The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

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"And I'll have you both know that I'll be trippin' tonight. It's Saturday night, and every Saturday night I take acid. And when I dose, I like my music to be really loud." :lol: That part is almost better than the song.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
And how 'bout a little later in the flick, "I don't need to dose when I'm getting laid."
Baby, call me and you'll never need to dose again. :lol: :lol:
You know, lookaboomerang, I was searching for a clip of the song earlier, and I came across something that named his singing/writing credits, and I almost died. I've never seen that part of the movie, but I can imagine that I'd pee myself watching it. Why wasn't that on the Billboard Charts?!

I've just decided that I have to see this damn movie! *hunts at the video store*
Off-topic here but I was watching Entertainment Tonight a few hours ago and they were giving out little black books to all the celebrities they were interviewing at the SAG awards. The books were blank but still..I think they stole Mrs.G's idea :lol:
You know, it's fine when the writers come here to read what's best on the show and what's not, but if others come here to steal ideas and sell them as their originals is just sad! :lol: I'm SO kidding! :p
I've never seen that part of the movie, but I can imagine that I'd pee myself watching it.
Actually, I collapsed into a fit of hysterical laughter, finished, rewound it and started it all over again. :lol: I had the movie for just a few days and when it was time to send it back, I could recite that whole scene and song, word for word. I can only remember the trippin' on Saturday night part now.
There's one with him playing a character named Gundy in "Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss (1998)" and appearantly he's done it in the movie "No Way Home (1996)" aswell playing a guy named Frankie.
Just saw the butt clip on his website! Disturbingly enough he's very much like my ex in that! But my ex wasn't quite so hot!
Is it time that we had a new Locker Room thread?

Not until this hits 1000.

Do we have a new name though? I thought someone came up with one.

I think it's hilarious he wrote those song lyrics himself. :lol: Creative, versatile men are so sexy.
I have to see that movie--the storyline itself doesn't really sound like my kind of thing, but I have to get it just to hear Gundy's song! :lol: I love the fact that, on his website, the clip that they have from that movie is the butt clip! They could have put the song on there, but no, apparently we have to see his arse. ;) :lol:

We do need to start coming up with a name for LR#11--we're only about 40 posts off. Any ideas?
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