The Nick Stokes Timeline: Part 2

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In my view, I believe that Nick Stokes has matured considerably and definitely earned the recommendation that Gris typed up making him a lead CSI and, therefore, making him Cath's equal.

You know, I couldn't agree more. If I was being supervised, I'd want a guy with Nick's temperament, without a doubt. (And hell, he'd sure be nice to look at too! ;) )

Strangely enough, I was just watching Eleven Angry Jurors again, and I noticed that Grissom actually recommended Nick for the promotion to "Lead CSI". Is that the same as a superviser? Because to me, that actually means a type of lead hand position, or someone who reports to the superviser.

But then, where are all these "lead CSI's" in the show? Or maybe it was a new position they were creating, but then had to get rid of again so they could buy that new equipment?

I'm confused... :confused:

:lol: Yeah, I know- I put to much extra thought into this crap! I just can't seem to help myself. And no, I'm not addicted; I'm emotionally invested ! ;)
The next eppy is Mea Culpa *shudder*. Gah, splitting up the teams was the worst idea TPTB ever had.

I found it interesting that when Ecklie interviewed each CSI, the only one he said anything nice to was Nick.

Compared to the others, Nick's record is pretty squeaky clean...well, except for the incident in Boom way back in season 1.

For the most part, Nick has simply not been the problem child that the others have been and he provided Ecklie with absolutely no ammunition to use against Grissom. Yay, Nicky!! :D

I also like the fact that Grissom took the time to take Nick and Warrick out to eat and to have a personal conversation with them about the changes.

I totally agree...
Mea culpa is one of my favourite episode..
I love Ecklie because of this episode..
He was, at this time, the only one who can see Nick like a very important pawn of the team.. he never "screw up" like the others (I don't think Ecklie forgot Kristie but Nick was not at fault...).. I loooove Ecklie more and more since this episode..
It was great to watch them three in the restaurant.. but, again it was more Warrick-Grissom .. Nick was there to pay ;)... I like to think they knew that Grave Danger would come soon...

Great episode!!!
Unless anyone objects, how about we move on to No Humans Involved?

To be honest, I don't really remember this eppy being pretty light in Nick Development. It was more about that poor little boy they found in the Rubbermaid tub and Warrick's confrontation with the cop who ran the holding tank.
Ya, not much Nick advancement in this ep - pretty much Sara-centric, I think.
I loved his interaction w/ the inmates at the prison that was too funny.

Some good quotes I remember...

"Ya well, if they were throwing crap at me I'd bash some heads too" :lol:

"Ya, a little fish, in a tank full of sharks."
I liked how Nick reacted to the way the inmates were looking at him. One of them was like "What are you looking at?" and Nick just looked at him, shook his head and was like "nothing". He looked like a little boy when he did that. I also rememebered that at the end of this episode, Nick and Warrick were talking to Greg about his day. I thought that was nice of him because it showed that even though they were on different teams now, they still care about each other.
I also rememebered that at the end of this episode, Nick and Warrick were talking to Greg about his day. I thought that was nice of him because it showed that even though they were on different teams now, they still care about each other.

I remember that!! The three of them were hanging out in the breakroom and Catherine walks by and sees them in there laughing and talking. The boys were looking out for their "little brother" even though they're on separate shifts now.
Oh yea, very cute scene - well kinda sad too cause they showed Sara & Cath and they both looked left out but still :D
"Ya well, if they were throwing crap at me I'd bash some heads too" :lol:

I liked that. I also thought it was interesting that Nick seemed to be siding with the cops and Warrick with the cons... or at least Warrick felt the cops were to blame for what happened.

I also liked how well Nick adapted to working for Catherine. .. He did better then Warrick who didn't seem to get that Catherine is a little more "by the book" then Grissom. (I don't think Grissom ever read the book - not that that is a bad thing mind.)
OK, I think we're up to Who Shot Sherlock, right? Nick's working the B story with Warrick- a guy drives over an embankment and seemingly dies with just a superficial wound on his forehead, but turns out he was electrocuted by a downed power line.

Well, I'm just re-watching the episode and the first thing that struck me (besides how much I love it when Warrick and Nick are partnered up- can you say TEAM HOT! :lol: ) was that this was one of the first times, if not the first time that Doc Robbins says he has no definitive cause of death for the victim. And if anything, I think this shows a nice correlation between Nick and Warrick; Nick says "But you're still working on it right?" and they both give each other a look when the doc tells them without more evidence, he's done. You can tell that for both of them, this isn't good enough.

So, they start to look for something more and we come upon one of the reasons why I love it when these two work together: Warrick says they should check the car's brakes and Nick says, (in an efforet to get him to push while he steers) "C'mon, you're a bigger boy than me" to which Warrick replies, "Yeah you can't do anything yourself..." :lol: It's just a subtle little joking around moment, but it feels totally natural, like they've been friends forever. I've always loved the understated bond between these two.

Another nice moment is when Catherine backs them up after Ecklie tells them to put the case to bed.
C: "You guys satidfied?"
N: "We don't have an answer."
C: "Then find one."

I think this proved that as their own little team (after the split), they actually function quite well, actually. Nick just smiles at her and off they go to figure it out. Another nice, subtle team moment.

Then basically we just see them figuring out the case, and another fun moment when Nick jumps on the truck to make "Mr. Wiggles", the forensic gel man. jiggle ("Watch him wiggle, see him jiggle...") And then Nick, still the consumate polite southern boy after all these years, thanks Catherine for "getting their backs."

All and all, just a minor B story, but I think that was sort of the point. Even though it doesn't seem like that important a case, they still need to know what happened. These guys always want to figure out the answers, even when they're told they should let it go. I guess that's what makes them such good CSI's- dogged determination.

I loved the bit where they give Greg the look of doom and tell him Grissom's looking for him. It was so like the older brothers trying to psyche out the younger brother, and very cute. And it was awesome how happy they all looked when he found out he actually passed. Nick had a big smile on his face and seemed really pleased for him. Which just goes to show, no matter how much they tease each other, they're still like a family when it comes right down to it.

Side notes: Lots of coverall shots for those of you that find that particularly sexy, and for those of you that like the "tongue action", he seems to stick out his tongue A LOT in this episode.

An lastly, I thought it was interesting that the music they played at the end, when everyone's congratulating Greg in Grissom's office, is that same haunting piano music that they used at the end of Grave Danger, when Nick visits Kelly in the prison.

And that's it. Did I miss anything?

It would be nice if we could catch up to the current season sometime soon! :D
Dang, Baba - I dont think you missed anything :lol:

But who knows, my brain is kinda fried right now :p

I do remember this: Nick + aviators = happy allstar :)
^^^ It's funny you should say that because I kept thinking, Nick looks good, but Warrick looks even hotter in his sunglasses." :lol:
Nice summary, Baba! I salute you. :)

An lastly, I thought it was interesting that the music they played at the end, when everyone's congratulating Greg in Grissom's office, is that same haunting piano music that they used at the end of Grave Danger, when Nick visits Kelly in the prison.
:eek: I totally forgot about this. That was so creepy when I re-watched Sherlock a couple months ago and noticed that same piano theme from "Grave Danger" and "Bodies in Motion" when Warrick was talking about how Nick's ordeal affected him. My mouth was literally hanging open. Needless to say, it went completely against the uplifting mood, bleah...
Nice job Baba. I was just thinking about this thread today, but was too lazy to write anything, and now I don't have to, :p 'cause you said everything I was thinking and more.

I never noticed the piano thing, I'll have to pay more attention the next time I watch this one.

I agree that we need to keep this thread moving along. The poor thing keeps getting neglected. :(
Yeah well... if nobody has anything to add, I'm sure you guys can all come up with a thousand things to say about the next episode: Snakes , I believe? ;)

Just a taste of Nick speaking Spanish for you, to get the old writing juices forming: " Muchacha innocente! Innocente! " Woo, I get a fever just thinking about it... or maybe that's my head cold again! :lol:
I like how we got to see a whole other side to Nick in this episode. "El mato una muchacha innocente! Tiene que pagar! Tiene que pagar!" Nick was all over this case, from beginning to end. He took no prisoners with this case. His scenes with Catherine in the apartment were funny and so were the ones with Vega in that voodoo guy's shop. Just the looks that they shared, priceless.
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