The Last Film You Saw? Thread 2.

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allmaple said:
ok i get it, i thought you meant the video game part of it was true :lol: i thought it might be one of those 'based on true events' things like silence of the lambs or texas chainsaw massacre, where nothing in the movie actually happened in real life :lol:

Texas Chainsaw Massacre (or just Leatherface) was actually based on a serial killer named Ed Gein.

Police investigating the disappearance of a store clerk, Bernice Worden, in Plainfield on November 16, 1957, suspected Gein to be involved. Upon entering a shed on his property, they made their first horrific discovery of the night: Worden's corpse. She had been decapitated, and was hanging upside down by the ankles and had been split open down the torso like a deer. The mutilations had been performed post-mortem; she had been shot at close-range with a .22-caliber rifle.

Searching the house, authorities found:

severed heads acting as bedposts in the bedroom;
skin used to make lampshades and upholster chair seats;
skulls made into soup bowls;
a human heart (it is disputed where the heart was found; the deputies' reports all claim that the heart was in a saucepan on the stove, with some crime scene photographers claiming it was in a paper bag);
a face mask made out of real facial skin found in a paper bag;
a necklace of human lips;
a waistcoat, called a "mammary vest", made up of body parts stitched together;
other items fashioned from the parts of human bodies, Above all, Gein's most infamous creation was an entire wardrobe fabricated of human skin consisting of leggings, a gutted torso and an array of tanned, dead-skin masks that looked leathery and almost mummified.

I've even read that he dug his mom up out of her grave so that he could have dinner with her, they used that in Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

He was also the inspiration for movies such as Psycho, Deranged, House of 1000 Corpses, Maniac, American Psycho, and See No Evil. He was also the basis of Buffalo Bill for the movie Silence of the Lambs, because like the character in the movie, he too had once made a suit completly made out of human skin. He also has a movie based on his life titled Ed Gein.

So, Texas Chainsaw Massacre isn't entirely 'based' on true events, but they were 'inspired' by what this sick freak did. It's scary knowing that there could still be some people like this out in the world :eek:.
i know, i have the dvd and watched the feature about ed gein ;) and silence of the lambs is also 'based' on ed gein. i think he only killed one person, and dug up graves to do things to the bodies *shudders* they should have to put in the commercial 'this movies is loosely based on actually events' :lol:

well, after being foiled for a second night in a row to rent little miss sunshine my family and i just watched pirates 2. johnny is a genius and the third one isnt coming out fast enough!!
I watched Battle Royale last night with my sister and we both thought it was hilarious and are still laughing about it even now especially the ending. One of the best laughs i've had in a long time. :lol:
The last film I saw was The Moonlight Mile. It was a bit weird and I'm not sure if I liked it that much but Jake Gyllenhaal was fantastic in it. He definitely made the film for me.
Last movie I saw: Robin Hood. With Kevin Costner. I so love that movie.

Later I saw Gremlins. Gizmo is so cute! :D
The last film I saw was The Breakfast Club. This is one of the best films I've seen in a long time, absolutely fantastic, loved every minute of it. All the characters were great, but I really loved Bender, he was my favourite! :lol:

The day after I ordered the DVD! :eek:
Just watched The Lords of Dogtown and it was pretty interesting, if a litle depressing by times. And man, Heath Ledger is so versatile. I don't always like his movies(A Knight's Tale, for example... meh. :lol: ), but I can't deny he's usually doing a phenomenal job. :)

The movie really took you back to the 1970's American experience though; the filming was really well done. And I was surprised to see NY's Don Flack with a small role. :)
Last night I watched Enduring Love & wow, I gotta say it's a pretty f*cked up film. I originally wanted to watch it 'cause of Daniel Craig & he was spectacular. There's was this one scene where the zoomed up on his butt when he was wearing this pair of jeans. Very nice :devil:. Seriously though it slightly reminded me of Fatal Attraction in a way, but not as creepy. The stalker in the film scared the crap outta me :eek:. The actor who played him did a very good job. I guess outta 5 stars, I'd give it 4.
I saw Four new films this week:
Gridiron Gang: Pretty solid movie, perfect role for The Rock, and being based on a true story helped a lot, kept you involved with the characters. If you liked Remember the Titans you'll like this.

Get Rich or Die Tryin': Another solid movie, Rapper turned actor 50 Cent does a decent job in a story somewhat based on his life. Good gang thriller with some twists.

Out of Time: Denzel Washington does a real good job in this one. Movie is based on a cop trying to solve a murder which all the evidence points to him. If you like CSI, you'll really enjoy this movie. Det. Vartann even makes an appearence. Lots of twists and turns.

16 Blocks: Bruce Willis and Mos Def are really good together. Willis plays a cops trying to protect and transport a witness to his court appearence while other fellow cops are trying to take him down. If you like The Neogatiator, you'll enjoy this one as well.
Crybaby. It reminded me a little of Grease. :lol: I found it quite funny, although I thought it was a little on the silly side. Apparently Iggy Pop was in the film, but I must have missed him. The best part of the film for me was all the singing, Johnny Depp shaking his knee about was very eye pleasing. :lol:
I've just seen Rocky Balboa. I've not seen any of the other films and I only watched this one cos of Milo Vemtimiglia but I have to admit that it was pretty good. I actually really enjoyed it. Can't believe that I'm actually saying that about a Rocky film.
Rocky is a legend I love him, I've seen all of the Rocky films and if it's half as good as 1-4 then I'm sure I'll love it. Cant wait till Friday to go see it!

But watched Cheaper by the Dozen 2 last night even though i've never seen the first, not a good film but i liked Piper Perabo from Coyote Ugly and i think she looks a bit like Amy Jo Johnson who played Kimberly in Power Rangers.
Watched my favorite movie again today, it's called Undertow, and it stars Dermot Mulroney and Josh Lucas (I know what a shocker). It's about a family that consists of two sons and a father, who's lives are turned around when their uncle comes back from prison.

The movie ends when the uncle (Josh Lucas) stabs himself after he thinks he kills his nephew, who turns out to really be his son, it's a lot better than it sounds, trust me. I actually cried when the uncle dies! Am I the only person who cries when your favorite actor plays the bad guy and they have to get killed at the end?
OK, I'm not sure why you didn't put all that in the spoiler because you've pretty much revealed what happens anyway... :confused:
I've edited your post NikkyJamez with the spoiler code. Although you've used the spoiler code for a part of the spoiler, you needed to include the last part of your post in the spoiler code.
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