The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

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Damn, I thought my sweetheartness will work on you to change the avvie... I must have lost my touch! :lol:

:lol: I don't mind reading these dialogues! ;)
It sounds like a tough mission but I am willing to sacrifice myself to the cause and join General Loafie's LRG army!
Talking of back injuries, he wouldn't necessarily need surgery, I fractured one of the vertebrae in my back 4/5 years ago and it's still not right. I just had to lie in bed for weeks while the bone healed.
He herniated his disk...considering that it prolly involves removal of any swollen mass, I'd think he had an operation...AND considering it ended his baseball career....pretty serious. Oh someone just e-mail and ask the guy!
Welcome to the army Private tinybadger.

Maybe it was only a small scar and some scars can disappear after a while depending on how bad they are so maybe he had one and it's disappeared. That must be it. yeah?
Oh Ok I'll e-mail the guy and ask him if he has any scars he's willing to let us know about. Does that sound good to you.
Loafie, thank-you! That sounds very "doable". Oh my demanding scar fetish! Here's a thought tell him that one of the LR girls (yeah me) got a nice one on her right leg while tripping along a trail near Alaska. Maybe then he'll be more willing to share!

Good thing I don't have one for birthmarks...
Will do if anyone would like to share any scar information to be put in the e-mail PM me and I'll add it to the e-mail.
I'll let the troops know when the missions arise.
I can't say that last word it makes me giggle. hahaha.

Poor Fred :devil:

Edit: I'm going to bed now because i have school tomorrow. Night everyone. Ciao bellas.
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