The Last Film You Saw? Thread 2.

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Please can you add more content to your posts, What did you enjoy about the movie ect, rather than posts similar to this:

omg i saw Batman and it totally rocks!
I watched Superman Returns this evening.

It was very good in terms of special effects, but the acting was just okay for me. Towards the end it got a little melodramatic, and I did feel as if it was a bit too long, but there were some funny moments which saved the movie. Brandon Routh was alright as Superman, a bit stiff sometimes but maybe he meant to be like that. Overall it was a pretty good summer movie. :)
Watched "Duma" with my cousins. I know this film didn't get very much publicity but it certainly should have. The movie is gripping through the entire length of it and I don't think, no matter your age, that you could look away.
It really is a beautifully told coming of age story about a boy and his pet cheetah - along with the boy's struggle to move on. After watching it, I found out that the actor that plays the boy Xan (Alexander Michaeletos) had his debut in the film. His performance is so stunning it's hard to believe.
Well I rented "Eight Below" for tonight so hopefully it will be good. So far most of the movies I have rented have been disapointing.
csikicksurass said:
i watched haniblector (i cant spell worth shit :lol:)
it was so good and creepy

csi_fanatic87 said:
The Hills Have Eyes. Gruesome and Disturbing

Please can I refer you to my earlier post?

Tinkerbell said:
Please can you add more content to your posts, What did you enjoy about the movie ect, rather than posts similar to this:

omg i saw Batman and it totally rocks!
Again please add more content to your posts or myself or Cat will lock the thread and that will ruin it for everyone.
I saw Click and Nacho Libre in the last week. Click was cool, I almost cried towards the end (too much popcorn). I don't want to give anything away, though. Nacho Libre was funny-dumb like Napoleon Dynamite. You can definitely see similarities b/t the two movies b/c they're by the same writer/director or something. Good for a boring summer day.
Big Daddy

Ah, I love this movie. Especially because that kid is so cute to me. And him hitting Rob Schneider on the head with a book makes me laugh so hard. Oh and Jon. <3 Jon.
Watched In Good Company on HBO. Dennis Quaid does a good job as an ad exec that gets demoted for a much younger boss.
After being demoted he finds out his wife is pregnant and his boss falls for his oldest daughter.

I liked the movie overall, the uneasy friendship that develops between Quaid and his younger boss, but the ending fell flat and it took away a bit of the quality.
I saw Click that was really good. Pretty funny too!

And I also watched Failure to Luanch. I LOVE that movie. But then again, I love any chick flick I can watch.
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