The Locker Room #12 - Real Men Cry

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Thanks afrikana :D.

Ya see, I like when Danny & Flack act dirty towards myself or themselves. However, I don't know if I can handle two men who are covered in dirt & reak of a NY sewer. No thanks...
i see your point... might i suggest a nice long bath with your favourite men for your birthday? ;) i mean, you can get clean and dirty at the same time! :D
jorja_fan86 said:
I'll place my order as well. When I'm there the boys won't need a loofah or bar of soap 'cause I'll do a good job at cleaning 'em up :devil:.

I said I'd wash them real good...I never said I'd need a washcloth and soap. ;) Be like a cat and lick 'em clean. *did I say that out loud?* :devil:

Thanks 1CSIMfan :).

afrikana, my bath is very small but then again, we'd have to sqish together to all fit in. I like the way you think :devil:.
jorja_fan86 said:
^ I have a question for you. Will you be filming it or will you be in the centre of the action?

In the center of it! :lol: There is no damn way that those two men will be naked in a shower, together , and I am not in the center of it! :lol: So who is going to be filming?
^^ I couldn't do it. I'd probably get insanley jealous & demand that I get some action too or I'd probably zoom in on certain areas too much such as the ass or certain other parts of the male anatomy.
1CSIMfan said:
^^ I was kinda hoping Thumpy would share them. :D

ETA: She'd need to take a break sooner or later.

:lol: Of course I would share the men with you all! ;) and 1CSIMfan is right, I will need to take a break once in a while, I don't want to get all pruny in the shower. and yes, jorja I fully expect a perverted comment from the word 'pruny' from you ;)
Yeah Thumpy better share or else. Didn't they teach you that in class :lol:.

I find I learn the best things when I'm not at college, such as the shape of Danny's ass :devil:.
^ you don't need college to study certain parts of the male anatomy! Danny's ass should be a subject in college. I would never miss that class. and hands on too! :devil:
Me too! That's probably the only class were I could get a straight A. Hell, I'd be so good I could identify Danny's left cheek with my eye closed and I'll be like, "Professor, I didn't get a firm enough grip. Can I try again?" :devil:.
^Damn right! The final in that class would be glorious! :devil: Damn, we need to get on that ;) and offer the Danny's ass class.
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