realized I think there is a pattern in Nick's near freak-outs. It is places and enviorments that remind him of that night. The crime scene he was working did not bring back any of those memories. Note, Grissom did not have him work either of the other crime scenes that night - both of them parking lots, and in BiM, when he sends Catherine to the other scene, he tells her to take Warrick, not Nick. We see this pattern repeated later in Shooting Stars, but I will talk more about the episode when we come to it.

I have agree, I liked the Nick-Archie rapport, and later the teasing of Greg. He and Warrick double teaming the poor boy and Greg's long suffering look.

I really do like watching Nick and Sophia. They get along, and I think in part it for the same reason that Sophia tends to at odds with some of the other characters. (CoughSaraCough) Nick is for the most part a very laid back person. He is very good with people and knows how to put them at ease... It is natural for him. He knows how to put Sophia at ease, or at the very least, he doesn't raise her hackles. Nick also appericates her efforts to help them - even if she a cop and no longer a CSI. Like who said Baba, Nick doesn't have a problem with Sophia taking the lead during part of the investiagtion and Sophia responds to that
I also think that Nick - unlike Sara and Catherine never saw Sophia as the enemy because she use to work for Ecklie. I think he saw her a good CSI and member of the team...
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