The Locker Room #12 - Real Men Cry

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Can I teach Danny's Ass 101? I mean, as teacher I would have to spend the whoooooooooooooole summer studying the subject in depth to be able to plan my lessons and whatnot, right?
^ Sweet class! :devil: I study the glorious curves of those flawless ass cheeks with great scrutiny everytime they appear on my monitor. Might as well receive credit for it.
wow i havent been here for a while!!!
miss you all!

so im back in nyc visiting my fam for the weekend and my mom is like, you got something from CSI. and she hands me an envelope that says carmine giovinazzo. i open it up and there is the hottest pic and an autograph from carmine!!!! i freaked. did anyone else who did the little black book get one of these? i havent been here for a while so im behind in all news lol

BittenByTheWolfe said:
Can I teach Danny's Ass 101? I mean, as teacher I would have to spend the whoooooooooooooole summer studying the subject in depth to be able to plan my lessons and whatnot, right?

Sure Bitten , you can teach the class. But I have to ask, do we get to take Danny home you know to study. Wanna make sure I pass that test. :D

From what I've heard, everyone who put their address in the LBB got a picture. Also, whoever emailed and asked got one too. I emailed Friday and he told me to send my address and I did. Now I can't wait to get that "package" in the mail.
:lol: ^ yes, I got mine about two weeks ago :lol: It is posted here and in the e-mail Carmine Giovinazzo thread. I am pretty sure that everyone who is in the LBB got one. He is also sending them out to everyone who e-mails him their mailing address, but his site is down until July 15th, so no e-mails! I pretty much freaked out when I checked the mail and saw his name on the return address! :D
^^I got lucky that I caught him Friday before the site went down. I emailed asking about getting a picture and less than an hour later he emailed back to send address quick because site was going down. I immediately emailed my address. I was on could nine just from getting an email asking for my address. I don't know what'll happen when I see his address in my mailbox. I know I'll be very, very happy. I feel like a kid at Christmas.
1CSIMfan said:
Now I can't wait to get that "package" in the mail.

:lol: if only... imagine that! a HUGE box being delivered and you open it to find...CARMINE! too bad i wouldnt get to have fun :( ...the shock would kill me! :lol:
^^I know one thing, if that happened I definately wouldn't be returning to sender. :p

Of course he'd probably escape because the shock would kill me too. :)
:lol: I know if Carmine showed up in my mail, I would die from shock. Only because when I got my autographed picture in the mail I nearly passed out I was so excited! (I was shaking from seeing his name on the return address, that is how excited I was) Having the real thing delivered to my door would kill me for sure. :p

Although, if he does end up being delivered to me, I wouldn't return him, that's for sure! :D He's the gift that keeps on giving... :devil:
He's the gift that keeps on giving...
hehe....Carmine..the gift that keeps on true. :devil:

ThumpyG I know how you feel. Just knowing that Carmine is sending me an autographed pic almost made me pass out. I can't wait to see his name on an envelope in MY mailbox. I can't wait. :D
1CSIMfan , if I were you I would be so giddy with anticipation waiting for the mail that I wouldn't be able to function! At least when I got my autopgraph in the mail, it was a surprise so I wasn't waiting for it or anything.
^^Oh believe me I am. I've been on a Carmine high since Friday. Actually just getting a reply from him asking for my address almost made me hyperventilate. :eek:

I don't know which would be better. Knowing it's coming and going crazy waiting for it or it just popping up in my mailbox. What the heck, both are mindblowing. :D

I'm just glad that I didn't keep putting off (since I didn't get in the LBB) asking for it since his site is now down. Guess I just squeaked in at the last minute.

ETA: I was at work when I checked my email (well, and when I sent it) and one of my co-workers couldn't believe I was just gonna give him my home address. :eek: I'm like "It's Carmine Giovinazzo!! I'll give him directions to my house if he wants them." :D
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