The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

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I don't know exactly why Nick didn't mention any of his siblings, but there are a few theories I have...

1. It wasn't needed for the story. I think that part of the reason for the message was to get Nick calling his Dad Cisco...which was one of the hints that Grissom had that Nick would respond to "Panco". Even with the Vegas family the person he mentions by name is Grissom.(his pusdo father in Vegas)..which was needed for the story so Grissom could read his lips and react to Nick's apology for having disappointed him.

2. Nick was planning mentioning them,(his sibs) after he mentioned his LV family, but was interupted by the ants. He could have also planned more personal messages for people like Warrick and Catherine (and maybe even Greg and Sara) but just didn't get around to it because of his "visitors"...

3. The six sibs don't exist. I am not sure, but the only one I can remember Nick ever mentioning on the show is a brother. And as we have seen before, the bios on the web site are not always the most reliable.

I tend to think it was a combination of the first two. I think that mentioning all of Nick's siblings would have interupted to flow of the monolouge. It wasn't needed for the story, just as Nick saying a personal goodbye to each of his Vagas "siblings" was not really needed for the story. What was important was Nick's relationship with each of his "fathers" and that was why they were the ones who got mentioned by name in his good-bye message. He was planning on metioning the others, but it just didn't happen.

Plus there is just something so fundulmentally wrong about a child leaving a parent a good-bye message. It isn't suppose to happen that way, and even the child is all grown up, it would have been heart wrenching if Nick's parents had to hear those words as some of the last thier son ever spoke...
I also think that Nick didn't mention his siblings(if they in fact exist)just very simply because he wasn't exactly thinking straight at the time.I think he was operating on some primal adrenaline-induced level, and just responding on a very emotional, gut level to the thoughts whirling around in his head. So he mentioned his parents and Grissom, the people on his mind at the time, without bothering to think of anyone else. Whe you are in such a fundementally life-threatning situaton, you can be 500 years old and all you need is your parents--hence Cisco and "Vegas dad" Grissom.That is what Nick was responding to, that child-like need for comfort we all have when we are in bad situations. Otherwise, I presume, Nick would at the very least mention his "Vegas sibling" Warick which was such an important part of his life, not to mention the rest of his Vegas family or his siblings. Nick was simply reacting to the situation and it is not surprising that his head wasn't working at 100% during that situation, to say the least.
I like the idea that he was interrupted byt the ants- that makes the most sense to me (other than an oversight! ;) ). I just think if I was about to dies, thoughts of BOTH my families would have been prevalent in my mind. I would have at least said "mom, dad and the rest of the family" (if my family was as large as his was, anyway).

Anyway, I think I'll go with the "interrupted" theory. That'll keep me happy! :lol:
I think TPTB had intended for Nicky to be the pretty boy - but, along comes GE and makes Nick Stokes so much more. Fleshing him out into a character that we can love despite his insecurities, fears and sensitiveness. Those traits are not the ones we stereotypically see in males in tv-land. GE does, making Nick whole and hot as hell. Nick ran the risk of becoming the pretty boy but rose to be one of the more solid characters on the show.

GE should get massive kudos for that alone.

And GD - ah guh! Thinking of certain scenes makes me shudder. I was not able to watch it all in one sitting due to the intensity - I had to bury my head into a pillow and whimper. I don't think I've ever seen such presence from an actor before - GE was really there, going through every moment of Nick's cockiness at the beginning, the fear at the realization and the tumroil and pain when life seemed to come to an end. It was painfully beautiful to watch it.

And I have a hard time believing anybody else would have pulled it off like GE did.
Those ants certainly know how to put a wrench into the works!

In a way GD answered questions and yet left more questions unanswered. Some we might never know especially about what else was on that tape. Baba makes a good point, I'd mention my family both of em. "Interrupted Theory".....has a nice ring to it!!

GD was painfully beautiful to watch! George made it so by giving Nick Stokes depth and emotion and meaning.
I always figured that Nick would have said something about his siblings had those damn ants not entered the scene. Bloody dare they attack someone who has invaded their territory..well..course Nick didn't exactly go there by choice..he had a little help..i.e. ether and kidnapper.
I still think that if Nick had said “Mom…Cisco and the rest of you…” it would not have flowed as well as just “Mom…Cisco.” The beauty of the dialogue was in its simplicity and adding more words to it would have damaged it. There is a difference between how people talk on TV (or movie or plays) and in real life. Like I said earlier, Nick saying good-bye to his siblings wasn’t important to the story…Nick calling his father Cisco was…(it figures into the plot later) Grissom knowing that along Nick’s last thoughts that he had somehow failed or disappointed Grissom was also important to the plot. So that was what we heard and saw.
Yeah, but I doubt it would have come out like that. At least not with the kind of writing that the CSI team usually puts out.

I don't have 6 siblings, so it would have been easy for me to use names, but for Nick... he could easily have said, "I just want to say to my family, I love you. And mom, Cisco... You raised me right..." etc.
Happy New Years guys...It was cool for me right when the clock struck 12:00 CSI: Grave Danger came on CBS it was great!!! Only the first half though. :('s my favourite episode.

Sorry I missed that, but I was at a party last night. First party I've gone to on New Years' Eve in a long time. So I don't mind missing Grave Danger for that.
Happy new year!

I also think that Nick was interrupt by the ants...
my two cents that he would have probably explain what happen to him to help the others to found the kidnapper..

About his siblings... I don't think he forget them but it was not really important for the story like someone say...but I think he would have talk to them too if the ants didn't come..
If I was at his place, I think I would have speak to my brother and my sisters (probably telling them my testament..even if I don't have a lot of things ;-) )
Hey everyone. I'm new here & just having a look around. Won't bore you with the details; but I missed the "Grave Danger" eppy when it originally aired. I got my season 5 DVD's & I'll admit that this was the first CSI episode I cried. Great finale. Well written-superbly acted. George outdid himself.

Referring to the comment about mentioning his family--I thought too that the ants interrupted. Someone mentioned that by only mentioning his mom & dad had much more of an emotional impact--I agree. I think Nick cares about everyone else (Warrick, Cath, etc) but he's the kind of guy that is really bothered if he would disappoint the people he values acceptance from--his parents & surrogate dad--Grissom. I liked how the scene was written. It was just the right amount.
This might be a case of gross over-analyzing, but did anyone else feel that there might be a connection between the murder of the twins which we see early in Grave Danger and Nick's abduction, you know when Grisoom tests out the spatter and figures out the twins were shot back to back? I don't see Tarantino sticking that in just because, and I wonder if the two cases are related? Could it have been the same person who did that and abducted Nick?
This might be a case of gross over-analyzing, but did anyone else feel that there might be a connection between the murder of the twins which we see early in Grave Danger and Nick's abduction, you know when Grisoom tests out the spatter and figures out the twins were shot back to back? I don't see Tarantino sticking that in just because, and I wonder if the two cases are related? Could it have been the same person who did that and abducted Nick?

An interesting theory but I must disagree. I think this was QT's way of showing that it was just another night at CSI and this just happened to be the case Grissom was working. And since this is QT after all, the more original and bloody, the better. :D
Ok maybe I'm going crazy, or maybe I was crazy to begin with, but I'm sure I can hear(who I'm guessing is QT) say "do it" in a whisper just before Nick shoots out the light. Anyway just thought I'd check to see if anybody else heard it or I am truely going insane.
I agree with wlk68 about the case of the twins at the beging showing that it was a normal night at CSI, nothing unusual, cases being worked, Eklie being mean, Hodges being...Hodges and Catherine handing out cases to her guys.

Liz : )
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