The Locker Room #12 - Real Men Cry

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lookaboomerang said:
I was so happy to see Danny have an actual emotional reaction. He was so fueled by Aiden, that he actually carried it out into his case too, not only with the guy on the street, but the girl from the hospital. I'd been wondering where Danny had been hiding lately .

Me too! :)
lookaboomerang now that sounds like the real Danny, emotionally charged and passionate. He's such a joy to watch when he's like that. When he loses it, I totally lose it too :p
He was right on last night. Amazing emotional, passionate Danny that we all love. He kinda gets me all riled up when he starts losing his cool. He's soooooo dreamy when his cheese begins to slide off his cracker. *sigh*
i'm from Singapore Denise,Celefinwe...
i wouldn't say that Young Blood that was altogether that impressive...the whole seasom so far has been rather bland...
Like the two of u,i too prefer Danny in season 1 as well...he had more spark to him...
as to him being lukewarm in this season,i'd concur as well...
Nice to see, we're from all over the world.

Comte I totally agree with you!

Lookaboomerang Men can't wait for that epi, good old passionate Danny again! :devil:
I agree with you, comte. So far, I'm not impressed with what I've seen. But then again, the first season only started getting thoroughly watchable after Tanglewood so maybe we need to wait until the fanfare of Lindsay and Hawkes going out the field die down a bit before it gets better. After all, we still have Bad Beat, Trapped, Run Silent Run Deep and Heroes to look forward to. Did I miss any good 'ol Danny moments epi, lookaboomerang? :p
Hm. There were cute little things in a bunch of the episodes, but I think you pretty much nailed it with Bad Beat, Trapped, RSRD and Heroes. I can't wait for our overseas friends to see Trapped. :lol: Best episode ever. OH. And Fair Game too. :lol: "Tastes like chicken, right?" "No, not really."
Fair Game. Right - check!

"Tastes like chicken, right?" "No, not really."

:lol: That's funny. I bet it was my favourite two men who said it, am I right? Snip and Snark. What a pair. :D I am really, really looking forward to Trapped. I still regret that he didn't decide to take a shower while he was in there ;) :devil:, but you can't win 'em all :D
Sorry Celefinwe, but Hawkes was the one who asked about the taste (Danny was still chewing it at the time. :p)
Oh, that's right, it was the chef who asked if it tasted like chicken--heh, Hawkes was just looking mortified. :p My mistake. ;)
Yeah, it's still funny--besides, I could totally hear Flack saying it if he'd been there (and making the appropriate funny face to go along with it ;)).

Who else was feeling Danny's outfit in "Heroes?" The jacket fit nice, the jeans fit nice, and that shirt had little buttons on the top (Fay wants to undo the buttons :devil:) You know, every time I see a shirt like that, I think of those old-fashioned long underwear that go from neck to ankle and have the little button flap on the butt. :lol: *imagines Danny showing up to work in one of those* Heh, I'd want to undo those buttons too. :devil:
I know what you mean, Faylinn. When I heard the quote, I immediately assumed it was Flack and Danny. It sounds exactly like the kind of thing they would say.

Oooh. I wanna see caps of Heroes. Does anybody have it yet?
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