The "I Need Fanfic Help" Thread

I am not a New Yorker.... but I did grow up in New Jersey so I might be able to help you a little bit. I don't remember per-say if you can see it from Newark... it's been so long since I was in Newark during the day and when I'm there at night I always want to just get out of there and on to home.

But... I know that you can see the skyline from Hackensac New Jersey.

PM me with any specific questions... or AIM IM... chanslover1 It might be easier for me to help you if we were chatting.
Hi there thanks for the reply. I have re installed AIM (had to uninstall after pc problems.) and the user name is MacTaylorsGirl I would really be gratefull for any help you could offer.
Soo... I have an odd request.

Uhhmm. I'm looking for someone who won't mind like, chatting on AIM with me while I work on my new chapters. Someone who I can bounce ideas off of and stuff. For like, plot ideas and to read different passages to help with wording and stuff.

Sorta like a friendly conversation, but where I can send things like:
"There would be no moving on and no going forward unless someone agreed to help and deep down she knew that it had to be the man in front of her. It had to be Gilbert Grissom, veritable forensic genius, and his team of savant investigative playthings."

to for basic feedback and stuff. I dunno... I am craving someone to just, bounce ideas off of.

IM me if you're interested.

Guys, I need help. Guess I came to the right thread then :lol:

In a fic I'm writing, I need someone to speak Russian. When I translate, I get Russian characters that I'm sure wont come up when I post. So, what do I do? Anyone?

Jodie xx
Well, you can give it to me and I can translate the Cyrillic into English for you :)

But if you want the actual Cyrillic characters to show, I'm not sure how that'll work.

I want it to be in Russian, but not Russian characters, if that makes any sense. That way, it'll still be Russian (I think) but will be postable.

Gosh, this is hard. I can speak Spanish, German and bit of French, but NO, Russian is what she wants... sigh...

Thanks SpeedsDaughter, let me know if you can still assist. hehe. :p
That's what I meant. It'll still be Russian, just in the English alphabet. :)

See, I can speak English & French, but I couldn't speak Russian to save my life. I CAN, however, translate the Russian alphabet into the English one. So I'd get the English version, translate it into Russian, then convert the alphabets.

Sounds complex, but I know what you mean and I can help :p
I'm doing this one project with a very complex family tree for a ficitonal family that I started developing a few years ago. I'm making the attempt at writing a novel based on a particular character... well there is a series planned from various branches and stuff of the family tree.

Anyway... in interest of organization I've finally decided that I have to break down and make biographies and a family tree. Anyway I was wondering if anyone was interested in tackling this with me.

I need a little help finishing up the family tree, it's done for the most part... but there still are some things I kinda feel obligated to do. Then I'm going to need help writing biographies and stuff. I'd give a lot of creative license providing a few past events and stuff that are key to the actual stories.

So if anyone is interested in participating in this sort of project, I'd love the help. I'd really prefer that maybe 2 people help out... that way we can all just get down to business and make things happen.

It's basically a lot of work for me to do myself... and I can get it done, but assistance would be great.

I'm sure I could make it worth your while... somehow.

Anway... I know it's an odd request, but I'd love to have the project near finishing by the end of the year. It'll take me months to do it by myself.

Thank you!
I've never written fanfiction before this week, and the fan fiction I've read has really been limited to one or two specific non CSI shows until very recently. So, the fics I've read before haven't been on except maybe once or twice when somoene has specifically linked directly to a story.

I would like to be able to upload there so I can link for the Fan Fiction Critique Group, but I have a bunch of questions about related things. I looked at the forums and there seem to be ones dedicated to specific fan fiction categories (specific books, tv shows, etc...) and then a plethora of fan created forums to discuss all sorts of things. I couldn't find one that was just for general help.

If this isn't the right place to ask, either, can someone please point me to somewhere that is appropriate and I can delete the question here.

My questions are:

1) How do you go about rating your story? Is it better to err on the side of caution? The one fanfic that I have written and posted here yesterday, I have a feeling should have been K but I thought it best to err on the side of K+ since I briefly an actual TV show plot that certainly would have been K+ though I didn't go into detail about it in my story.

2) I know you can search on stories containing one or two characters. When do you choose to list the characters and when do you leave that out? Do you list two characters only if it is a relationship between the two characters? For example, if you wrote a story that had two characters working a crime scene as the primary characters but absolutely no relationship type content, wouldn't it tend to make potential readers think it was a "shipper" story of some sort. I would think that in particular if you have readers who don't like to read slash they might skip a story that had two of the same gender person listed.

3) Since I signed up for yesterday, I can't upload anything until mid-day Tuesday. So, I can't see the upload document section yet. Is it self-explanatory as to how their "documents" work vs. doing what you need to do to make it a posted story? Is there anything special I need to know about how to do mark-up so that things like italics and bold show up in my story?

4) Last, I also suspect I'm going to look at the list of Genre categories and be wishy washy as to which category my story fits in. Is it appropriate on the stories that I post here to ask in that thread for help categorizing? And will betas help categorize if you have someone beta your story?

Sorry for all the questions!
Hey GreenEyes, ‘tis me :) Let me see if I can help you out.

You don’t really get a general help thread (note to self, check) but I’ll do y best.

1) Rating is done based on the ‘ratings guide’

Fiction Rated: K - intended for general audience 5 years and older. Content should be free of any coarse language, violence, and adult themes.

Fiction Rated: K+ - Suitable for more mature children, 9 years and older, with minor action violence without serious injury. May contain mild coarse language. Should not contain any adult themes.

Fiction Rated: T - Suitable for teens, 13 years and older, with some violence, minor coarse language, and minor suggestive adult themes.

Fiction Rated: M - Not suitable for children or teens below the age of 16 with possible strong but non-explicit adult themes, references to violence, and strong coarse language.

Fiction Rated: MA - content is only suitable for mature adults. May contain explicit language and adult themes.

Yes it is better to rate on the side of caution, you can always go back and edit it later if you feel you need to.

2) You choose to list characters when you click ‘new story’ after uploading a document (it’s pretty self-explanatory after that) and it offers you choices. You pick a character for each box or leave it as ‘any character’ and don’t specify. An example would be in a story about a day at work told by Danny, the character choices would be ‘character 1- Danny and character 2 - any character’. You generally choose the main character or characters. Most people place E/C or D/L or the equivalent in their summaries anyway and the genre can imply romance or friendship.

3) If you use note, open office or something similar then you don’t need to do anything but upload. However, if you do upload and there is a problem with the format for whatever reason, there is an edit screen where you can alter the content and format. offers an open office download on it’s home page (working in cooperation with OpenOffice.Org)

4) When I beta, I usually point people in the right direction genre-wise if they say they are struggling. It is pretty easy to decide when you are posting as you are given two lists to select from (so you can combine genres like angst/romance and hurt/comfort). Alternatively, if you can’t decide, don’t classify it.

Let me know if you have any more questions, and I’ll try to help.

--Jodie xx
LostLadyKnight, you can e-mail me (I can PM you my address, to avoid spambots) and I'll help you out. I have a supernatural family tree I created, involving demons and vampires and other such things, and I'm fairly certain it's a good deal more complicated than the human species could produce.
Crysthala said:
LostLadyKnight, you can e-mail me (I can PM you my address, to avoid spambots) and I'll help you out. I have a supernatural family tree I created, involving demons and vampires and other such things, and I'm fairly certain it's a good deal more complicated than the human species could produce.

Oh that would be AMAZING of you!

Please PM me and I'll tell you about it. Then you can go have a look and we can see what all has to be done. I stopped working about a week ago and haven't picked it back up. But I will, surely. I just needed a break.

Anyway please PM me. I look forward to the help.

Thank you SOOOO much!

lostladyknight said:
Crysthala said:
LostLadyKnight, you can e-mail me (I can PM you my address, to avoid spambots) and I'll help you out. I have a supernatural family tree I created, involving demons and vampires and other such things, and I'm fairly certain it's a good deal more complicated than the human species could produce.

Oh that would be AMAZING of you!

Please PM me and I'll tell you about it. Then you can go have a look and we can see what all has to be done. I stopped working about a week ago and haven't picked it back up. But I will, surely. I just needed a break.

Anyway please PM me. I look forward to the help.

Thank you SOOOO much!


I'd be happy to help with that as well, if you still need the help.

Anyway I was wondering if there was any other info on the characters, I've found a little on Wikipedia but can't find anything more. Would it be ok to make some stuff up.

And If anyone needs help thinking of names for victims/characters and stuff give me a shout, I have a baby name book, but I also have novel writer which produces quite a lot of names, so let me know.