The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

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The commentary on "Snakes" makes the ep even better! :) They give a bunch of insight into Nick's character on this one.
Gaw, I can't wait for my DVDs - I really hope Im getting them for Xmas and if I don't Im going to be very upset and take back everyone else's gifts. I can be the Grinch for one day :p

I would love to hear the commentary for Snakes - does GE do it..? I can't remember if you said he did, Bailey Im just too tired to scroll through the pages :)

*sigh* Having to listen to GE do commentary for a whole episode would just make my Xmas, that's all I need really, is the DVDs...well no not really who am I kidding :p
Yeah, he does the commentary with the director and the writer/story editor. I swear I would pay to hear that man read from the menu at McDonald's. :)

He said that he was actually going to start growing his hair out at that point, but the writer/editor guy said that they pictured Nick with the shaved head when they wrote the part for GE, so he kept it short for that ep.
I didn't really like this episode. *dodges flying cookies* I just didn't like the storyline. I did like Nick in the episode, well, everything except his buzz cut, which I now hear from Bailey was about to go bye bye if not for this ep. Why oh why did they not let him start growing his beautiful hair back? I actually think I prefer the mustache *dodges flying stale cookies,* and the fact that I really don't like the mustache tells you just how much I dislike the buzz cut.

I don't even know what to say about the episode, it's kind of a blur for me. I do remember thinking that it was cute when he was sitting on the floor listening to the CDs. Maybe I'll like it more when I watch the commentary.
Maybe TPTB wanted GE to keep his head shaved to make him seem more 'edgy'. Add to that a leather jacket and some Spanish and you've got yourself a badass.
I didn't really like this episode. *dodges flying cookies* I just didn't like the storyline.
I'm with you on that one, Ford. I thought this was one of the - if not the - least interesting storylines of season 5. Bleah.

But that doesn't stop me from watching the re-runs just to see Badass!Nicky in action, teehee. I think it was very smart of them to keep the buzz cut, because the image they were going for wouldn't have worked nearly as well without it. Throw in the leather jacket, the Spanish, and the gun...Whoo! *fans self*

I like the fact that this episode showcases the side of Nick that's all tough and macho, something we don't see as much as the boyish charm or the empathy. Because he's often Mr. Sensitive, some people take that to mean he's weak, and this episode reminds them that it isn't so.

I'm curious, what do GE and tptb say about Nick's character development in this one? I really can't come up with much.
I'm curious, what do GE and tptb say about Nick's character development in this one? I really can't come up with much.

Dang! Just how many Nick threads are there in this forum? I LOVE IT!

GE makes a point of pointing out in the doc just how dedicated and focused Nick can be. When he's presented with the case, he thoroughly researched every aspect that he could. This was seen in the scene on the lab floor listening to the headphones (my favorite scene as well). He's thoroughly engrossed. Also, when he totally zones out Catherine and walks away from her mid-sentence as it hits him the connection between the vic and the reporter are one and the same. He's in his own little world :lol:

And when Ortega and Nick enter the Medicine Man's shop, he's the first to draw his weapon because he's fully aware of what kind of people they're dealing with. Dangerous! Even though the over-the-top Medicine Man looked kinda kooky to me. But Nicky knows better!

I *love* that Nicky speaks Spanish. Not only was it insanely hot but makes him that.much.smarter.

I miss his buzz cut. Season 5 Nick was like watching a whole other man. I'm a fan of the buzz. But then and again Vin Diesel has forever made all bald men sexy for me. (uh... I didn't just out myself as a Vin fan did I? Don't judge!)

Can't say I'm a fan of the leather jacket though. It reminded me of Batman Beyond. Too cool for school.
But that doesn't stop me from watching the re-runs just to see Badass!Nicky in action, teehee. I think it was very smart of them to keep the buzz cut, because the image they were going for wouldn't have worked nearly as well without it. Throw in the leather jacket, the Spanish, and the gun...Whoo! *fans self*

I like the fact that this episode showcases the side of Nick that's all tough and macho, something we don't see as much as the boyish charm or the empathy. Because he's often Mr. Sensitive, some people take that to mean he's weak, and this episode reminds them that it isn't so.

You know, I think that part of the reason I don't like the buzz cut, other than that I just don't think it looks good on him, is that I don't like to see Nick as a macho guy, and it does give him that image. I can't say that I like the leather jacket either, for more reasons than one, which I won't get into here. Don't get me wrong, I thought that scene in the bar was all kinds of sexy, and I do love to see him handle his gun (*giggle*), it just wasn't quite Nicky to me. I really like his boyish charm and his empathy. That's why I fell in love with the character in the first place, and I don't see any reason for that to change in order for people to see that he's a strong person. I think he's already proven that.

I'm not sure if that came out quite the way I meant it. I do like it when he gets tough, like in an interrogation. I love the way he reels people in with his, well, boyish charm, and then goes for the kill, or when a suspect turns to him for sympathy and he isn't having any of it. Now that I can't get enough of, but the whole bit in "Snakes" was just a little too over the top for me.

Dang! Just how many Nick threads are there in this forum? I LOVE IT!
Not enough, I say. ;) We do love Nicky around here.

Thanks for giving us even more details about the DVDs sami. It sounds a lot more interesting than the episode itself.

GE makes a point of pointing out in the doc just how dedicated and focused Nick can be. When he's presented with the case, he thoroughly researched every aspect that he could. This was seen in the scene on the lab floor listening to the headphones (my favorite scene as well). He's thoroughly engrossed. Also, when he totally zones out Catherine and walks away from her mid-sentence as it hits him the connection between the vic and the reporter are one and the same. He's in his own little world :lol:

That was a nice little scene. He reminded me a bit of Grissom who does stuff like that all the time.

I liked this episode as well. I like it when we get to see sides of the characters we don't see that often, but do work for the character. Given the people Nick was dealing with, I could see him trying to act all tough because he would know you don't want to show those guys any weekness.

He doesn't show that side of him as much during the last scene with Vega and Juanito. There he is more like the normal Nick...someone who dispite all that he has seen still sometimes has a hard time understanding what motives a person to commit a brutal crime. Particularly something like what happened in this case, where someone who managed to stay out of trouble decides decapitate a young woman in order to impress a group of people whose opinion (at least in Nick's view) aren't worth a damn. You could see his disgut at the sheer waste of it all...for both the victim and the killer.

On a side note... I liked listening to the comments and hearing about the whole filming expierence. I also liked how GE had some very nice things to say about his coworkers - particularly GD and JF.

I *love* that Nicky speaks Spanish. Not only was it insanely hot but makes him that.much.smarter.

True. And it make sense that at least one or two people there would be able to speak Spanish given what would have to a large Latino/Latina community in Las Vegas. I hope we see more bits of that part of Nick.
You know, I do find Nick to be "macho"... but I guess it depends on your interpretation of it. If you're thinking, tough guy who thinks he's all badass and too cool with the women, then no, I don't think he's like that. But I do think he's very manly- sort of a "good old boy" at heart, with old fashioned sensibilities at the same time. I think that judging by his reactions sometimes (like to the transvestite bartender, or stuff like that) he still has very "man has one role, woman has the other" ideas about life, too. I don't think there's anything wrong with that at all, and I think that while he's had his eyes opened to a lot of stuff, he's absolutely more open-minded about it all as well. But I still think the character has a lot of very masculine viewpoints, despite all his empathy.

I guess what I'm trying to say in a very random, all over the place way is that I still think he's pretty macho AND caring at the same time and that's why I find him appealing. He's the perfect mix of both.

And I can't stand that leather jacket in this episode- reminds me of the 80's in a bad way. It looks like a combination of leather and suede... *** shudders *** :eek:

Bah, I don't think I explained that very well. I really have to stop trying to make insightful posts at 4 in the morning. It's hard enough at a regular hour. :rolleyes: I think of macho as something negative. It's hard to explain, I'm not saying I don't think Nick is manly or masculine.

Although he does seem to be a little old-fashioned, I definitely don't think he believes men have one role and women have another, and I do think that there is something wrong with that on a very basic level. Given that his mother is a strong, independent woman and that he works with some very strong, independent women, I just don't see how he could hold those type of views. Maybe I misunderstood what you were trying to say though Baba?
No... you didn't misunderstand me. I just wrote it poorly!, I mentioned I've been sick right? ;)

I just mean, it all ties back in with the leather and lace convo. I think his opinions of men and women in relationships is pretty traditional. Not that he isn't of the live and let live variety, but I don't think he would ever truly "get" people who are transsexual, or into S& M and that sort of thing. I don't mean in terms of equality. Sorry, I'm a space cadet! :eek:
"Snakes" was one of my favorite eps of the season. In the commentary they talked about the real-life stuff behind the story, and I guess that made it even more interesting to me. To me, his look was perfect for this ep. The buzz cut and the leather jacket gave him an attitude of toughness, and because of the crime and the violent culture they were dealing with, it fit for me.

I think Nick is a very unique combination of a man. I agree with what Baba said about how he's caring but also has a macho, toughness quality to him. To me that's the perfect man: someone I can feel safe with but who also isn't afraid to be sensitive every now and then. Now if only he existed in real life! :D
No... you didn't misunderstand me. I just wrote it poorly!, I mentioned I've been sick right? ;)

I just mean, it all ties back in with the leather and lace convo. I think his opinions of men and women in relationships is pretty traditional. Not that he isn't of the live and let live variety, but I don't think he would ever truly "get" people who are transsexual, or into S& M and that sort of thing. I don't mean in terms of equality. Sorry, I'm a space cadet! :eek:
Well geez Baba, I can't even understand what I'm trying to say, I don't know how I'm supposed to understand your incoherent babbling. :p I'm kidding you know. I love you Baba. :) I see what you're saying now.

I think Nick is a very unique combination of a man. I agree with what Baba said about how he's caring but also has a macho, toughness quality to him. To me that's the perfect man: someone I can feel safe with but who also isn't afraid to be sensitive every now and then.
Okay, I agree with you guys about nick being both tough and sensitive and really liking that about him, but he just doesn't need to do the tough guy act or have a different appearance in order to pull it off in my opinion. He can be tough without appearing to be tough or appear tough without being tough. I'm not making sense and I'm confusing myself. *goes to the corner to cry* Just ignore me.
^^^I love Snakes, although I found the storyline very, very creepy, it was Nick-centric and I'd watch him hunt down missing dog for an entire episode if that's what the storyine was?

I think Nick's strong reactions to things 'out of the norm' are just part of his sheltered upbringing. I imagine his parents were the sort that kept a lot of the badness of the world from him because they saw a lot of nastiness in the world.
Just a thought.
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