The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

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Both of those scenes are hilarious. I also like when he crawled into the nursery. Somebody said, possibly on another message board, that he looked like a baby crawling, and he really does, lol. I wonder if he'd even be able to crawl through that little tunnel now.

In the scene at Forever Baby, I loved how he was trying not to laugh when the woman assumed Grissom was buying adult diapers for himself and how his face fell when she turned on him. Suddenly, it wasn't so funny. :)

Oh yeah, and what was up with him taking that number or whatever from the bulletin board? That just cracks me up.
There were several good Nick scenes in this episode.

Looking around the "baby" room. GE/NS really does have one of the best "What the???" look. His look at the giant pacifers was priceless. And I liked the "I had a wobbie...didn't everyone?" and his reply to Warrick's teasing about whatever it is in his locker.

I also loved the whole exchange in the adult baby store. I have said before it was perfect that happened to be Nick and Grissom given that Nick does have "Daddy" isues with Grissom, just not the ones the adult store deals with. Even so, the look on Nick's face at the comment was priceless. But what made even better was the look on Grissom's face. He seemed amused by the whole thing...and Nick's slight embrassment. I think most of the graveyard shift likes to give Nick a bit of grief about his slightly old fashion views.
My brother rarely watches CSI,but this episode was just the right amount of bizzare to get his attention. The store clerk's "aren't you lucky to have such a nice daddy" was priceless, especially Nick's reaction. Sometimes I think GE should be in comedies as well. He has wonderful comedic timing and his expressions are just hillarious.
I also loved his comment when he first crawled into the "baby" room... "Whoh- who's your mommy!" That was classic!

He did some nice detecting in this episode too- finding the same toy chest, or whatever that was, and then the false bottom as well. I wonder what all those incriminating files said? I guess we'll never know. ;)
My brother rarely watches CSI,but this episode was just the right amount of bizzare to get his attention. The store clerk's "aren't you lucky to have such a nice daddy" was priceless, especially Nick's reaction. Sometimes I think GE should be in comedies as well. He has wonderful comedic timing and his expressions are just hillarious.

To me, Grissom's expression was equally funny. He turns and looks at Nick with one eyebrow raised, as if he is looking at Nick in a whole new way. He's got this little smirk on his face that just cracks me up! :lol:
I hope no one minds if I move ahead to "Big Middle."

Is it just me, or does it seem like there wasn't much development for Nick's character the last couple of seasons? Of course, at the beginning of the show, he was kind of a newbie, so there was a lot of room for change and a lot of just getting to know who he was. Then around season four he kind of became fully realized as a CSI and as a person even. He broke away from his need for approval from Grissom and I think finally found his place.

So season five he's mostly just been kind of the same, which I suppose is why I'm in such a hurry to get to "Grave Danger" and season six because we finally get some new developments for his character. I mean, the only thing I really took out of "Big Middle" is that Nick is still obviously disheartened by the team split. I think they all are, except maybe Catherine, so it's not like breaking news or anything.
I'd agree with that to a certain extent. I think in the second half of season 5, say starting at Compulsion, we do see a changing Nick- a slightly less positive Nick, maybe more cynical. It continues through 4x4 and onwards...
Big middle, is where Nick/Warrick/Cath investigate the death in the words, where the has his face shot off..

I kind of liked the A-plot - Griss/Sara/Greg better. But in all honestly it wasn't my fave episode anyways.

I didn't like the fact that at the beginning, Nick makes a comment on how it was easier when they were on the same shift and Cath comments "what, you dont like have me as your boss.." He makes a valid point, I'd be confused too if my old supervisor and new supervisor were at my crime scene.

I loved his corny line, "Vegas - where even a beaver can strike it rich." It's so lame that it's funny :lol: And the look Cath gives him is priceless.
I watched the first few minutes of Big Middle and then wasn't really into it. It's not my favourite show because the A plot is just so lame.

Catherine was very defensive though towards Nick who has been more supportive of her as a boss then Warrick was. Anyways what was after Big Middle.

So I don't care what we move onto next.
Yeah, I wasn't that big on this episode either, to be honest. Not much happening with Nick other than the "whatever" comment to Nick. I think that was his way of saying, "I'm So not getting involved in this one."
I'd agree with that to a certain extent. I think in the second half of season 5, say starting at Compulsion, we do see a changing Nick- a slightly less positive Nick, maybe more cynical. It continues through 4x4 and onwards...
Yeah, that's true, but season five up to this point, there hasn't been much to speak of.
Ah, right. I just thought since you mentioned being in a rush to get to Grave Danger... meh. Doesnt matter. :)
"Big Middle" was pretty meh. The highlight for me was Grissom getting slapped on the bottom. :lol: The sports betting stuff went completely over my head.

Nick's "whatever" felt off to me, because it was so...I don't know, distant and cold, I guess. Definitely not his usual amiable response. But then again, everyone except Catherine was upset by the split, and Nick was the only one to openly express his annoyance. Gotta give him credit for speaking his mind!

Ooh goodie, "Compulsion" is up next!
Very true about the first part of season five. I think the writers, after all the stuff in season four weren't quite sure what to do with Nick next. About halfway through the season they came upon the idea of having Nick have a few really bad cases...the ones that haunt the people who work them and see where it would go. It will be interesting to see if the retrun to that... And then there was GD, which gives them a whole lot more to play with.
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