The Locker Room #12 - Real Men Cry

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hey Top, i'm having the same prob. it tells me there's a next page and when i get there it's empty... :confused:

i don't mind any of his glasses...actually, i'm a bit partial to the black framed ones :D
^ same problems here with the pages acting weird.

I love the glasses, but would prefer them off, as I would like to stare into his deep blue eyes while I am undressing him :devil:
i don't mind any of his glasses...actually, i'm a bit partial to the black framed ones

I love all of his glasses too, but I like the silver frames a little better.

I'm having the same trouble too with the last page being empty.
I'm amazed at how you all can remember the type of glasses and the kind of frames that Danny has. I just look at them and go, "Damn, those are some nice eyes!". I mean, the man could have a paper bag over his head and I'd probably be the last to notice.

... Just kidding :p.
I, too, loved the black frames. Too bad we only saw those once.

I don't know where else to put this, or if I'm entering last week's news by now, but CSI:NY S2 comes out on DVD on October 3rd! :D
Excellent! I wonder what kind of extras it will have. Carmine should so do commentary on "Trapped" (you know it would be a bitchfest--it was so hot, no one else was around, etc. :lol: ) and Carmine and Gary should totally do one with Anthony for RSRD.
I think actor commentary would be amazing! I'm going to be pissed if there's no commentary at all on either one of them though. We got pretty lucky with the first season extras so hopefully, these ones will be just as good or maybe even better!
I'm totally laughing at the thought of what a bitchfest commentary on Trapped would be. :lol:

I think there should be an entire DVD of Carmine commentary on Danny, but that's just me. :D
:lol: Like everyone else, I am still waiting for that 90 minute episode of Danny in the shower. Perhaps a commentary for season two......? No pressure, just lots of hinting..... :D
Ya know what would make for a great DVD extra? A long commentary with Eddie and Carmine bantering with each other.

Especially for Necrophilia Americana. I would love to hear what the two guys have to say about ... the HANDWAVES.

:lol: :devil:
^Oooh, Oooh, yes! And you know, if that commentary suddenly got very...quiet, save for the sound of clothing being torn off, I would so not complain! :lol: :devil: ;)

I would love a Carmine and Eddie commentary though. I think they're good buddies IRL, like Danny and Flack.
Top41 said:
^Oooh, Oooh, yes! And you know, if that commentary suddenly got very...quiet, save for the sound of clothing being torn off, I would so not complain! :lol: :devil: ;)

Not to mention the ... exciting visual feast we'd be gifted with. And since it's on DVD, why, we can replay it as oooofteeeeen as we like. :lol: :devil:
Oh, if only they'd do video commentaries. That would be so hot...I mean enlightening...oh hell, no I don't. I mean HOT! :devil: ;)
^ you've got my vote too! eddie/carmine commentary would be TOO hot. and as kimmy said...since it's on dvd we can play it as much as we want! :D :devil:
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