The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

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Well, now, I don't know if he really does have a crush on him, but it seems like it sometimes. :lol:

The subway does move at a pretty good clip but now that I kinda think about it, it can stop fairly quickly. Not quick enough to see a body and stop it within the few seconds it takes to see something and stop to avoid hitting it, though. And I think that unless he was riding in the very first car, there would have been no way to see what was ahead.
I had a craneotomy...skull surgery which left me some pretty large scars across the back of my head, but Carmine doesn't need to know that...O h wait I guess he knowsa now just doesn't need to be e-mailed to him.

Oh and Carmine needs to do a CTV add! But Dream and I will get on him about that.
Well, I don't think that Zuiker actually has a crush on him, I was just playing along. ;) The evidence is there, though, if you're looking for it...hmmm... :p
Plants, showrunners and women around the world love this guy! I think his head just swelled a little more.

Zuiker does write great episodes--his are some of the best of NY's run. There's not a dud in the list.

The mancrush cracks me up! :lol:
Have I missed something? What is this about a potted plant? :confused: I can't say that I blame him/her/it for being unable to resist his ass. ;)

I think his head just swelled a little more.

OMG, Top! I just had the most "hillarious" image pop into my head, so I decided to illustrate it so that you could see:


Why Carmine, what a BIG head you have!

:lol: Fay you're killing me! I'm scared of what else you'd inflate if you could. He looks like car bobble head! Oh hey can you sell me one?
Damn a Danny bobble head would be the best seller. Every LR groupie and beyond would have one on their desk on the mantle. Everything would have to be identical and I mean everything heh.
I don't know--bobbleheads creep me out a little bit...*shudder* But a Carmine bobblehead might be worth the terror...hmm... ;)

Now, now, LiquidCrystal, there's no need to make this into something dirty! And that means you too, jorja fan86 :devil: I'm just kidding--if they had a, uh, realistic bobblehead (although the head itself really couldn't be realistic, of course), I'd probably buy a whole case of them. Isn't there a feng shui principle about having a bobblehead depicting a sexy man in the love area of each room of your house? The one in the bathroom shouldn't directly face the shower or toilet, and the one in the bedroom should never be turned toward the bed, because even a Carmine bobblehead is creepy as s**t if it's staring at you when you're trying to sleep or take a pee. :lol: (I'm just kidding of course--feng shui is very interesting, and I'm not trying to disrespect the concept or anybody who follows the rules of feng shui :D )

Anywho, back to the bobbleheads, I thought I'd create a few more images to tickle your fancy (or cause you horrible nightmares, whichever ;)):

Warning: The following pictures are bad quality and might make the fait-of-heart pee all over themselves. Proceed with extreme caution.

Carmine Bobblehead #1: The Cute Bobble

Carmine Bobblehead #2: The Scruffy Bobble

Carmine Bobblehead #3: The Bobble with THE HAT

Carmine Bobblehead #4 (Limited Edition): The Bobble with THE HAT and the turtleneck-of-doom!

...So anyway, I'll be accepting orders until the end of the month. :p

I think his head just swelled a little more.

OMG, Top! I just had the most "hillarious" image pop into my head, so I decided to illustrate it so that you could see:


Why Carmine, what a BIG head you have!


ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I love it! I want one for my dashboard. This one is my favorite I think--I love the hands on the hips with the big, gyrating head. :lol: :D
That picture is...disturbing. Funny, yes, but incredibly creepy. I mean, his head is already kinda too big for his neck, there's no need to exacerbate it. :lol:
OK rather spooky bobbleheads, they scare me.
Danny my troops keep scaring me with pictures of you with a big head :(
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