The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

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I have that page from the magazine on my wall! It makes me happy :) hehe!

Honestly though, Carmine deserves to be Sexiest man alive, because HE IS! Matthew is kinda gross, he doesn't wear deodorant! EEW!
Okay, I would haeve to say, On the Job, because we get to see all these emotions and great acting from Carmine. And Summer in the City....becasue he looked HOT HOTTTTT in that blue shirt, and nice tan. :D
You know, I bet you'll be able to milk the bug thing, MrsG--the actors will probably want to comfort you and make sure that you're okay (maybe not, but let's think positively ;)) sure to look a little queasy when Carmine walks know, say something like, "I've always wanted to see what CSI is really like, but I'm not a great actress, so all I can do is eat bugs *dewey eyes* you know if they have bottles of water around here somewhere? *dewey blink*" And Carmine proceeds to usher you to a comfortable chair and give you some water while patting your hair--okay, the hair bit is a little lame, but you never know how a guy will react to a girl with bugs in her teeth. :p
Faylinn - I like were you went with that ... I'm guessing the bugs between the teeth might be a deal breaker though. :lol: How 'bout chokes on bugs, feigns loss of consciousness and prays he'd be so kind as to attempt CPR? :lol: :lol:
Will you take a camera with you? Or did they tell you nothing like that is allowed? Do they know even, that you're a big fan of the show?
No, they didn't tell me not to bring a camera. But I don't intend to simply for the reason that if I do get to meet Carmine, I don't want to impose on him in anyway, even if only to say, "Smile for the camera, gorgeous. I want a little something I can post on the internet and then keep under my pillow at night." :lol: Tempting, but I probably won't go the fangirl route. As for them knowing I'm a fan of the show, I did gush a little bit to the wardrobe girl only because she was so friendly and chatty, but I didn't elaborate as to my fondness for any particular member of the cast.
all I want to know is what his personality is like. Do give feed back! We already know he's cute and hot, but is he charming?
Girls, I will soak up every ounce of info I can without coming off as a complete whackjob and happily come running back to share. I wanna know this too, particularly when the cameras stop rolling. I'd laugh my ass off if he turned out to be some kind of on-set diva.
Be sure you let us know which one you are when the episode airs.
I will. I may even be so bold as to post a pic so you'll know which one is me. After I've done the shoot and can tell you more about what color dress I'm wearing, what I'm doing (puking up bugs ... duh!), I'll let you know.
hey you get to be decked out! Sweet deal.
Yeah, so if I do get to meet the man who fuels my fantasies, I'll be decked out in a prom dress and likely more wearing more make-up than a hooker. Real sweet. :lol: :lol:

Trapped. He stripped down to the tank top. What more do I have to say? [Not to mention he was sweating and frustrated...]
Agreed. I think that pretty much says it all.
I will. I may even be so bold as to post a pic so you'll know which one is me. After I've done the shoot and can tell you more about what color dress I'm wearing, what I'm doing (puking up bugs ... duh!), I'll let you know.

You probably won't be allowed to talk about the episode and/or won't be told much, just enough for you to know what to do, while they are shooting. But of course you can give us a heads up on when it'll air and after that we'll be able to talk it through. Can't wait. :)

I only asked about the camera, cuz I was wondering if you'd take behind-the-scenes pictures. That doesn't mean you have to take pictures of the cast, but the set, how it looks like from an actor's angle.
Oh yes, pics of Carmine. Think ya can sneak a peak into his...yea know...:devil:

And I be enternally greatful if you got a pic of Carmines back side!!
That really cool bout that blurb thing, it pays to live near LA, here i am stuck in rainy cold uk.:(
Congrats MrsGiovinazzo!! Man, that's really awesome news. If I had the chance to be on the set of NY I couldn't sleep at all.

I didn't know that there was an audition. But it wouldn't matter cause I couldn't attend it as I'm here in Europe. So I know how you feel, brummie.
But to know that there is one of us LR groupies out there at the set from NY is just awesome :lol:. I'm so looking forward to the insider news from MrsG ;)
My favorite Carmine ep. was On the Job and is now Trapped. Just look at my av! :)

Very cool, Mrs. G. I'm sure you'll do great!!
A little late in sending my congratulatory message, but GO YOU, MRS. G!!! That's totally awesome. Bug eating aside, of course. :lol:
ooh thanks everyone!
'on the job' is my next ep to watch! except i dont wanna watch it till after i see 'blood, sweat and tears' which i dont have, but i have a feeling that isnt too crucial to what happened to danny in tanglewood anyway? right?

do they ever bring up what happened?
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