The Locker Room #12 - Real Men Cry

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In the preview we get a little hint of some S1 Danny but I hope it's more than that one scene.

I really, really hope there's some following up on that scene. I've only read the transcript (damn comp!) and I really want him to kick some butt. As I've said, it's no good keeping your emotions all bottled up. *sigh* If only the writers thought the same way...
One good thing that the writers have done, to a certain extent and something that I read in a magazine in regards to Melina and the aftermath of her attack is the fact that she will have repercussions from this that will affect her long term. I am glad for that, just in the fact that when something of this nature happens, it can have a devistating affect on someone, and the writers are not completely ignoring it.

Now on to our Danny. In Carmine's interview with Talk CSI, he did mention something to the effect of Danny maturing, to make detective status. I loosely see the writers attempting to start to do this in All Access. Now, I would hope that the writers are cognizant (my new word for the week) of the fact that with Danny they have created a gold mine with his character from season one. To completely take that away from the viewers, who have come to love this character, with all of the emotions and craziness that he is, would be detrimental not only to the show, but to the character that Carmine has developed so beautifully.

So who's excited for tonights episode? :D
*raises hand* I am! I'm kinda sad that next week is the season finale :(. Anyway, judging from the previews tonight it looks like Danny is getting emotional. I'm glad to see the return of angsty Danny 'cause I really missed him. If they throw in a shower scene then we really got a show :devil:.
jorja_fan86 said:
If they throw in a shower scene then we really got a show :devil:.

Word! :D

I miss angsty, spontaneous, season one Danny. Hopefully we'll get some action tonight and next week :)
Wow, after reading the final sentence my mind went straight to the gutter in like, 5 seconds. My favourite Danny is the one from One The Job. But hey, I like tank top Danny too :devil:.
:lol: A shower scene would be nice, but after waiting this long for one, I am not hopeful :rolleyes: *sigh*

I just wish that the writers wouldn't toy with us like this, it is very stressful! :lol:

EDIT: jorja , your mind never left the gutter! As a matter of fact, I think that you are my neighbor in the gutter. ;) Simply because your mind reminds me of my oun sometimes, er, all of the time and I know I reside in the gutter :lol: A clean mind is a boring mind :D
ThumpyG said:
Now on to our Danny. In Carmine's interview with Talk CSI, he did mention something to the effect of Danny maturing, to make detective status. I loosely see the writers attempting to start to do this in All Access. Now, I would hope that the writers are cognizant (my new word for the week) of the fact that with Danny they have created a gold mine with his character from season one. To completely take that away from the viewers, who have come to love this character, with all of the emotions and craziness that he is, would be detrimental not only to the show, but to the character that Carmine has developed so beautifully.

I hope so, too! I was happy with Danny's initial reaction to what happened tonight--he literally had to leave the room. I would have loved to see where he went--I personally think he went off to cry, but I guess it's all supposition.

I really hope we don't see Danny mature too quickly and too completely--part of the reason so many people love this character is because of how complex and, at times, difficult he is. Take away that and you pretty much take away the essence of who Danny is.
^^Exactly! Having a clean mind is boring but the only good thing that I can think about it is that it reduces your time when you go to confession/reconcilation.

I frigging loved Danny tonight. He was so sexy when he nearly lost it at the beginning. I also almost died laughing when he was play fighting with Mac. He was struggling there :lol:. However, my favourite side of him was his sad side after he found out about the loss of Aiden. I think it's time to take advantage of him again and it'll be easier considering he had a beer :devil:.
Heroes sounds like a real winner. Too bad it'll be ages before we get to see it in Asia. We're only up to Dancing with the Fishes. They're not showing Manhattan Manhunt so it'll be Bad Beat this week.

Danny being spontaneous and emotional is the Danny we've all come to know and love. So far, I've only seen glimpses of his former self. But then again, there's been a lot of inconsistency in the writing this season. Now that the second season has come to a close, we can only hope that TPTB take note and come up with something better in the next season and not do a complete 180 with the show :rolleyes:
Top41 said:

I really hope we don't see Danny mature too quickly and too completely--part of the reason so many people love this character is because of how complex and, at times, difficult he is. Take away that and you pretty much take away the essence of who Danny is.

Even tho i've yet to see Heroes,i agree with u Top41...
Danny's essence is his complexity...
u take that away and all u've got is a bland Danny...
Who wants to see bland Danny?Certainly not me!!
And i'm pretty sure neither would any of u guys as well!!

And Celefinwe,im in the same situation as u are in...Just watched Young Blood yesterday and next week's is Bad Beat...If only Miami would begin!!
Where are you from, comte? I missed Young Blood yesterday, had to work late :( What do you think of the second season so far? I can't say that I'm very impressed with it. Like in Corporate Warriors, too many inconssitency. I'm not going to bother mentioning it because it's all been said before. But so far, apart from the "call him sir" quip from Danny, he seems to have lost his spark. I'm really looking forward to the episodes where we get to see the real Danny Messer, and he is certainly not bland.
Where are you guys from? Here we get tonight's episode Trapped. I have to say, like Danny more in the first season so far, but maybe thats because i like him better with Aiden, don't like what the writers do with him and Lindsey, just no combination...
I'm from Malaysia. What about you, Denise? Yeah, I prefer Danny in the first season too. He and Aiden have a lot of chemistry together, something he and Lindsay lack. I like where they were headed with his character in On the Job too. Compared to that, what I've seen so far makes him seem nothing more than lukewarm. It'll get better, I think, from what I've heard, but I'm gonna withold judgement until then.
I was so happy to see Danny have an actual emotional reaction. He was so fueled by Aiden, that he actually carried it out into his case too, not only with the guy on the street, but the girl from the hospital. I'd been wondering where Danny had been hiding lately.
I'm form the Netherlands, so we are a little further here than in Malaysia.. Liked him too in On the Job, Tanglewood too and i saw Run Silent Run Deep, that one was good too. But the rest is indeed lukewarm. I like the combination Danny/Hawks, but he lost some of the rebel thing, that's just too bad :rolleyes:
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