The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

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You know, I think that part of the reason I don't like the buzz cut, other than that I just don't think it looks good on him, is that I don't like to see Nick as a macho guy, and it does give him that image. I can't say that I like the leather jacket either, for more reasons than one, which I won't get into here. Don't get me wrong, I thought that scene in the bar was all kinds of sexy, and I do love to see him handle his gun (*giggle*), it just wasn't quite Nicky to me. I really like his boyish charm and his empathy. That's why I fell in love with the character in the first place, and I don't see any reason for that to change in order for people to see that he's a strong person. I think he's already proven that.

I first noticed Nicky's aggressive side in "Swap Meet" during the interrogation of the Arcade boyfriend. I remember after witnessing that scene for the first time, turning to my friend and saying, "Whoa. When did Nicky get so mean?" While I found it distrubingly sexy (must have been GE's use of that low low voice), I also found it... disturbing. There was a meanstreak there that I hadn't seen before. I didn't like it. I take my Nicky with two lumps of sugar please.

We get alot of the same kind of posturing in "Snakes" but in this case I just found it to be 20 different flavors of sexy. I fully confess to watching it over and over and over again *just* to see Badass/Nicky. I think it has everything to do with what abharding pointed out that Nick couldn't show any signs of weakness to such a violent sub-culture if he was to demand any respect.

Speaking of which, as a storyline, Snakes failed to fully engage me because all the villians were so ridiculously silly to begin with. Juanito was pathetically weak (well played by the actor!). Medicine Man was an over-the-top caricature who was too kookoo for Cocoa Puffs for me to take seriously. And contrary to what Richard Berg and the writers would have us think, the Spanish singer did NOT come across as the gangsta rap of the Latino world. More Ricky Martin than NWA.

The only time that I felt the threat of the underlying violence of the Sinoloen sub-culture was when Nicky was waving his gun around in the club (and man was that scene hot! Had to throw water on myself just thinking about it!). Even then, my heart was beating for Nicky mainly because he was the soul White guy waving a gun, grabbing a Mexican in a sea of Mexicans. Didn't help to have that oh-so-shiny-look-at-me-everybody jacket on either. Nicky's a brave brave man.

RE: Macho man?

It's all relative. When he's in a room with Greg, I get the macho vibe from Nick. When he's with Warrick, not so much. And with Sara... well, most times I think Sara can be more macho than Nicky
It's all relative. When he's in a room with Greg, I get the macho vibe from Nick. When he's with Warrick, not so much. And with Sara... well, most times I think Sara can be more macho than Nicky

:D... and with Grissom he is the poor little dog jupping for his bone :p... with Catherine he is like a huge cat on her knees.. :p
You know, I do find Nick to be "macho"... but I guess it depends on your interpretation of it. If you're thinking, tough guy who thinks he's all badass and too cool with the women, then no, I don't think he's like that. But I do think he's very manly- sort of a "good old boy" at heart, with old fashioned sensibilities at the same time.

I didn't mean to imply that I thought that Nick was weak or less then macho. To me it was more that given the people he was dealing with on this particular case he was not going to show them his "softer" side, because THEY would not understand it. That he felt THEY would see it as being week. All the CSIs do it, particularly well dealing with some of the more violent sub cultures of any city. He much more like his old self when he was talking to the newspaper editor...
So....Nesting Dolls?

I was all set to poo-poo this eppy as being more about Sara and being light on Nick but that's not the case at all.

I read the transcript over at TwizTV and found a bunch of things I had forgotten.

Of course, there is Nick in The Bandana...Yum! And he is the one to spot the second body under there.

I love how Hodges refers to the two victims as Flat Sally and Curly Sue. Hee!

There's a cute scene with Warrick and Nick discussing the recovery of a phone number off the fabric inside the pocket of the pair of jeans.

Paul Guilfoyle is such a hoot. I love the line he gives Vlad when he and Nick to the salon for the first time. He tells Vlad that he's trying for a Rastafarian look. :D

Then a little later when Nick and Brass are interviwing the salon owner, it's obvious that Nick finds the whole idea of mail order brides somewhat distasteful. As Brass tells the owner, Nick's an old fashioned guy. And that's true. I can't remember which eppy it is but he catches Greg running a test on his (Greg's) date's epithelials (sp?) and Nick asks what happened to getting to know someone over coffee?

Nick pretty much states this when he, Catherine and Warrick are surfing the mail order bride website.

NICK: (reads) "I looking for kindest, noble man." Well, I got news for you, Sugar Pants. Buying women ain't that noble.

WARRICK: Well, life is short. Dating's complicated. This makes it much simpler, doesn't it?

CATHERINE: It's not supposed to be simple. Complicated is the whole point.



NICK: Hey, wait a minute. You're not telling me you're into this stuff?

WARRICK: Me? No. But you know, for a guy who's over 40, lonely, tired of the bar scene, got a little cash, wants to buy himself a sweet honey, be his companion ...

NICK: He needs a translator, 'cause you're not even speaking the same language.

WARRICK: That's the best part.

CATHERINE: (groans) Ugh ... !

(Catherine turns and leaves. Warrick chuckles.)

NICK: (clueless) Best part of what?

I love that Nicky doesn't even get it. He's just so darned cute! It amazes me that he's still so naive about some things. :D
Yeah, I remember my roomie and I actually both laughing out loud at Nick during that episode. It was one of the few times we actually appreciated the same thing! :lol:

It's funny how you can be so good at such a complicated job, and still remain clueless about some stuff. I think Grissom is another prime example of that. ;)
I really did like Nick in this episode. I particularly like his converstaion with the salon owner/bridal broker. He clearly had problems with what the woman was doing, but he didn't get angery with her (mail order brides don't bring up old feelings like domestic abuse cases do for Sara) and doesn't lose his temper. As a result the salon owner did not get defenseive and they (Nick and Brass) were able to get the information they needed.

I did like Brass "excusing" saying that he is an old fashion guy... He is. Brass' comment though was a also a little bit of teasing as well.

Speaking of teasing, I wonder if Warrick was having a bit of fun with both Catherine and Nick when he was arguing for the mail order brides. He seemed to get a kick out of Catherine's disgust and Nick's cluelessness (is that word?)
Yeah the only scenes I liked were the Nick scenes because Sara seemed to get all freaked out about this case. Although I did enjoy watching her tell Ecklie off.

Nick is adorable in this one.
Oh good, I see we've moved on.

I agree with what's been said. The only thing I would add is that I wondered in that scene when Nick says "Best part of what?" whether he actually was completely clueless or if that was just an act. Something about the way he said it was almost joking like he understood but was trying to pretend he was still the, I don't know, gentlemen. I'm probably all wrong about that though. *shrugs* Either way I think that whole scene is hilarious.

Although I didn't like the team split, I think the choice of who to put on which team was smart. Nick, Warrick and Catherine work really well together and have an interesting dynamic between them. I just missed seeing Nick work with Sara and Grissom.

BTW, Baba, didn't Nick with the bandana used to be your avatar, or was that someone else?
Oh hoh, Nesting Dolls, right? Well, why don't I just go and check that episode out again since I just got my CSI SEASON DVD SET! WOOHOO! :D

I'm afraid I may be off the board tonight folks. I got me some viewing to do! YeeHAWWWWWWW! :lol:
Shall we move on to "Unbearable?"

I can't think of much to say about this one, Nickwise.

I thought it was really funny when Nick asked that guy if he always stored his gallbladders with his ice cream, or something like that. :lol:

Nick and Catherine seemed to be as disgusted as I was about the bear being used in a canned hunt, and of course it was Nick who figured out what was going on. I used to work at an exotic feline sanctuary and one of the bengal tigers there had been saved from a canned hunt. Someone overheard one of the guys involved blabbing about it in a bar or somewhere and reported it. Stupid people.
^^^ No way! That's so incredibly sick and sad... I just can't even describe to you how it makes me feel. :(
The Humane Society of the United States talked about this episode on their website Humane Society on CSI .

It's a disgusting style of hunting that even a lot of hunters have decried because they don't consider it a 'real hunt'. The animal is drugged and has no chance. Some of the big cats like lions and tigers have their claws removed to make it easy for the hunting dogs involved.

So I'm glad that it was done and that George-who has hunted in the past-I don't think he does it anymore-did the story.

I digress on with the topic.
^^^ No way! That's so incredibly sick and sad... I just can't even describe to you how it makes me feel. :(
I shudder to think about what would have happened to that tiger, if those people had gotten away with it. I spent a lot of time with him, and he was a really cool cat. It makes me sick to think about it.

Thanks for the link to that article myfuturecsi.

So, does anybody else have anything they want to say about Nick in "Unbearable?" I'm sure everyone has lots to say about the next episode, "King Baby."
Oh boy...the WOOBIE of all CSI shows

paraphrased scene-sorry I don't recall the whole thing, so feel free to corrent me if I've got it wrong.

Nick, Warrick, Catherine and Grissom are in the DB's 'playroom' complete with giant stuffed toys, cradle, playpen..and such..

Nick holding up giant soother

Nick: I don't get it man?

Grissom: What you never had a transitional object when you were a kid?

Nick-shrugs.:Well I had a woobie, but didn't everyone?

Catherine looks at Nick in complete surprise as the poor looks up and realizes what he's just done!!!

Warrick: Oh is that that blue thing in your locker?

Nick shakes his head and laughs: Don't even...

I will have to say that George Eads has a great sense of humour to have done that scene..that was one of those impulsive Nick moments..

And one of my favourite moments with our Nicky boy!
I also loved the scen in the "big babies" store where the shopkeeper looked at Nick and said "Well, don't you have a nice daddy" when they were asking about adult sized diapers! The look on his face was hillarious! :lol:
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